The inquiry message has this general format:
IQ~<msg id>~A<unit#>~B<device type>~D<acct#>~F<password>~G<file>~H<hierarchicrecordpath>~J<field>
**One field from many records**:
Beginning with first share (ordinal zero) on Account 101 return all the Share ID fields in first
message then get all Close Dates in second message. IDs and Close Dates correspond
positionally within the two responses.
**Many fields from one record**:
Using the previous requests get additional information from open shares (two examples).
背景:我已经在我的应用程序中使用了工作单元/存储库模式。每个应用程序都处理多个数据存储(SQL DB,文件,Web服务,套接字等)。这个想法是每个存储库都公开了(完整的)数据模型的一部分。
我现在正在寻找一种设计模式来处理这些方法的内部,而不需要执行大量的string.Replace()语句或StringBuilder调用。由于任何请求的最大大小为8000个字符,因此您可以看到 ~J 字段可能变得非常复杂的位置。 (我仍在寻找可以进入 ~J 字段的所有可能代码。)
public List<SymitarAccount> GetAccounts(string accountId)
var retAccounts = new List<SymitarAccount>();
// Is there a pattern to do this repetitve but ever changing task? //
// Example: Mock response then handle... //
// NOTE: There will be many request/response calls here, not just one! //
var response = rsp.Split(new[] {'~'});
foreach (var q in response)
if (q.StartsWith("J") && q.Contains("="))
// get Key Value Pair //
// map KVP to SymitarAccount data point (big ugly switch(){}??) //
sa.Id = // KVP for ID //
sa.Balanace = // KVP for BALANCE //
return retAccounts;
public List<SymitarAccount> GetAccounts(string accountId)
var retAccounts = new List<SymitarAccount>();
// Get all account IDs...
var response = UnitOfWork.SendMessage("IQ~1~A0~BVENDOR~D101~F7777~HSHARE=0~JID=ALL");
ParseResponse(response, ref retAccounts);
// Get all account close dates (00000000 means it is open)...
response = UnitOfWork.SendMessage("IQ~1~A0~BVENDOR~D101~F7777~HSHARE=0~JCLOSEDATE=ALL");
ParseResponse(response, ref retAccounts);
// Get extra info for all OPEN accounts...
foreach (var account in retAccounts.Where(a => !a.IsClosed))
request = request.Replace("[acct]", account.Id.ToString("0000"));
response = UnitOfWork.SendMessage(request);
ParseResponse(response, ref retAccounts, account.Id);
return retAccounts;
private void ParseResponse(string response, ref List<SymitarAccount> accountList, int? id = null)
var list = response.Split(new[] {'~'});
var index = 0;
var chain = new ChainInquiryAccountInfo();
var parser = chain.Parser;
foreach (var q in list.Where(q => q.StartsWith("J"))) // && q.Contains("=")))
if (accountList.Count < index || accountList[index] == null)
accountList.Add(new SymitarAccount {PositionalIndex = index});
var val = q.Split(new[] {'='});
if ((id.HasValue && accountList[index].Id == id.Value) || !id.HasValue)
accountList[index] = parser.Parse(val, accountList[index]);
答案 0 :(得分:3)
您的示例实际上是反序列化,而不是来自XML或JSON,而是来自某些自定义文本格式。当您创建类并将其字段属性化以帮助序列化/反序列化时,您可以使用其他序列化程序的方向。这可以称为 Attributed Serializer Pattern 我相信......
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = true)]
sealed class SomeDataFormatAttribute : Attribute
readonly string name;
// This is a positional argument
public SomeDataFormatAttribute(string positionalString)
this.name = positionalString;
public string Name
get { return name; }
class SymitarAccount
public string CloseDate;
public int ShareCode;
public class SomeDataFormatDeserializer
public static T Deserlize<T>(string str) where T : new()
var result = new T();
var pattern = @"RSIQ~1~K0(?:~J(\w+=\d+))*";
var match = Regex.Match(str, pattern);
// Get fields of type T
var fields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (var field in fields)
// Get out custom attribute of this field (might return null)
var attr = field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SomeDataFormatAttribute)) as SomeDataFormatAttribute;
// Find regex capture that starts with attributed name (might return null)
var capture = match.Groups[1].Captures
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value.StartsWith(attr.Name));
if (capture != null)
var stringValue = capture.Value.Split('=').Last();
// Convert string to the proper type (like int)
var value = Convert.ChangeType(stringValue, field.FieldType);
field.SetValue(result, value);
return result;
public static List<SymitarAccount> GetAccounts(string accountId)
var retAccounts = new List<SymitarAccount>();
var responses = new List<string>() { @"RSIQ~1~K0~JCLOSEDATE=00000000~JSHARECODE=1" };
foreach (var response in responses)
var account = SomeDataFormatDeserializer.Deserlize<SymitarAccount>(response);
return retAccounts;
注意: SomeDataFormatDeserializer
答案 1 :(得分:0)
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = true)]
internal sealed class SymitarInquiryDataFormatAttribute : Attribute
private readonly string _name;
// This is a positional argument
public SymitarInquiryDataFormatAttribute(string positionalString) { this._name = positionalString; }
public string Name { get { return _name; } }
public class SymitarAccount
public int PositionalIndex;
public bool IsClosed{get { return CloseDate.HasValue; }}
public int Id;
public DateTime? CloseDate;
public int DivType;
public decimal Balance;
public decimal AvailableBalance;
public static class ExtensionSymitar
public static List<string> ValueList(this string source, string fieldType)
var list = source.Split('~').ToList();
return list.Where(a => a.StartsWith(fieldType)).ToList();
