C ++ - 碰撞响应导致剪辑

时间:2014-12-16 14:23:07

标签: c++ collision-detection collision




void CharacterManager::updateAll(float elapsedTime)
    for(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Character>>::iterator i = _characters.begin(); i != _characters.end(); i++) {

void CharacterManager::collisions()
    for(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Character>>::iterator i = _characters.begin(); i != _characters.end(); i++) {
        for(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Character>>::iterator j = _characters.begin(); j != _characters.end(); j++) {
            if(i == j) continue;
            float xi = (*i)->position().x;
            float yi = (*i)->position().y;
            float xj = (*j)->position().x;
            float yj = (*j)->position().y;
            float dx = xi - xj;
            float dy = yi - yj;
            float distSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy;
            float ri = (*i)->xRect().width/2;
            float rj = (*j)->xRect().width/2;
            if(distSquared < (ri + rj) * (ri + rj)) {
                // fix collisions
                float angle = atan2f(dy,dx);
                float overlap = (ri + rj) - sqrt(distSquared);
                if(xi < xj) {
                    if(yi < yj) {
                        (*i)->position(xi - cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yi - sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
                        (*j)->position(xj + cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yj + sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
                    } else {
                        (*i)->position(xi - cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yi + sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
                        (*j)->position(xj + cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yj - sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
                } else {
                    if(yi < yj) {
                        (*i)->position(xi + cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yi - sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
                        (*j)->position(xj - cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yj + sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
                    } else {
                        (*i)->position(xi + cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yi + sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
                        (*j)->position(xj - cosf(angle) * overlap/2, yj - sinf(angle) * overlap/2);
                // calc new velocities
                float vxi = (*i)->velocity().x;
                float vyi = (*i)->velocity().y;
                float vxj = (*j)->velocity().x;
                float vyj = (*j)->velocity().y;
                float vx = vxj - vxi;
                float vy = vyj - vyi;
                float dotProduct = dx * vx + dy * vy;
                if(dotProduct >= 0) {

                    float collisionScale = dotProduct / distSquared;
                    float xCollision = dx * collisionScale;
                    float yCollision = dy * collisionScale;
                    float combinedMass = (*i)->weight() + (*j)->weight();
                    float collisionWeightA = 2 * (*j)->weight() / combinedMass;
                    float collisionWeightB = 2 * (*i)->weight() / combinedMass;
                    (*i)->velocity(vxi + collisionWeightA * xCollision, vyi + collisionWeightA * yCollision);
                    (*j)->velocity(vxj - collisionWeightB * xCollision, vyj - collisionWeightB * yCollision);


void Stage::characterCrossCollisions(std::shared_ptr<Character> character)
    for(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tile>>::iterator tile = tiles.begin(); tile != tiles.end(); tile++) {
        if(!(*tile)->walkable) {
            sf::Rect<float> cxr = character->xRect();
            sf::Rect<float> cyr = character->yRect();
            sf::Rect<float> tr = (*tile)->getRect();

            if(!(cxr.left > tr.left + tr.width ||
                 cxr.left + cxr.width < tr.left ||
                 cxr.top > tr.top + tr.height ||
                 cxr.top + cxr.height < tr.top)) {
                float ox = 0;
                if(character->position().x > (*tile)->position().x) {
                    ox = cxr.left - (tr.left + tr.width);
                else {
                    ox = cxr.left + cxr.width - tr.left;
                character->position(character->position().x - ox, character->position().y);

            if(!(cyr.left > tr.left + tr.width ||
                 cyr.left + cyr.width < tr.left ||
                 cyr.top > tr.top + tr.height ||
                 cyr.top + cyr.height < tr.top)) {
                float oy = 0;
                if(character->position().y > (*tile)->position().y) {
                    oy = cyr.top - (tr.top + tr.height);
                else {
                    oy = cyr.top + cyr.height - tr.top;
                character->position(character->position().x, character->position().y - oy);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




  1. 向前移动物品
  2. 检查是否发生碰撞,如果从头开始没有碰撞重复
  3. 将物体彼此远离,直到它们不与其质量成比例碰撞。由于墙不会移动,你可以认为它们具有无限质量并且只移动角色
  4. 在物体不再相交后重新计算碰撞物体的速度
  5. 重复
  6. 您还可以使用像这样的约束,对象永远不会与墙相交并通过检查移动字符时新位置是否有效来应用此约束。并且只有在新位置有效时才移动角色。

    这个小例子应该举例说明验证。使用MoveTo()方法使位置仅可更新,并且在MoveTo()方法内,您可以验证新位置并返回移动是否成功。如果移动不成功,呼叫者可能会想要采取不同的行动。 (将物体移动到接触位置之前,这将是处理碰撞的绝佳机会)

    class Character{
        bool MoveTo(float x, float y)
            if (this.isValidPosition(x,y))
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;
                return true;
            return false;
        void Update(float deltaTime)
            float new_x = x + velocity_x*deltaTime;
            float new_y = y + velocity_y*deltaTime;
            if (!this.MoveTo(new_x, new_y))
                Console.Write("cannot move " + this + " to the new position, something is already there\n");