过滤无限列表导致Haskell / GHCI中的内存过载

时间:2015-01-12 16:43:43

标签: haskell infinite


import Data.List (nub, permutations, transpose)

-- Recursively build list of possible permutations of a certain length, allowing duplicates
genPermutations list length
    | length <= 0 = [[]]
    | length == 1 = [[a] | a <- list]
    | otherwise = [[a]++b | a <- list, b <- genPermutations list $ length - 1]

-- Generate as flat list of length 9, then format
squares = [[take 3 a,take 3 $ drop 3 a, drop 6 a] | a <- permutations [1..9]]
sudokus = [[take 3 a,take 3 $ drop 3 a, drop 6 a] | a <- genPermutations squares 9]

-- Takes a sudoku as a 4d array, return True/Flase based on rules of sudoku
-- Does not check for duplicates within a square because generated sudokus shouldn't have any
checkSudukoValid x = (foldr (==) True $ map screenLineForDuplicates x) && (foldr (==) True $ map screenLineForDuplicates $ transposeSudoku x)
    where transposeSudoku x = transpose(map (\x -> map transpose x )  x)
          screenLineForDuplicates [[],[],[]] = True
          screenLineForDuplicates [a:al,b:bl,c:cl] = check && screenLineForDuplicates [al,bl,cl]
              where check = (length line)  == (length $ nub line)
                    line = concat [a,b,c]

-- Known good sudoku for testing
knownGood = [[[[9,8,3],[6,1,4],[5,2,7]],[[6,5,7],[2,8,9],[4,3,1]],[[2,4,1],[5,7,3],[9,6,8]]],[[[8,6,5],[4,3,1],[7,9,2]],[[3,2,4],[7,9,8],[1,6,5]],[[7,1,9],[6,5,2],[3,8,4]]],[[[2,7,8],[3,5,9],[1,4,6]],[[5,1,3],[8,4,6],[9,7,2]],[[4,9,6],[1,2,7],[8,3,5]]]]

此代码的重要部分是它生成一个可能有效的数独谜题列表&amp;一个方法,如果一个谜题是有效的。根据我的理解,我应该能够过滤所述列表以获得一些有效的sudokus: head $ filter checkSudukoValid sudokus

当我运行时,GHCI杀死我的进程,这似乎是因为内存问题。我不明白的是为什么我遇到了记忆问题。难道不能懒得过滤掉列表中的项目吗?为什么这会占用比filter checkSudukoValid $ take 5 sudokus



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


genPermutations xs n = map (take n) $ permutations xs



checkSudukoValid x = (all screenLineForDuplicates x) && (all 
screenLineForDuplicates $ transposeSudoku x)
    where transposeSudoku x = transpose(map (\x -> map transpose x )  x)
          screenLineForDuplicates [[],[],[]] = True
          screenLineForDuplicates [a:al,b:bl,c:cl] = check && screenLineForDuplicates [al,bl,cl]
              where check = (length line)  == (length $ nub line)
                    line = concat [a,b,c]



答案 1 :(得分:0)


genPermutations list length = sequence (replicate length list)