Unity RPC未被调用

时间:2014-12-05 20:20:29

标签: c# networking unity3d multiplayer





public void GenerateDungeon()
    tiles = dungeon.SetDungeonData();

    //Begin looking through every single tile
    for(int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
        //If our tile is something useful, aka not a void area in the dungeon
        if(tiles[i] != 0){

            //Bogus location
            int x = 0;
            int z = 0;

            //Real World Location
            convert.ConvertIndexToXY(i,ref x,ref z);

            //Wouldn't need if I understood the math, but since I don't being extra careful
            int leftTile = tiles[convert.ConvertXYToIndex(x-1,z)];
            int rightTile = tiles[convert.ConvertXYToIndex(x+1,z)];
            int topTile = tiles[convert.ConvertXYToIndex(x,z-1)];
            int bottomTile = tiles[convert.ConvertXYToIndex(x,z+1)];

            //Create a base layer for compairing dungeon

            //Determine what we are trying to spawn, and spawn it
            if(tiles[i] == (short)Enums.TileType.Corner)
                CheckCorners(leftTile, rightTile, topTile, bottomTile, x, z, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

            if(tiles[i] == (short)Enums.TileType.OneWall)
                CheckOneWalls(leftTile, rightTile, topTile, bottomTile, x, z, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

            if(tiles[i] == (short)Enums.TileType.FloorAndRoof)
                CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.FloorAndRoof, x,z,0,dungeonWidth,dungeonHeight);

            if(tiles[i] == (short)Enums.TileType.Corridor)
                CheckCorridors(leftTile, rightTile, topTile, bottomTile, x, z, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);    
        }//end if tiles != 0
    }//end for

    Debug.Log ("Done pushing tiles");
    //networkView.RPC("SpawnCharacter",RPCMode.AllBuffered, team1Spawn);
    networkView.RPC ("SpawnCharacter",RPCMode.All);
    //networkView.RPC ("Merp",RPCMode.All);
    //networkView.RPC ("PushTiles",RPCMode.All);
    //Debug.Log ("Merr?");

}//end generate dungeon

void SpawnCharacter()
    Debug.Log ("Spawning character at : " );
    //Instantiate(character,position, Quaternion.identity);



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
/// <summary>
/// BSP Spawning Script is responsible creating a dungeon from scratch to finished.
/// </summary>
public class BSPSpawningScript : MonoBehaviour{

public int dungeonWidth = 80;
public int dungeonHeight = 80;
public int numSplits = 4;
public GameObject character;
public float charYOffset;

short[] tiles;

BSPDungeon dungeon;
CoConvert convert;
bool team1  = false;
bool team2 = false;
GameObject lastTile;
Vector3 team1Spawn;

void Start()
        Debug.Log ("Destroying");   

    convert = new CoConvert(dungeonWidth);
    dungeon = new BSPDungeon(dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);
    dungeon.GenerateRooms ();

public void Reset()
    dungeon.GenerateRooms ();

public void GenerateDungeon()
    tiles = dungeon.SetDungeonData();

    //Begin looking through every single tile
    for(int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
        //If our tile is something useful, aka not a void area in the dungeon
        if(tiles[i] != 0){

        //Bogus location
        int x = 0;
        int z = 0;

        //Real World Location
        convert.ConvertIndexToXY(i,ref x,ref z);

        //Wouldn't need if I understood the math, but since I don't being extra careful
        int leftTile = tiles[convert.ConvertXYToIndex(x-1,z)];
        int rightTile = tiles[convert.ConvertXYToIndex(x+1,z)];
        int topTile = tiles[convert.ConvertXYToIndex(x,z-1)];
        int bottomTile = tiles[convert.ConvertXYToIndex(x,z+1)];

        //Create a base layer for compairing dungeon

        //Determine what we are trying to spawn, and spawn it
        if(tiles[i] == (short)Enums.TileType.Corner)
            CheckCorners(leftTile, rightTile, topTile, bottomTile, x, z, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        if(tiles[i] == (short)Enums.TileType.OneWall)
            CheckOneWalls(leftTile, rightTile, topTile, bottomTile, x, z, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        if(tiles[i] == (short)Enums.TileType.FloorAndRoof)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.FloorAndRoof, x,z,0,dungeonWidth,dungeonHeight);

        if(tiles[i] == (short)Enums.TileType.Corridor)
            CheckCorridors(leftTile, rightTile, topTile, bottomTile, x, z, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);    
        }//end if tiles != 0
    }//end for