public static string KeyValuePairs(this string source, string fieldType)
return source.ValueList(fieldType).Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, j) => string.Format("{0}~{1}", current, j));
public static bool IsMultiRecord(this string source, string fieldType)
return source.ValueList(fieldType)
.Select(q => new Regex(Regex.Escape(q.Split('=').First())).Matches(source).Count > 1).First();
public static int ParseInt(this string val, string keyName)
int newValue;
if (!int.TryParse(val, out newValue))
throw new Exception("Could not parse " + keyName + " as an integer!");
return newValue;
public static decimal ParseMoney(this string val, string keyName)
decimal newValue;
if (!decimal.TryParse(val, out newValue))
throw new Exception("Could not parse " + keyName + " as a money amount!");
return newValue;
public static DateTime? ParseDate(this string val, string keyName)
if (val.Equals("00000000")) return null;
var year = val.Substring(0, 4).ToInt();
var mon = val.Substring(4, 2).ToInt();
var day = val.Substring(6, 2).ToInt();
if (year <= 1800 || year >= 2200 || mon < 1 || mon > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31)
throw new Exception("Could not parse " + keyName + " as a date!");
return new DateTime(year, mon, day);
public class SymitarInquiryDeserializer
/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a string of J field key value pairs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">The request or response string</param>
/// <param name="source">Optional: Use this if you are adding data to the source object</param>
/// <param name="fieldName">Optional: Use this if you are only populating a single property and know what it is</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The target class type to populate</typeparam>
/// <returns>New T Object or optional Source Object</returns>
public static T DeserializeFieldJ<T>(string str, T source = null, string fieldName = null) where T : class, new()
var result = source ?? new T();
const string pattern = @"(?:~J(\w+=\d+))*";
var match = Regex.Match(str, pattern);
// Get fields of type T
var fields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).ToList();
if (fieldName != null && fieldName.StartsWith("J")) fieldName = fieldName.Replace("J", "");
if (!fieldName.IsNullOrEmpty())
var field = fields.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.Equals(fieldName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
var stringValue = GetValue(field, match);
if (!stringValue.IsNullOrEmpty())
SetProperty(field, stringValue, result);
foreach (var field in fields)
var stringValue = GetValue(field, match);
SetProperty(field, stringValue, result);
return result;
private static string GetValue(FieldInfo field, Match match)
// Get out custom attribute of this field (might return null)
var attr = field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SymitarInquiryDataFormatAttribute)) as SymitarInquiryDataFormatAttribute;
if (attr == null) return null;
// Find regex capture that starts with attributed name (might return null)
var capture = match.Groups[1]
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value.StartsWith(attr.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
return capture == null ? null : capture.Value.Split('=').Last();
private static void SetProperty<T>(FieldInfo field, string stringValue, T result)
// Convert string to the proper type (like int)
if (field.FieldType.FullName.Contains("Int32"))
field.SetValue(result, stringValue.ParseInt(field.Name));
else if (field.FieldType.FullName.Contains("Decimal"))
field.SetValue(result, stringValue.ParseMoney(field.Name));
else if (field.FieldType.FullName.Contains("DateTime"))
field.SetValue(result, stringValue.ParseDate(field.Name));
var value = Convert.ChangeType(stringValue, field.FieldType);
field.SetValue(result, value);
public List<SymitarAccount> GetAccounts(string accountId)
var accountList = new List<SymitarAccount>();
// build request, get response, parse it...
var request = "IQ~1~A20424~BAUTOPAY~D101~F7777~HSHARE=0~JID=ALL";
var response = UnitOfWork.SendMessage(request);
ParseResponse(response, ref accountList);
foreach (var account in accountList.Where(a => a.IsClosed == false))
response = UnitOfWork.SendMessage(request);
ParseResponse(response, ref accountList, account.Id);
return accountList;
private void ParseResponse(string response, ref List<SymitarAccount> accountList, int? id = null)
var index = 0;
var list = response.ValueList(fieldType: "J");
var jString = response.KeyValuePairs(fieldType: "J");
var isMultiRecord = response.IsMultiRecord(fieldType: "J");
SymitarAccount account;
if (isMultiRecord && !id.HasValue)
foreach (var q in list.Where(a => a.StartsWith("J")))
// Add object if we don't yet have it in the collection...
if (accountList.Count <= index)
accountList.Add(new SymitarAccount { PositionalIndex = index });
account = accountList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.PositionalIndex == index);
SymitarInquiryDeserializer.DeserializeFieldJ("~" + q, account, q.Split('=').First());
else if(id.HasValue)
account = accountList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == id.Value);
SymitarInquiryDeserializer.DeserializeFieldJ(jString, account);