答案 0 :(得分:0)
我的中间有一个坚固的挡块,侧面扇出翅膀。在后面我有轮椅使用者的空间。我不记得曾经看过一个剧院或礼堂,每个楼层都不是这个主题的变体。我也不记得座位编号系统不是< floor>< letter>< number>。我没有处理多个楼层。我希望这与你的礼堂足够接近,让你对自己说:“是的:我可以根据自己的需要调整它。”
如果您当前的列表已合并给定和姓氏,我们将遇到拆分问题,因为我真的相信我们需要将它们分开。 “日”和“部分”对应于工作表“可用”中的列标题。通过组合这些值,系统知道哪个列适合此预订。大多数测试预订都是两个座位,分别是三个,四个四分之一。一次预订是十四个座位,系统将无法处理。根据我的经验,大型团体在相邻行中获得匹配的座位(例如:A3-A9和B3-B9)。您必须手动处理此类请求。
验证工作表“可用”和“已分配”。 Allocate
答案 1 :(得分:0)
有关此代码的说明,请参阅Main answer。
Option Explicit
' Constants make the code more readable and make it easier to rearrange columns
' if necessary since changing the constant changes every use. If you had ever
' examined every 2 in a large block of code and had to decide if it was a reference
' to a particular column in a particular worksheet, you would understand why I use
' constants so heavily.
' Columns within worksheet "New bookings"
Const ColNewBkFirst As Long = 1 ' This and ColNextLast allow columns to be
' rearranged at will.
Const ColNewBkFamily As Long = 1
Const ColNewBkGiven As Long = 2
Const ColNewBkDay As Long = 3
Const ColNewBkPart As Long = 4
Const ColNewBkRequired As Long = 5
Const ColNewBkError As Long = 6
Const ColNewBkLast As Long = 5 ' Do not include error column
' which must be rightmost column
' Offsets within worksheet "Allocated"
Const OffsetAllocFamily As Long = 0 ' \ Offsets on column found
Const OffsetAllocGiven As Long = 1 ' | in header row to have
Const OffsetAllocSeats As Long = 2 ' / required Day name
' First data rows in worksheets
Const RowAllocDataFirst As Long = 3
Const RowAvailDataFirst As Long = 3
Const RowNewBkDataFirst As Long = 2
Const RowProcDataFirst As Long = 2
Const WidthAllocGroup As Long = 3 ' Number of columns for a Day
' in worksheet "Allocated"
Sub Allocate()
' * This macro updates 4 worksheets. Excel does not provide the all
' updates of a block or none functionality of a database so the
' macro performs as many checks as it can to make sure that the
' four updates are all performed.
' * Errors in worksheet "New bookings" will result in an error
' message against the booking which will not have resulted in updates
' to the other worksheets. Correct the error and rerun the macro.
' * Errors in worksheet "Available" are fatal. Any bookings already
' processed should be fine. The booking that caused the error to be
' discovered will not have been processed. Correct the error and
' rerun the macro.
' * Errors in worksheet "Allocated" will be reported as errors against
' the booking. Correct the error and rerun the macro.
' * Processed bookings are moved to worksheet "Processed". If you keep
' an original copy of worksheet "Available" then by replacing the
' updated "Available", copying the rows in "Processed" to
' "New bookings" and clearing "Allocated", you could restart the
' allocation process in the event of a disaster.
' * The four updates for a successfully processed booking are:
' - Booking deleted from "New bookings".
' - A range of available seats in "Available" will have been updated
' or deleted. For example a booking for 2 seats will replace "A3-A13"
' by "A5-A13" or will delete "A12-A13".
' - The customer's name and the seat range will have been added to
' "Allocated".
' - Booking added to "Processed"
' This stops odd seats being left at the end of seat ranges. Given the
' range "A11-A13", a booking for two seats would not be matched aginast it
' because if would leave one seat "A13". I do not think a value other
' than 2 would be sensible but I have not experimented. This rule is
' ignored if no other way of fulfilling a booking is found.
