Glassdoor API - 检索确切的employeeID

时间:2015-01-05 09:05:03

标签: c# json api

我正在尝试使用C#从我的glassdoor API凭据检索来自特定雇主的评论。

我可以通过公司名称检索,但后来我没有得到特定公司的所有记录,我只得到其中的一部分。例如,如果我拉UBS(e = UBS),我会得到瑞银的匹配,但在玻璃门上,您可以看到该雇主的数千条评论。

如果我使用参数q = UBS,我的东西完全不相关。 使用employerId进行搜索也没有带来任何相关内容。 基本上它似乎拉了雇主名单,但文件说它可以拉回评论。 什么可以做的提示? Glassdoor的API文档有些局限且不清楚。 API HttpWebRequest(其中一个变种尝试过):“。

我从我得到的结果中获取了雇主,并注意到了参数 (当查询e = UBS时):

  "success": true,
  "status": "OK",
  "jsessionid": "83E368C30E814D6C85FDC84FBCF7C03A",
  "response": {
    "currentPageNumber": 1,
    "totalNumberOfPages": 2,
    "totalRecordCount": 14,
    "employers": [
        "id": 3419,
        "name": "UBS",
        "website": "",
        "isEEP": false,
        "exactMatch": true,
        "industry": "Investment Banking & Asset Management",
        "numberOfRatings": 1453,
        "squareLogo": "",
        "overallRating": 3.4,
        "ratingDescription": "OK",
        "cultureAndValuesRating": "0.0",
        "seniorLeadershipRating": "0.0",
        "compensationAndBenefitsRating": "0.0",
        "careerOpportunitiesRating": "0.0",
        "workLifeBalanceRating": "0.0",
        "recommendToFriendRating": "0.0",
        "ceo": {
          "name": "Sergio P. Ermotti",
          "title": "CEO",....


例如,我通过第一个请求(当添加到请求e = UBS时)获得了UBS的雇主ID(3419),但这是我在employeeId = 3419时从请求中得到的。

这是一个例子(json),当我使用employerId = 3419时我得到了什么(我切断了一些部分以保持简短)

 "success": true, 
  "status": "OK",
  "jsessionid": "9F86EE2C0F50EF17FB50FF43B37D316F",
  "response": {
    "currentPageNumber": 1,
    "totalNumberOfPages": 31,
    "totalRecordCount": 305,
    "employers": [
        "id": 3494,
        "name": "Nokia",
        "website": "LINK",
        "isEEP": false,
        "exactMatch": false,
        "industry": "Telecommunications Manufacturing",
        "numberOfRatings": 1430,
        "squareLogo": "LINK TO LOGO",
        "overallRating": 3.8,
        "ratingDescription": "Satisfied",
        "cultureAndValuesRating": "3.6",
        "seniorLeadershipRating": "2.4",
        "compensationAndBenefitsRating": "3.2",
        "careerOpportunitiesRating": "3.2",
        "workLifeBalanceRating": "3.8",
        "recommendToFriendRating": "0.6",
        "featuredReview": {
          "id": 5526822,
          "currentJob": false,
          "reviewDateTime": "2014-12-12 01:42:11.89",
          "jobTitle": "Employee",
          "location": "",
          "headline": "Sr. Engineering Manager",
          "pros": "Equal opportunity company, take good care of your well being and training.  Salary level is good. Ability to move also sideways on your career.",
          "cons": "Company works in very volatile market and market changes are frequent. You job location can change or disappear in short notice. Job security not as good as it used to be.",
          "overall": 4,
          "overallNumeric": 4
        "ceo": {
          "name": "Rajeev Suri",
          "title": "CEO",
          "image": {
            "src": "LINK",
            "height": 50,
            "width": 40
          "numberOfRatings": 90,
          "pctApprove": 53,
          "pctDisapprove": 47 

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