
时间:2015-01-08 22:51:04

标签: html css background

页面有问题 - www.pointbank.com/testerfile /

我在default.css文件中创建了一个div id - div id =“PBredbackground600”,以便我可以更改整个内容的背景颜色 - div id =“content” - 网站上某个特定页面的背景部分。我已经使用了img和颜色(六个十六进制),并且可以让它们在DreamWeaver中完美呈现。但是在Chrome或IE中都不起作用。我没有得到什么?


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<title>PointBank Loans | Denton County Community Bank, Texas</title>
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<meta name="description" content="PointBank has the right financing for personal or business loans at competitive terms." />
<meta name="keywords" content="pointbank loans, pointbank personal loan, pointbank business loan, denton county loan, personal loans denton tx., business loan texas" />

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    <a href="/" title="PointBank"><img src="/images/pointbank.png" width="220" height="92" alt="PointBank - Proudly Serving Denton County, Texas" /></a>
    <p id="top"><a href="/" title="PointBank">Home</a> | <a href="/contact-us/" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a> | <a href="/about-us/locations/" title="Locations">Locations</a> | <a href="https://www.pcsbanking.net/onlinebanking1/login.r?t-bank=111906006" title="Online Banking" target="_blank">Online Banking</a></p>
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    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="editHeader" --><img src="/images/headers/loans.png" width="704" height="168" alt="Loans at PointBank" /><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
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    <p id="breadcrumb"><a href="/">Home</a> &#8250; <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="editBreadcrumb" --><span>Loans</span><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>
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    <h2>PointBank Loan  Opportunities2</h2>
    <p>     As the leading Denton County community bank, PointBank has a  strong financial foundation that provides us with the lending power we need to  work with you on any size loan. With our local decision-making, you will find  us <strong>flexible and responsive to your personal or business needs</strong>.</p>
    <ul class="icons">
        <li><strong><a href="/personal-banking/loans/"><img src="/images/icons/checking-and-savings.png" alt="Personal Loans" width="48" height="48" />Personal  Loans</a></strong><br />
            Whatever your unique needs, we have the right financing for personal loans at competitive terms.</li>
        <li><strong><a href="/mortgage/"><img src="/images/icons/mortgage.png" alt="Mortgage Lending" width="48" height="48" />Mortgage  Lending</a></strong><br />
            PointBank Mortgage is a full service lender based in Denton County  that specializes in Conventional, USDA-Rural Development, FHA and VA loans.</li>
    <h6>For immediate loan pre-qualification or if you have any preliminary questions before you apply for a loan, call (940) 686-7000.</h6>


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    font:"Comic Sans MS", cursive


这是开发工具代码。没有足够的代表进行图片上传。我没看到PBredbackground600 div的任何扩展,我想也许有一个div-page或div-content设置覆盖了div-PBredbackground600的正确显示,但是找不到它是什么,我看过了页面和内容标签上的default.css,但不知道代码是否足以识别覆盖命令或设置。

从chrome dev工具的样式选项卡复制

element.style {
*, body, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, ul, ol, li, ul li, ol li, blockquote, form, fieldset, legend, object, param, hr {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
*, body, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, ul, ol, li, ul li, ol li, blockquote, form, fieldset, legend, object, param, hr {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
user agent stylesheetdiv {
display: block;
Inherited from body
body {
font: normal 14px/22px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
background: #b9cbcd url(/images/overall-background.jpg) no-repeat center top;

1 个答案:

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div#PBredbackground600 { 
    background-color: yellow;


#PBredbackground600 {
    background-color:#80FF00 !important;
    font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive;