
时间:2014-12-15 18:44:10

标签: c++ switch-statement





好的,我现在改了。这是我更新的代码。目前正在遇到这个问题。它计算了一切,但我的if else声明。

EDIT2: 解决。



using namespace std; double SLength, SWidth, SArea, RLength, RWidth, RArea, radius, CArea, base, height, TArea, total_area, labor, carpet, total, taxcost; const double pi = 3.14; const double cost = 2.45; const double tax = .085; vector<int> choices; void AreaSquare() //creating an equation to be called to in my switch for fahrenheit conversion { SArea = pow(SLength,2.0); } void AreaRectangle() //creating an equation to be called to in my switch for fahrenheit conversion { RArea = (RWidth * RLength); } void AreaCircle() //creating an equation to be called to in my switch for fahrenheit conversion { CArea = pi * pow(radius,2.0); } void AreaTriangle() //creating an equation to be called to in my switch for fahrenheit conversion { TArea = 0.5 * base * height; } int main() { unsigned short choice; do { cout << "Please choose from the following: " << "\n"; cout << "1: Square"<< "\n"; cout << "2: Rectangle"<< "\n"; cout << "3: Circle"<< "\n"; cout << "4: Triangle"<< "\n"; cout << "5: Total Area"<< "\n"; cout << "0: To Exit the Program"<< "\n"; cin >> choice; system ("cls"); switch (choice) { case 1: cout << "Please enter the Length: "; cin >> SLength; AreaSquare(); cout << "The area of the Square is " << SArea << "\n"; total_area += SArea; system ("pause"); // pauses the program system ("cls"); //clears the screen break; case 2: cout << "Please enter the Length: "; cin >> RLength; cout << "Please enter the Width: "; cin >> RWidth; AreaRectangle(); cout << "The area of the Rectangle is " << RArea<< "\n"; total_area += RArea; system ("pause"); // pauses the program system ("cls"); //clears the screen break; case 3: cout << "Please enter the Radius of the Circle: "; cin >> radius; AreaCircle(); cout << "The area of the Circle is: " << CArea<< "\n"; total_area += CArea; system ("pause"); // pauses the program system ("cls"); //clears the screen break; case 4: cout << "Please enter the base of the Triangle: "; cin >> base; cout << "Please enter the height of the Triangle: "; cin >> height; AreaTriangle(); cout << "The area of the Triangle is " << TArea << "\n"; total_area += TArea; system ("pause"); // pauses the program system ("cls"); //clears the screen break; case 5: for ( size_t i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++ ) { if ( choices[i] == 1 ) { cout << "Shape: Square" << "\n"; cout << "Length: " << SLength << "\n"; cout << "Area: " << SArea << "Square Feet" << "\n"; } else if ( choices[i] == 2 ) { cout << "Shape: Rectangle" << "\n"; cout << "Length: " << RLength << "\n"; cout << "Width: " << RWidth << "\n"; cout << "Area: " << RArea << "Square Feet"<< "\n"; } else if ( choices[i] == 3 ) { cout << "Shape: Circle" << "\n"; cout << "Radius: " << radius << "\n"; cout << "Area: " << CArea << "Square Feet" << "\n"; } else if ( choices[i] == 4 ) { cout << "Shape: Triangle" << "\n"; cout << "Base: " << base << "\n"; cout << "Height: " << height << "\n"; cout << "Area: " << TArea << "Square Feet" << "\n"; } } labor = (total_area / 50) * 35.72; carpet = (total_area * 2.45); taxcost = (labor + carpet) * tax; total = (labor + carpet + taxcost) ; cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2); cout << "Total area: $" << total_area << " Square Feet " << "\n"; cout << "Carpet Cost: $" << carpet << "\n"; cout << "Labor cost: $" << labor << "\n"; cout << "Tax: $" << taxcost << "\n"; cout << "Total Cost: $" << total << "\n"; case 0: //case in case user selects 0 the program will exit cout << "Program is terminating..."<< endl; system ("pause"); return 0; break; //causes the prgram to execute the next statement outside the switch default: //the third case incase the user enters an invalid option cout << "That is not an option!" << endl; cout << "Please try again." << endl; cout << "\n" << endl; cout << "\n" << endl; cout << "\n" << endl; system ("pause"); // pauses the program system ("cls"); //clears the screen break; //causes the program to execute the next statement outside the switch } } while (choice != 0); }

