If lstFlavourChoices.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
MsgBox("You need to select a flavour from the list.")
If lstFlavourChoices.SelectedIndex >= 2 Then
totalDue = totalDue + txtNumberOfScoops.Text * specialFlavours
totalDue = totalDue + txtNumberOfScoops.Text * standardFlavours
If chkNuts.Checked = True Then
totalDue = totalDue + 0.6
If chkWhippedCream.Checked = True Then
totalDue = totalDue + 0.8
If optNoToppings.Checked = True Then 'these statements will check to ensure the user has selected
totalDue = totalDue
ElseIf optOneTopping.Checked = True Then
totalDue = totalDue + COST_OF_TOPPING
ElseIf optTwoToppings.Checked = True Then
totalDue = totalDue + COST_OF_TOPPING * 2
ElseIf optThreeToppings.Checked = True Then
totalDue = totalDue + COST_OF_TOPPING * 3
MsgBox("You must select a number of toppings")
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
lblTotalDue.Text = FormatCurrency(totalDue)