
时间:2014-12-31 04:45:04

标签: audio sox

我正在尝试使用此脚本使用Sox批量标准化音频。我遇到了问题,因为它似乎没有因某种原因创建tmp文件,当然也没有规范化的音频文件。我收到每个文件的错误: line 57: /Applications/sox/WantNotSamples/Who Am I-temp.wav: No such file or directory
Normalized File "wav_file" exists at "/Applications/sox/WantNotSamplesNormalize"
rm: /Applications/sox/WantNotSamples/Who Am I-temp.wav: No such file or directory


#  Created by scacinto on 1/31/13.
#  For now, only put audio files in the working directory - working on a fix

# This is the directory to the source soundfiles that need to be
# normalized and faded (the first argument on the command line.)
# This is the directory to write the normalized and faded files to
# (The second path you must supply on the command line.)
#  This is the sox binary directory.  Please set this to your sox path.
#  As it is now, this assumes that the sox binary is in the same directory
#  as the script.
SOX= ./sox

#enable for loops over items with spaces in their name

#  This is the 'for' loop - it will run for each file in your directory.
for original_file in `ls "$src/"`
# Get the base filename of the current wav file
base_filename=`basename "$original_file" .wav`

# We need a temp file name to save the intermediate file as

echo "Creating temp file: \"$temp_file\" in \"$src\""

# And we need the output WAV file

# Convert all spaces to hyphens in the output file name
wav_file=`echo $wav_file | tr -s " " "-"`

#Print a progress message
echo "Processing: \"$original_file\". Saving as \"$wav_file\" ..."

# We need the length of the audio file
original_file_length=`$SOX $src/"$original_file" 2>&1 -n stat | grep Length | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -f 1`

# Use sox to add perform the fade-in and fade-out
# saving the result as our temp_file.  Adjust the 0.1s to your desired fade
# times.
#$SOX $src/"$original_file" $src/"$temp_file" fade t 0.1 $original_file_length 0.1

# If files have readable headers, you can skip the above operation to get the
# file length and just use 0 as below.
#$SOX $src/"$original_file" $src/"$temp_file" fade t 0.5 0 0.5

# normalize and write to the output wave file
$SOX $src/"$temp_file" $dest/"$wav_file" norm -0.5

echo "Normalized File \"wav_file\" exists at \"$dest\""

# Delete that temp file
rm $src/$temp_file


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