Const MinSeatsInRange As Long = 2
Dim Allocation As String
Dim ColAllocCrnt As Long
Dim ColAvailCrnt As Long
Dim ErrorCrnt As String
Dim FamilyNameCrnt As String
Dim GivenNameCrnt As String
Dim DayCrnt As String
Dim NameAvailCol As String
Dim PartCrnt As String
Dim RequiredCrnt As Long
Dim RowAllocNext As Long
Dim RowAvailCrnt As Long
Dim RowAvailLast As Long
Dim RowAvailPoss As Long
Dim RowNewBkCrnt As Long
Dim RowProcNext As Long
Dim SeatRange As String
Dim SeatRangeRowCode As String
Dim SeatRangeNumberFirst As Long
Dim SeatRangeNumberLast As Long
Dim SeatRangeCount As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Without this the macro will be very slow
' Find next free row in worksheet "Processed"
With Worksheets("Processed")
RowProcNext = .Cells(Rows.Count, ColNewBkFamily).End(xlUp).Row + 1
End With
' I cannot use a For-Loop for worksheet "New bookings" because I
' am deleting rows. The Do loop continues until it find a row
' with a blank family name.
RowNewBkCrnt = RowNewBkDataFirst
Do While True
' Copy booking to variables and perform internal checks.
With Worksheets("New bookings")
ErrorCrnt = "" ' Ig nore any error message remainign from a previous run
FamilyNameCrnt = .Cells(RowNewBkCrnt, ColNewBkFamily).Value
If FamilyNameCrnt = "" Then
' All new bookings processed
Exit Do
End If
GivenNameCrnt = .Cells(RowNewBkCrnt, ColNewBkGiven).Value
DayCrnt = .Cells(RowNewBkCrnt, ColNewBkDay).Value
PartCrnt = .Cells(RowNewBkCrnt, ColNewBkPart).Value
If IsNumeric(.Cells(RowNewBkCrnt, ColNewBkRequired).Value) Then
RequiredCrnt = .Cells(RowNewBkCrnt, ColNewBkRequired).Value
If RequiredCrnt < 1 Then
ErrorCrnt = "Required must be 1 or more"
End If
ErrorCrnt = "Required not numeric"
End If
End With
'Debug.Assert Not (DayCrnt = "Wednesday" And RequiredCrnt = 4)
' Find some seats that match the booking
With Worksheets("Available")
Allocation = ""
RowAvailPoss = 0
' All following code is within "If ErrorCrnt = "" Then" to
' "End If" blocks. This means once an error is detected
' all other processing code is skipped.
If ErrorCrnt = "" Then
' Find column for Day and Part
' Combine Day and Part to create column heading
NameAvailCol = DayCrnt & _
IIf(PartCrnt <> "", " " & PartCrnt, "")
' Search along row 1 for expected column heading
ColAvailCrnt = 1
Do While True
If .Cells(1, ColAvailCrnt).Value = NameAvailCol Then
' Required column found
Exit Do
End If
ColAvailCrnt = ColAvailCrnt + 1
If .Cells(1, ColAvailCrnt).Value = "" Then
' No matching column exists
ErrorCrnt = "No column in worksheet Available has heading """ & _
NameAvailCol & """"
Exit Do
End If
End If ' ErrorCrnt = ""
' Find range from which to allocate seats
If ErrorCrnt = "" Then
RowAvailLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, ColAvailCrnt).End(xlUp).Row
For RowAvailCrnt = RowAvailDataFirst To RowAvailLast
SeatRange = .Cells(RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt).Value
' Split seat range
Call DecodeSeatRange(SeatRange, SeatRangeRowCode, SeatRangeNumberFirst, _
SeatRangeNumberLast, SeatRangeCount, ErrorCrnt, _
RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt)
If ErrorCrnt <> "" Then
' Fatal error
Debug.Print ErrorCrnt
Call MsgBox(ErrorCrnt, vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
' Compare booking against seat range
If ErrorCrnt = "" Then
If RequiredCrnt > SeatRangeCount Then
' This range is not big enough
ElseIf RequiredCrnt = SeatRangeCount Then
' This range is exactly the right size
' Have leading zero because sort places "A1-A2" after "A11-A12" and
' "A1" after "A02-03"
Allocation = SeatRangeRowCode & Right("0" & SeatRangeNumberFirst, 2)
If RequiredCrnt > 1 Then
Allocation = Allocation & "-" & SeatRangeRowCode & _
Right("0" & SeatRangeNumberFirst + RequiredCrnt - 1, 2)
End If
SeatRange = ""
ElseIf SeatRangeCount - RequiredCrnt < MinSeatsInRange Then
' Removing this requirement from this range
' would leave too small a remainder
If RowAvailPoss = 0 Then
' If no better means of fulfilling booking is found,
' this range will be accepted.
