我们有一个包含红色&的盒子。黄球。 如果一个人在比赛结束时无法获得2个球,那么他每天都会从禁区内获得2个球。 盒子旁边有一堆红球。 如果男子从盒子里抽出的2个球是相似的,他将红球放入盒子里, 如果他们不同,他会把黄球放在盒子里。 我们假设该框表示如下
initialCan([y, r, y, r, y, r, y, r, y, r]).
y代表黄色球,r代表红色球。 该名男子从名单开头撤回2个球, 然后他又把1球放到了名单的开头。 那么Prolog中的程序是什么,它给出了盒子里最后一个球的颜色 是开头的盒子吗?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
search(FinalState, FinalState):-
search(CurrentState, FinalState):-
transition(CurrentState, NextState),
search(NextState, FinalState).
search(State0, FinalState).
编写谓词transition(S1, S2)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
将状态设计为box(Yellow_count, Red_count)
另请考虑通过Edsger W. Dijkstra查看"Why correctness must be a mathematical concern",其中描述了此问题。
% last_ball(box(Yellow_initial_count, Red_initial_count), Last_ball_color, Time_at_end)
% ---------- TRIVIAL CASES ---------
% if there is only 1 yellow ball, the color is 'yellow' and we needed zero steps to reach this state
last_ball(box(1,0), yellow, 0).
% if there is only 1 red ball, the color is 'red' and we needed zero steps to reach this state
last_ball(box(0,1), red, 0).
% ---------- CASES DEFINING INDUCTION OVER Yellow+Red BALLS -----------
% take two yellow: check that this is possible for the given box,
% then find out what the last color is from the reduced counts, then define the number of steps to be higher by 1
last_ball(box(YI, RI), LBC, TAE) :- YI>=2, YIp is (YI-2), RIp is (RI+1), last_ball(box(YIp,RIp),LBC,TAEp), TAE is (TAEp+1).
% take two red: check that this is possible for the given box,
% then find out what the last color is from the reduced counts, then define the number of steps to be higher by 1
last_ball(box(YI, RI), LBC, TAE) :- RI>=2, YIp is YI, RIp is (RI-2+1), last_ball(box(YIp,RIp),LBC,TAEp), TAE is (TAEp+1).
% take a red and a yellow: check that this is possible for the given box,
% then find out what the last color is from the reduced counts, then define the number of steps to be higher by 1
last_ball(box(YI, RI), LBC, TAE) :- RI>=1, YI>=1, YIp is (YI-1+1), RIp is (RI-1), last_ball(box(YIp,RIp),LBC,TAEp), TAE is (TAEp+1).
% Now ask for example:
% ?- last_ball(box(2,1), C, T).
% ===================================
% This problem is of course Edsger W. Dijkstra's "balls in the urn" problem, and
% there is a very easy way to deduce the color without exhautsive check of the move tree, as Prolog does in the above.
% See: https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD07xx/EWD720.html
last_ball_ewd(box(YI, _), red) :- 0 is (YI mod 2).
last_ball_ewd(box(YI, _), yellow) :- 1 is (YI mod 2).
% We can test this by trying to find a counterexample of the result of last_ball_ewsd for the other color via '\+'
verify(box(YI, RI)) :- last_ball_ewd(box(YI, RI), LBC), othercolor(LBC,LBCO), \+last_ball(box(YI, RI), LBCO, _).
% Now ask for example:
% ?- verify(box(2, 1))