
时间:2014-12-11 21:36:16

标签: jquery jquery-plugins fullpage.js


我想更改结果图片的显示方式。我使用fullpage.js(https://github.com/alvarotrigo/fullPage.js)并想使用滑块分别显示每张图片。为了在幻灯片中显示图片,图片必须以<div>显示class="slide" (<div class="slide"><img></div>)



    (function ($) {
        $.fn.jqinstapics = function (options) {

            // Defaults
            var defaults = {
                "user_id": null,
                "access_token": null,
                "count": 10

            var o = $.extend(defaults, options);

            return this.each(function () {

              // Vars
              var elem = $(this),

                url = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/" + o.user_id + "/media/recent?access_token=" + o.access_token + "&count=" + o.count + "&callback=?";

                // Get the images   
                $.getJSON(url, function(data){
                    $.each(data.data, function (i, val) {

// created the div var to try and give the image the div container it needs to be a slide. wanted to append it as the first elemet to the elem var that creates the display.

                        var div = $("<div class='slide'>").appendTo(elem),
                            li = $("<li/>").appendTo(div),
                            a = $("<a/>", {"href": val.link, "target": "_blank"}).appendTo(li),

       // added the </div> to try and close out the slide div.

                            img = $("<img/></div>", {"src": val.images.thumbnail.url}).appendTo(a);

                        if (val.caption){
                            a.attr("title", val.caption.text);

                if(o.user_id == null || o.access_token == null){
                  elem.append("<li>Please specify a User ID and Access Token, as outlined in the docs.</li>");


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