RowAvailPoss = RowAvailCrnt
End If
' Range is more than big enough. Record seat range allocated to booking
' and calculate reduced range to be written back to "Available".
' Have leading zeroes because sort places "A1-A2" after "A11-A12" and
' "A1" after "A02-03"
Allocation = SeatRangeRowCode & Right("0" & SeatRangeNumberFirst, 2)
If RequiredCrnt > 1 Then
Allocation = Allocation & "-" & SeatRangeRowCode & _
Right("0" & SeatRangeNumberFirst + RequiredCrnt - 1, 2)
End If
SeatRange = SeatRangeRowCode & SeatRangeNumberFirst + RequiredCrnt
If SeatRangeNumberFirst + RequiredCrnt < SeatRangeNumberLast Then
SeatRange = SeatRange & "-" & SeatRangeRowCode & SeatRangeNumberLast
End If
End If
End If
If ErrorCrnt <> "" Then
Exit For
End If
If Allocation <> "" Then
' Required seats extracted from this range.
' Ignore remainder of Available column
Exit For
End If
Next ' RowAvailCrnt
End If ' ErrorCrnt = ""
If ErrorCrnt = "" Then
If Allocation = "" Then
If RowAvailPoss <> 0 Then
' A possible range was found but using it would have left an
' odd seat. Since nothing better has been found, use it
RowAvailCrnt = RowAvailPoss
SeatRange = .Cells(RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt).Value
' Split seat range
Call DecodeSeatRange(SeatRange, SeatRangeRowCode, SeatRangeNumberFirst, _
SeatRangeNumberLast, SeatRangeCount, ErrorCrnt, _
RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt)
If ErrorCrnt <> "" Then
' Fatal error. Should not be possible since range already decoded
Debug.Print ErrorCrnt
Call MsgBox(ErrorCrnt, vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
' Know range is big enough so no need to check again
' Have leading zeroes because sort places "A1-A2" after "A11-A12" and
' "A1" after "A02-03"
Allocation = SeatRangeRowCode & Right("0" & SeatRangeNumberFirst, 2)
If RequiredCrnt > 1 Then
Allocation = Allocation & "-" & SeatRangeRowCode & _
SeatRangeNumberFirst + RequiredCrnt - 1
End If
SeatRange = SeatRangeRowCode & SeatRangeNumberFirst + RequiredCrnt
If SeatRangeNumberFirst + RequiredCrnt < SeatRangeNumberLast Then
SeatRange = SeatRange & "-" & SeatRangeRowCode & SeatRangeNumberLast
End If
' No seat range big enough for RequiredCrnt was found
ErrorCrnt = "No range was found big enough to allow allocation of " & _
RequiredCrnt & " seats"
End If
End If
End If
End With
If ErrorCrnt = "" Then
' Find appropriate column in worksheet "Allocated"
With Worksheets("Allocated")
ColAllocCrnt = 1
Do While True
If .Cells(1, ColAllocCrnt).Value = DayCrnt Then
' Required column found
Exit Do
End If
' Step to set of columns for next day
ColAllocCrnt = ColAllocCrnt + WidthAllocGroup
If .Cells(1, ColAllocCrnt).Value = "" Then
' No matching column exists
'Debug.Assert False
ErrorCrnt = "No column in worksheet Allocated has heading """ & DayCrnt & """"
Exit Do
End If
End With
End If
If ErrorCrnt = "" Then
' No errors found. Perform all updates for this booking.
With Worksheets("Allocated")
RowAllocNext = .Cells(Rows.Count, ColAllocCrnt).End(xlUp).Row + 1
.Cells(RowAllocNext, ColAllocCrnt + OffsetAllocFamily).Value = FamilyNameCrnt
.Cells(RowAllocNext, ColAllocCrnt + OffsetAllocGiven).Value = GivenNameCrnt
.Cells(RowAllocNext, ColAllocCrnt + OffsetAllocSeats).Value = Allocation
End With
With Worksheets("Available")
If SeatRange = "" Then
' The range from which the allocate was made
' is now empty so delete it.
