如何让MS Word拼写检查器检查标点符号?

时间:2014-12-14 14:26:08

标签: c# .net ms-word spell-checking punctuation

我用过这里的例子: http://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-ru/library/ms173188(v=vs.80).aspx

它有点好用,除了一件事 - 它不会检查标点符号,而Word本身会检查它。 enter image description here


using System.Reflection;
using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;

namespace WordSpell
    public partial class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox1;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;

        public Form1()  //constructor

        private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Word.Application app = new Word.Application();

            int errors = 0;
            if (textBox1.Text.Length > 0)
                app.Visible = false;

                // Setting these variables is comparable to passing null to the function.
                // This is necessary because the C# null cannot be passed by reference.
                object template = Missing.Value;
                object newTemplate = Missing.Value;
                object documentType = Missing.Value;
                object visible = true;

                Word._Document doc1 = app.Documents.Add(ref template, ref newTemplate, ref documentType, ref visible);
                Word.ProofreadingErrors spellErrorsColl = doc1.SpellingErrors;
                errors = spellErrorsColl.Count;

                object optional = Missing.Value;

                    ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional,
                    ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional);

                label1.Text = errors + " errors corrected ";
                object first = 0;
                object last = doc1.Characters.Count - 1;
                textBox1.Text = doc1.Range(ref first, ref last).Text;

            object saveChanges = false;
            object originalFormat = Missing.Value;
            object routeDocument = Missing.Value;

            app.Quit(ref saveChanges, ref originalFormat, ref routeDocument);

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