所以我理解它当然创建了4个节点,但对于一半的子节点大小意味着什么呢?我知道这会让它变小但是这对四叉树有什么好处?如果它没有减半会怎么样?我已经阅读了维基和其他来源,但这是我仍在努力抓住的东西,谢谢你的帮助和建议。 //将子节点大小减半
public QTreeNode(float centerX,float centerY, float halfWidth, int stopDepth) {
// set limit with curr depth = to stop depth
this.currDepth = stopDepth;
// set Vector to current xyz valyes/ create a vector with default values
this.center = new Vector(centerX,centerY, 0.0f);
// array is equal to a new array list populated by game objects
this.objects = new ArrayList<GameObject>();
// set to default value of 0
float offsetX = 0.0f;
float offsetY = 0.0f;
// if the stopDepth is greater than 0 than if statement continues
if (stopDepth > 0) {
// create four child nodes as long as depth > 0
this.nodes = new QTreeNode[4];
// halves the child nodes size
float step = halfWidth * 0.5f;
// loop through and create new child nodes
for (int i = 0; i <4; i++) {
// compute the offsts of the child nodes
offsetX = (((i * 1)==0)? step : -step);
offsetY = (((i * 2)==0)? step : -step);
nodes[i] = new QTreeNode(centerX + offsetX, centerY + offsetY, step, stopDepth -1);
}}else {
this.nodes= null;}}