.Cells(RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt).Delete Shift:=xlUp
' Range not cleared. Replaced old range with reduced range
.Cells(RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt).Value = SeatRange
End If
End With
With Worksheets("New bookings")
' Copy processed booking to worksheet Processed
.Range(.Cells(RowNewBkCrnt, ColNewBkFirst), .Cells(RowNewBkCrnt, ColNewBkLast)).Copy _
Destination:=Worksheets("Processed").Cells(RowProcNext, 1)
RowProcNext = RowProcNext + 1
' Delete processed booking
End With
' Note: No need to update RowNewBkCrnt because next row has moved up
' A non-fatal error has occurred. Record it against the request.
With Worksheets("New bookings")
.Cells(RowNewBkCrnt, ColNewBkError).Value = ErrorCrnt
End With
RowNewBkCrnt = RowNewBkCrnt + 1 ' Update RowNextCrnt so this row is preserved
End If
Loop ' Until all new booking processed or abandoned
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:0)
有关此代码的说明,请参阅Main answer。
Sub Check()
' Check there are no duplicate or missing seats.
' Report any errors found to the Immediate Window.
Dim ColAllocCrnt As Long
Dim ColAvailCrnt As Long
Dim ColSeatCrnt As Long
Dim DayCrnt As String
Dim ErrorCount As Long
Dim ErrorCrnt As String
Dim RowAllocCrnt As Long
Dim RowAllocLast As Long
Dim RowAvailCrnt As Long
Dim RowAvailLast As Long
Dim RowSeatCrnt As Long
Dim SeatNumberMax As Long
Dim SeatRecorded() As String
Dim SeatRecordedPart() As String
Dim SeatRowCodeMax As String
Dim SeatRowNumber As String
Dim SeatRange As String
Dim SeatRangeRowCode As String
Dim SeatRangeNumberFirst As Long
Dim SeatRangeNumberLast As Long
Dim SeatRangeCount As Long
' Loop for each day recorded in worksheet "Available"
ColAllocCrnt = 1
Do While True
With Worksheets("Allocated")
If .Cells(1, ColAllocCrnt).Value = "" Then
' All days analysed
Exit Do
End If
DayCrnt = .Cells(1, ColAllocCrnt).Value
End With
Debug.Print "Checking seats for " & DayCrnt
ErrorCount = 0
' It it not possible to increase the number of columns in an array so
' scan worksheets "Allocated" and "Available" for maximum row code
' and seat number.
SeatNumberMax = 0
SeatRowCodeMax = ""
With Worksheets("Allocated")
' ColAllocCrnt identifies the column for the current day
' Find maximum row code and seat letter in worksheet "Allocated"
' for current day
RowAllocLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, ColAllocCrnt).End(xlUp).Row
For RowAllocCrnt = RowAllocDataFirst To RowAllocLast
SeatRange = .Cells(RowAllocCrnt, ColAllocCrnt + OffsetAllocSeats).Value
' Split seat range
Call DecodeSeatRange(SeatRange, SeatRangeRowCode, SeatRangeNumberFirst, _
SeatRangeNumberLast, SeatRangeCount, ErrorCrnt, _
RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt)
If ErrorCrnt <> "" Then
Debug.Print ErrorCrnt
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
If SeatNumberMax < SeatRangeNumberLast Then
' Record new highest seat number
SeatNumberMax = SeatRangeNumberLast
End If
If SeatRowCodeMax < SeatRangeRowCode Then
' Record new highest seat row code
SeatRowCodeMax = SeatRangeRowCode
End If
End If
End With
With Worksheets("Available")
' There may be multiple columns in worksheet "Available" for the current day
ColAvailCrnt = 1
Do While True
If .Cells(1, ColAvailCrnt).Value = "" Then
' All columns in worksheet "Available" examined
Exit Do
End If
If Left(.Cells(1, ColAvailCrnt).Value, Len(DayCrnt)) = DayCrnt Then
' This column is for the current day
' Review SeatNumberMax and SeatRowCodeMax for available ranges
RowAvailLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, ColAvailCrnt).End(xlUp).Row
For RowAvailCrnt = RowAvailDataFirst To RowAvailLast
SeatRange = .Cells(RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt).Value
' Split seat range
Call DecodeSeatRange(SeatRange, SeatRangeRowCode, SeatRangeNumberFirst, _
SeatRangeNumberLast, SeatRangeCount, ErrorCrnt, _
RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt)
If ErrorCrnt <> "" Then
Debug.Print ErrorCrnt
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
If SeatNumberMax < SeatRangeNumberLast Then
' Record new highest seat number
SeatNumberMax = SeatRangeNumberLast
End If
If SeatRowCodeMax < SeatRangeRowCode Then
' Record new highest seat row code
SeatRowCodeMax = SeatRangeRowCode
End If
End If
End If
ColAvailCrnt = ColAvailCrnt + 1
End With
Debug.Print " " & SeatRowCodeMax & SeatNumberMax
SeatRowNumber = Asc(SeatRowCodeMax) - Asc("A") + 1
' Size array so there is room for every possible seat
' Note: cells will be initialised to empty
ReDim RowSeatRecorded(1 To SeatNumberMax, 1 To SeatRowNumber)
' * Record workssheet, row and column on which each seat is recorded.