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

由于所有area *变量都是全局变量,因此默认情况下它们初始化为0。所以最简单的方法是添加所有区域*变量。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


std::vector<int> choices;


choices.push_back( n ); // where n = the input




case 5:
for ( size_t i = 0; i < choices.size(); i++ ) {
      if ( choices[i] == 0 ) {
           // print out shape associated w/ zero
      } else if ( choice[i] == 1 ) {
           // print out shape associated w/ 1
      //... etc.

 std::cout << "Total area: " << total_area << std:::endl;

答案 2 :(得分:0)


编辑:我没有意识到除了总面积之外你还想存储形状选择,所以我添加了一个std :: vector,它是一个动态数组,用于存储用户选择.I'故意遗漏存储宽度,高度,半径等,原因有两个:1)现在你已经看到我如何存储选择,你应该能够用你想要存储的任何东西复制那个逻辑,并且2)通过程序编程就像你在这里所做的那样,它的工作量超过它的价值。相反,在这一点上开始学习结构和类是更明智的。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
const double pi = 3.14;

enum Option
const char* const OptionNames[Max] =
    "Total Area"

int main()
    // Declare a container to store user selections in
    vector<Option> selections;

    // Declare a variable that stores the total area
    double areaTotal = 0;

    // Declare a variable to store the user's input and initialize it to something other than the exit condition
    int userChoice = Totals;

    // While the user hasn't opted to exit
    while (Exit != userChoice)
        // Prompt the user to select a shape
        cout << "Please select a shape:\n";

        // Iterate over all options, starting with square, and display their corresponding names
        for (int i=Square; i<Max; ++i)
            cout << i << ". " << OptionNames[i] << '\n';

        // Show the Exit option last
        cout << Exit << ". " << OptionNames[Exit] << '\n';

        // Take the user's input
        cin >> userChoice;

        // If they entered a shape (not Exit or Total), save their selection
        if (userChoice > Exit && userChoice < Totals)
            selections.push_back(Option(userChoice));   // cast the int to an Option

        // Evaluate the selection
        switch (userChoice)
            case Exit:
                cout << "Program is terminating...\n";
                // Nothing else needs to be done here, as we are breaking out of the switch, and the while-loop's exit condition is now met
            case Square:
                cout << "Please enter the length of one side: ";
                double length;
                cin >> length;

                double area = length * length;
                cout << "The area of the Square is " << area << '\n';
                areaTotal += area;

            case Rectangle:
                cout << "Please enter the length: ";
                double length;
                cin >> length;

                cout << "Please enter the width: ";
                double width;
                cin >> width;

                double area = (length * width);
                cout << "The area of the Rectangle is " << area << '\n';
                areaTotal += area;

            case Circle:
                cout << "Please enter the radius: ";
                double radius;
                cin >> radius;

                double area = pi * pow(radius, 2.0);
                cout << "The area of the Circle is: " << area << '\n';
                areaTotal += area;

            case Triangle:
                cout << "Please enter the base: ";
                double base;
                cin >> base;

                cout << "Please enter the hight: ";
                double height;
                cin >> height;

                double area = 0.5 * base * height;
                cout << "The area of the triangle is " << area << '\n';
                areaTotal += area;

            case Totals:
                cout << "Your selections were:\n";

                // Iterate over all selections except the last one, placing a comma and space after each one
                int i;
                for (i=0; i<selections.size()-1; ++i)
                    cout << OptionNames[selections[i]] << ", ";
                // The last selection goes outside the for-loop, so we can put a newline after it instead of a comma
                cout << OptionNames[selections[i]] << ".\n";

                // Display the total area
                cout << "The total area is: " << areaTotal << '\n';
                cout << "That is not an option!\n";
                cout << "Please try again.\n";


    return 0;