我不希望任何更改被SaveChanges覆盖,我希望将现有记录标记为“旧”'并生成标记为“当前”的新记录。 (与进行更改的用户一起记录)。因此,这给了我一种各种审计线索。
Public Overrides Function SaveChanges() As Integer
Throw New InvalidOperationException("User ID must be provided")
End Function
Public Overloads Function SaveChanges(userID As String) As Integer
Dim recordsUpdated as integer=0
For Each entry As dbentityentry In Me.ChangeTracker.Entries().Where(Function(e) e.State <> EntityState.Unchanged)
Dim Original As DbPropertyValues = entry.OriginalValues
Dim Current As DbPropertyValues = entry.CurrentValues
Dim t As Type = entry.Entity.GetType
Dim x = Activator.CreateInstance(t) 'create new entity of same type as original
' Am stuck here... I'm trying to create a new record of the same entity type as the original
'which I will then append to the dbContext/entity, set a field as 'current' and save.
'Meanwhile I'll change the old field's status to 'old' and MyBase.SaveChanges that.
Next 'loop through the changes
'record how many fields were different/had changed
For Each PropertyName In Original.PropertyNames
Dim OriginalValue As Object = Original.GetValue(Of Object)(PropertyName)
Dim CurrentValue As Object = Current.GetValue(Of Object)(PropertyName)
If Not Object.Equals(OriginalValue, CurrentValue) Then
End If
'Save journal entries
Return recordsUpdated
End Function
从概念上讲,当我不知道实体是什么类型(即我保存哪个表格更改)时,我一直在努力如何在一个实体中创建一个新记录。< / p>
感谢hjb和Gert,我认为我在正确的路线上 - 我只是没有看到我期待的行为。现在重载的SaveChanges是:
Public Overloads Function SaveChanges(userID As Integer) As Integer
Dim recordsUpdated As Integer = 0
For Each entry As dbentityentry In Me.ChangeTracker.Entries().Where(Function(e) e.State <> EntityState.Unchanged)
Dim Original As DbPropertyValues = entry.OriginalValues
Dim Current As DbPropertyValues = entry.CurrentValues
Dim NewValues As DbPropertyValues = Current 'NewValue will go into the brand new record (with status='current')
Dim t As Type = entry.Entity.GetType
Dim EntityDBSet = Me.Set(t)
entry.CurrentValues.SetValues(entry.OriginalValues) '<--we don't actually want to change the old record other than set status to 'old'
Dim NewRow = EntityDBSet.Create 'here's our new row created
NewValues("Creator") = Convert.ToInt64(userID)
NewValues("Status")="Current" '<-- indicates the new current data item
Current("Status")="Old" '<-- indicates it's a previous version
NewRow = NewValues.ToObject '<--- put the NewValues into a row object to add to table
'Now append the newly created row
MyBase.SaveChanges() 'save the old row (now with status 'old') together with the newly created row (with status 'current')
Return recordsUpdated
End Function
我看到添加了一个新行,但它只是旧行的副本 - 没有对旧版“当前”行进行任何更改。行和新行没有反映在调用原始SaveChanges之前对数据所做的任何更改。
可能与“Dim NewValues DimPropertyValues = Current&#39; Dim NewValues有关。 - 我应该以某种方式实例化一个新的NewValues吗?如果是这样的话?
更新2 - 已解决!
Public Overloads Function SaveChanges(userID As Integer) As Integer
Dim recordsUpdated As Integer = 0
For Each entry As dbentityentry In Me.ChangeTracker.Entries().Where(Function(e) e.State <> EntityState.Unchanged)
Dim Original As DbPropertyValues = entry.OriginalValues
Dim Current As DbPropertyValues = entry.CurrentValues
Dim NewValues = Current.ToObject 'NewValue will go into the brand new record (with status='current')
Dim t As Type = entry.Entity.GetType
Dim EntityDBSet = Me.Set(t)
entry.CurrentValues.SetValues(entry.OriginalValues) '<--we don't actually want to change the old record other than set status to 'old'
Current("Status")="Old" '<-- indicates it's a previous version
Dim NewRow = EntityDBSet.Create 'here's our new row created
NewValues("Creator") = Convert.ToInt64(userID)
NewValues("Status")="Current" '<-- indicates the new current data item
NewRow = NewValues.ToObject '<--- put the NewValues into a row object to add to table
'Now append the newly created row
MyBase.SaveChanges() 'save the old row (now with status 'old') together with the newly created row (with status 'current')
Return recordsUpdated
End Function
宾果! - 这很有效。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
此外,在过去,我通过使用触发器将修改行的原始记录复制到另一个表来完成审核。 E.x。:我将有一个名为CompanyHistory的表,触发器会将Company表中已修改行的原始值复制到CompanyHistory表中。它还有一些列来存储谁进行了更改,何时,从什么机器和更改的时间。我使用SMO库生成c#中的大部分触发器。
using (var dbContext = new MyDbContext())
dbContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = true;
dbContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;
dbContext.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
var company = dbContext.Companies.Add(dbContext.Companies.Create());
company.name = "HI";
company.name = "dfsf";
var updatedEntities = dbContext.ChangeTracker
.Where(obj => obj.State == System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified)
foreach (var updatedEntity in updatedEntities)
var dbSet = dbContext.Set(updatedEntity.Entity.GetType());
var auditEntity = dbSet.Add(dbSet.Create());
var auditEntityEntry = dbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries().Where(obj => obj.Entity == auditEntity).First();