是否有某种方法可以获取子表单连续表单的滚动条位置的当前位置,然后在连续表单被重新查询后在代码中设置该位置?(Stephen Lebans'代码执行此操作(请参阅:http://www.lebans.com/SelectRow.htm)对我不起作用,因为我使用的是Access 2013,他的代码无法转换为Access 2013.
这里有一个子窗体连续形式显示的样本,当Record 7是当前选择的记录时:
{tab control显示在连续表单子表单下方}
在重新查询子表单之后,这是子表单连续表单显示的样子,但我希望显示看起来与上面相同;显示器应该不将Record 7作为连续表单视图中的顶级记录,因为它原来是视图中的第5条记录所以我希望它是重新查询后的第5条记录:
{tab control显示在连续表单子表单下方}
答案 0 :(得分:2)
我无法让Wayne G Dunn的解决方案正常工作,但我提出了这个替代方案。这不是很好,但它对我有用。
创建具有位置的表 - 这需要在启动时或某处运行 - 如果用户可以调整大小或者任何可能改变连续形式中可能显示的记录数,则可能需要更频繁。
Public Sub Setup_Positions()
Dim sql As String
Dim Position As Long
Dim currentSectionTop As Long
Dim lastSectionTop As Long
sql = "DELETE FROM tblRecordPosition"
currentdb.execute sql
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
Position = 1
Call Set_NoUpdate
With Forms("frmMain").Controls("frmContinuousSubForm").Form
currentSectionTop = .currentSectionTop
Do While currentSectionTop <> lastSectionTop
'record previous sectiontop
lastSectionTop = currentSectionTop
'write it into the table
sql = "INSERT INTO tblRecordPosition (Position, CurrentSectionTop) " & _
"SELECT " & Position & ", " & _
CurrentDb.Execute sql
'update to next position and record the 'last' one, move to next record. When we've run out of visible ones, the last and current will be the same.
Position = Position + 1
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
'get new current sectiontop
currentSectionTop = .currentSectionTop
End With
Call Set_NoUpdateOff
End Sub
设置全局变量和一些维护它们的函数。 'NoUpdateRequired'变量是可选的 - 我用它来防止不必要的东西一直在运行。
Public NoUpdateRequired As Boolean
Public Position As Long
Public Sub Set_NoUpdate()
NoUpdateRequired = True
End Sub
Public Sub Set_NoUpdateOff()
NoUpdateRequired = False
End Sub
Public Function Get_Position(Optional InputCurrentSectionTop As Long) As Long
Dim currentSectionTop As Long
Dim Position As Long
If InputCurrentSectionTop > 0 Then
currentSectionTop = InputCurrentSectionTop
currentSectionTop = Forms("frmMain").Controls("frmContinuousSubForm").Form.currentSectionTop
End If
Position = Nz(ELookup("Position", "tblRecordPosition", "CurrentSectionTop = " & currentSectionTop), 0)
Get_Position = Position
End Function
Private Sub Form_Current()
If NoUpdateRequired = False Then
Position = Get_Position
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Refresh_ContinuousSubForm()
'All this problem goes away if you can use Refresh instead of Requery, but if you have a few things editting the underlying table, you must use requery to avoid 'another user has changed the data' errors.
'However, this then causes the form to jump
'back to the first record instead of keeping the current record selected. To get around this, the following has been employed:
'the .seltop property allows you to select the top selected record (in most cases, only one record is selected). This is recorded before the refresh, and
'the form set back to that after the refresh. However, this puts the selected record at the top of the screen - confusing when you're working down a list.
'The .currentSectionTop property measures the number of twips from the selected record to the top of the screen - and correlates to which position in the list
'of 25 records in the bottom pane. tblRecordPosition converts between the twips to the actual position (recorded when the database is opened).
'The key to all this is that going back to the right record using .seltop only puts the record at the top of the screen IF the record wasn't already visible on the screen.
'But GoToRecord, if used when you're already at the top of the screen, will push the records down the screen as you move backward (upward) through them.
'So we go to the right record, and it will probably be at the top of the screen because of the requery. Then we push them down the screen back to the original position
'using GoToRecord, but now we're on the wrong record. Then we return to the right record using .seltop, and because it's already on the screen, it won't move position.
Dim startSeltop As Long
Dim newSectionTop As Long
Dim newPosition As Long
Dim startPosition As Long
Dim recordsToMove As Long
'Also global variable Position (long) which is recorded in the form's current event
Call Set_NoUpdate
startPosition = Position
With Forms("frmMain").Controls("frmContinuousSubForm").Form
.Painting = False 'stops the screen flickering between
startSeltop = .SelTop 'records which record we're on. Position represents where that was showing on the screen.
.Requery 'does the requery
.SelTop = startSeltop 'sets us back to the correct record
newSectionTop = .currentSectionTop 'measures in twips which position it's in (usually 1)
newPosition = Get_Position(newSectionTop) 'converts that to the position
recordsToMove = startPosition - newPosition 'calculates how many records to move - moving records using GoToRecord moves the position as well
If recordsToMove > 0 Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious, recordsToMove 'moves back enough records to push our record to the right place on the screen
End If
.SelTop = startSeltop 'now sets back to the correct record
.Painting = True 'turns the screen painting back on
End With
Call Set_NoUpdateOff
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:1)
以下代码是Stephen Lebans&#39;上的代码的子集。网站:http://www.lebans.com/SelectRow.htm。该链接具有指向Access数据库的压缩版本的链接,其中包含处理多个方案的所有代码,但数据库是旧版本,需要进行转换。 Leban先生的代码远远超过了此处所包含的内容,但我只是使用此代码来解决一个特定问题。
(A)创建一个名为&#39; clsSetRow&#39;并粘贴在以下代码中:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private mSelTop As Long
Private mCurrentSectionTop As Long
Public Property Get SelTop() As Long
SelTop = mSelTop
End Property
Public Property Let SelTop(x As Long)
mSelTop = x
End Property
Public Property Get CurrentSectionTop() As Long
CurrentSectionTop = mCurrentSectionTop
End Property
Public Property Let CurrentSectionTop(x As Long)
mCurrentSectionTop = x
End Property
Private SR As clsSetRow
Dim lCurRec As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set SR = New clsSetRow
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
' This event can be called during the Form Load event prior to the init of
' our class so we must test for this.
If Not SR Is Nothing Then
SR.SelTop = Me.SelTop
SR.CurrentSectionTop = Me.CurrentSectionTop
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert() ' OR JUST USE THE BEFOREINSERT
lCurRec = Me.CurrentRecord
'Debug.Print "After Insert, Current: " & Me.CurrentRecord
End Sub
Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer) ' OR JUST USE THE AFTERINSERT
lCurRec = Me.CurrentRecord
'Debug.Print "Before Insert, Current: " & Me.CurrentRecord
End Sub
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Me.Name, acGoTo, lCurRec
祝你好运!谢谢Stephen Lebans的代码!