First of all I will not post some code here because there is no idea to start with.
I'm planning on creating a quiz type app on android with different quiz type like
identification, multiple choie, matching, fill-in-the-blanks, true/false etc. And divide
them into different parts of the quiz for e.g. for Test I. Identification, Test II. Multiple
Choice and so on.. I will also give the user the capability of going back to previous parts
of the exam for e.g. I'm currently on Test III. and suddenly I got an answer for a question
from Test I., I can easily go back to that question and answer it.
1. Create an app that implements ViewPager. Different quiz type on each pages?
2. Create a ListView put all the questions in there but all the questions are stil on their respective group first few questions is from Test I., Test II., etc. in their respective order.
Current problems encountered for the ideas above:
1. How can I submit the different forms from different pages on the ViewPager?
2. When the data contains a lot of questions the ListView will have a lot of scrolling
between each questions. To solve this, I may create a floating-like navigation(I don't
really have any idea on what to do with this) on the right side of the screen so that I can
scroll instantly to Test I. with a click of a button.
*Please consider the ideas above noob-ish, I don't really know if some of the ideas that
I'm talking about is possible or not, and please you may post the exact terminology on what
you are talking about so that I can search it up.