有人可以帮助我! 我在实体报价中有一个自定义按钮,用于从报表生成PDF文件。 如果CRM处于联机状态,它可以很好地工作,但是一旦我作为离线模式切换到Outlook 它不起作用。因为它没有获得会话ID和控制ID
var pth="";
pth= Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() + "/CRMReports/rsviewer/reportviewer.aspx";
pth= " http://localhost:2525/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx";
var retrieveEntityReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
var Id = Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId();
var quotationGUID = Id.replace('{', ""); //set this to selected quotation GUID
quotationGUID = quotationGUID.replace('}', "");
var reportName = "Quote"; //set this to the report you are trying to download
var reportID = "6A39D18F-2EC6-E344-8986-F49D6765A723"; //set this to the guid of the report you are trying to download
var rptPathString = ""; //set this to the CRMF_Filtered parameter
var strParameterXML = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'><entity name='quote'><all-attributes /><filter type='and'><condition attribute='quoteid' operator='eq' uitype='quote' value='" + quotationGUID + "' /> </filter></entity></fetch>";
retrieveEntityReq.open("POST", pth, false);
retrieveEntityReq.setRequestHeader("Accept", "*/*");
retrieveEntityReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
rptPathString = "id=%7B" + reportID + "%7D&uniquename=" + Xrm.Page.context.getOrgUniqueName() + "&iscustomreport=true&reportnameonsrs=&reportName=" +
reportName + "&isScheduledReport=false&p:CRMAF_Filteredquote=" + strParameterXML;
//remove the part starting from &p:salesorderid if your report has no parameters
var x = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("ReportSession=");
var ret = new Array();
ret[0] = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.substr(x + 14, retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("&", x) - x - 14); //the session id
x = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("ControlID=");
ret[1] = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.substr(x + 10, retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("&", x) - x - 10); //the control id
return ret;