' Format is X:Row:Col where X is L for "Allocated" and V for "Available".
' * No seat should be recorded more than once. Report any duplicates.
With Worksheets("Allocated")
RowAllocLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, ColAllocCrnt).End(xlUp).Row
For RowAllocCrnt = RowAllocDataFirst To RowAllocLast
SeatRange = .Cells(RowAllocCrnt, ColAllocCrnt + OffsetAllocSeats).Value
' Split seat range
Call DecodeSeatRange(SeatRange, SeatRangeRowCode, SeatRangeNumberFirst, _
SeatRangeNumberLast, SeatRangeCount, ErrorCrnt, _
RowAllocCrnt, ColAllocCrnt)
If ErrorCrnt <> "" Then
' Error already reported
SeatRowNumber = Asc(SeatRangeRowCode) - Asc("A") + 1
For ColSeatCrnt = SeatRangeNumberFirst To SeatRangeNumberLast
If RowSeatRecorded(ColSeatCrnt, SeatRowNumber) = 0 Then
' First occurrence of this seat number
RowSeatRecorded(ColSeatCrnt, SeatRowNumber) = _
"L:" & RowAllocCrnt & ":" & ColAllocCrnt + OffsetAllocSeats
' Duplicate recording of seat
Debug.Print " " & GenDuplicateSeatError(SeatRangeRowCode & ColSeatCrnt, _
RowSeatRecorded(ColSeatCrnt, SeatRowNumber), "L", _
RowAllocCrnt, ColAllocCrnt + OffsetAllocSeats)
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
End If
End If
End With
With Worksheets("Available")
' There may be multiple columns in worksheet "Available" for the current day
ColAvailCrnt = 1
Do While True
If .Cells(1, ColAvailCrnt).Value = "" Then
' All columns in worksheet "Available" examined
Exit Do
End If
If Left(.Cells(1, ColAvailCrnt).Value, Len(DayCrnt)) = DayCrnt Then
' This column is for the current day
RowAvailLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, ColAvailCrnt).End(xlUp).Row
For RowAvailCrnt = RowAvailDataFirst To RowAvailLast
SeatRange = .Cells(RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt).Value
' Split seat range
Call DecodeSeatRange(SeatRange, SeatRangeRowCode, SeatRangeNumberFirst, _
SeatRangeNumberLast, SeatRangeCount, ErrorCrnt, _
RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt)
If ErrorCrnt <> "" Then
' Already reported
SeatRowNumber = Asc(SeatRangeRowCode) - Asc("A") + 1
For ColSeatCrnt = SeatRangeNumberFirst To SeatRangeNumberLast
If RowSeatRecorded(ColSeatCrnt, SeatRowNumber) = 0 Then
' First occurrence of this seat number
RowSeatRecorded(ColSeatCrnt, SeatRowNumber) = "V:" & RowAvailCrnt & ":" & ColAvailCrnt
' Duplicate recording of seat
Debug.Print " " & GenDuplicateSeatError(SeatRangeRowCode & ColSeatCrnt, _
RowSeatRecorded(ColSeatCrnt, SeatRowNumber), "V", _
RowAvailCrnt, ColAvailCrnt)
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
End If
End If
End If
ColAvailCrnt = ColAvailCrnt + 1
End With
' Look for gaps in the array of seats.
For RowSeatCrnt = 1 To UBound(RowSeatRecorded, 2)
' Scan for recorded seat
For ColSeatCrnt = UBound(RowSeatRecorded, 1) To 1 Step -1
If RowSeatRecorded(ColSeatCrnt, RowSeatCrnt) <> "" Then
' This seat recorded
Exit For
End If
' Scan for gap between last recorded seat and first
For ColSeatCrnt = ColSeatCrnt - 1 To 1 Step -1
If RowSeatRecorded(ColSeatCrnt, RowSeatCrnt) = "" Then
Debug.Print " Seat " & Chr(RowSeatCrnt + 64) & ColSeatCrnt & " not found"
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
End If
Debug.Print " " & ErrorCount & " errors found"
ColAllocCrnt = ColAllocCrnt + WidthAllocGroup
Loop ' For each day in worksheet "Allocated
End Sub
Function ColNumToCode(ByVal ColNum As Long) As String
Dim Code As String
Dim PartNum As Long
' Last updated 3 Feb 12. Adapted to handle three character codes.
If ColNum = 0 Then
ColNumToCode = "0"
Code = ""
Do While ColNum > 0
PartNum = (ColNum - 1) Mod 26
Code = Chr(65 + PartNum) & Code
ColNum = (ColNum - PartNum - 1) \ 26
End If
ColNumToCode = Code
End Function
Sub DecodeSeatRange(ByVal SeatRange As String, ByRef RowCode As String, _
ByRef NumberFirst As Long, ByRef NumberLast As Long, _
ByRef Count As Long, ByRef ErrorMsg As String, _
ByVal RowAvail As Long, ByVal ColAvail As Long)
' * Split a seat range into it components.
' * A seat range is:
' RowCode Number
' or RowCode Number - RowCode Number
' * The two RowCodes must be the same.
' * The numbers must be one or more and Last cannot be less than First
' * If ErrorMsg = "" or return, the seat range has been successfully
' decoded. Otherwise it reports the error found.
Dim RangePart() As String
RangePart = Split(SeatRange, "-")
If UBound(RangePart) = 0 Then
' Have single seat range.
' Extract seat details into variables and perform internal checks
RowCode = Mid(SeatRange, 1, 1)
If IsNumeric(Mid(SeatRange, 2)) Then
NumberFirst = Mid(SeatRange, 2)
NumberLast = NumberFirst
Count = 1
ErrorMsg = "Seat number is not numeric"
End If
' Have normal seat range; Xn-Ym.
' Split range details into variables and perform internal checks
RowCode = Mid(RangePart(0), 1, 1)
If RowCode <> Mid(RangePart(1), 1, 1) Then
ErrorMsg = "Fatal error in worksheet ""Available"". Range in cell " & _
ColNumToCode(ColAvail) & RowAvail & " is not a single row"
If Not IsNumeric(Mid(RangePart(0), 2)) Then
ErrorMsg = "Fatal error in worksheet Available. Start of range in cell " & _
ColNumToCode(ColAvail) & RowAvail & _
" is not <RowCode><Number>"
NumberFirst = Mid(RangePart(0), 2)
If Not IsNumeric(Mid(RangePart(1), 2)) Then
ErrorMsg = "Fatal error in worksheet Available. End of range in cell " & _
ColNumToCode(ColAvail) & RowAvail & _
" is not <RowCode><Number>"
NumberLast = Mid(RangePart(1), 2)
Count = NumberLast - NumberFirst + 1
If Count > 0 Then
' Good range
' Bad range
ErrorMsg = "Fatal error in worksheet Available. " & _
"Start of range after end of range cell " & _
ColNumToCode(ColAvail) & RowAvail
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If ' single seat/multiple seat range
End Sub
Function GenDuplicateSeatError(ByVal Seat As String, ByVal Record As String, _
ByVal WshtCode As String, ByVal RowCrnt As Long, _
ByVal ColCrnt As Long) As String
' * Record contained details of a previous encounter of a seat. Its format is
' X:Row:Column where X is "L" for worksheet "Allocated" or "V" for worksheet
' "Available".
' * WshtCode, RowCrnt and ColCrnt identify a second or subsequent encounter
' of the seat. Generate a suitable error message.
Dim RecordPart() As String
RecordPart = Split(Record, ":")
GenDuplicateSeatError = "Seat " & Seat & " is recorded in " & _
IIf(RecordPart(0) = "L", "Allocated", "Available") & "." & _
ColNumToCode(Val(RecordPart(2))) & RecordPart(1) & " and " & _
IIf(WshtCode = "L", "Allocated", "Available") & "." & _
ColNumToCode(ColCrnt) & RowCrnt
End Function