    Debug.Log ("Done pushing tiles");
    //networkView.RPC("SpawnCharacter",RPCMode.AllBuffered, team1Spawn);
    networkView.RPC ("SpawnCharacter",RPCMode.All);
    //networkView.RPC ("Merp",RPCMode.All);
    //networkView.RPC ("PushTiles",RPCMode.All);
    //Debug.Log ("Merr?");

}//end generate dungeon

void SpawnCharacter()
    Debug.Log ("Spawning character at : " );
    //Instantiate(character,position, Quaternion.identity);

/// <summary>
/// Create Tile is responsible for instantiating tiles.  
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tileType">What Tile type to spawn.</param>
/// <param name="x">The x coordinate to spawn tile at.</param>
/// <param name="z">The z coordinate to spawn tile at.</param>
/// <param name="rotation">What rotation to spawn the tile at.</param>
/// <param name="dungeonWidth">Dungeon width.</param>
/// <param name="dungeonHeight">Dungeon height.</param>
public void CreateTile(int tileType, int x, int z, float rotation, int dungeonWidth, int dungeonHeight)
    //So it displays right-side up in the center of the scene
    x -= dungeonWidth/2;
    z -= dungeonHeight/2;

    //Offsetting for the tile size
    x *= 8;
    z *= -8;

    //Set up temporary object
    GameObject tempObject;

    //Get it's position
    Vector3 tempPos = new Vector3(x,0,z);

    bool sendSpawn = false;

        case -1:
            Debug.Log ("NONE FOUND " + tempPos);
            tempObject = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Error"));
        case (int)Enums.TileType.Corner:
            tempObject = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Corner"));
        case (int)Enums.TileType.OneWall:
            tempObject = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("OneWall"));
        case (int)Enums.TileType.Doorway:
            tempObject = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Doorway"));
        case (int)Enums.TileType.FloorAndRoof:
            tempObject =(GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("FloorAndRoof"));
        if(team1 == false)
                //character.transform.position = new Vector3(x, charYOffset,z);
                team1Spawn = new Vector3(x, charYOffset, z);        
                team1 = true;
                sendSpawn = true;
                Debug.Log ("SETTING SPAWN");
    case (int)Enums.TileType.Corridor:
        tempObject =(GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Corridor"));
        tempObject = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load ("Error"));
        Debug.Log ("DEFAULT " + tempPos);

    tempObject.transform.Rotate (new Vector3(0f, rotation, 0f));
    tempObject.transform.position = tempPos;

    networkView.RPC ("PushTile", RPCMode.AllBuffered, tempObject, tempPos, rotation);

    //GameObject.Destroy (tempObject);

void PushTile(GameObject tileObject, Vector3 tilePosition, float rotation)
    Debug.Log ("Rawr");
    GameObject objectCopy = tileObject;
    Quaternion newRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, rotation, 0f);
    Network.Instantiate(objectCopy, tilePosition, newRotation, 0);

/// <summary>
/// Determins which direction a tile should face, as a corner.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftTile">The tile to the left of the target tile.</param>
/// <param name="rightTile">The tile to the right of the target tile.</param>
/// <param name="topTile">The tile ontop of the target tile</param>
/// <param name="bottomTile">The tile below the target tile</param>
/// <param name="x">The x coordinate of the target tile.</param>
/// <param name="z">The z coordinate of the target tile.</param>
/// <param name="dungeonWidth">Dungeon width.</param>
/// <param name="dungeonHeight">Dungeon height.</param>
public void CheckCorners (int leftTile, int rightTile, int topTile, int bottomTile, int x, int z, int dungeonWidth, int dungeonHeight)
    //Left And Top Empty = NW
    //Left and Bottom Empty = SW
    //Right and Top Empty = NE
    //Right and Bottom Empty = NW

    if(leftTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Empty)
        if(topTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Empty)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.Corner,x,z,(float)Enums.CornerDirections.NorthWest, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        else if(bottomTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Empty)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.Corner,x,z,(float)Enums.CornerDirections.SouthWest, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

            CreateTile(-1,x,z,0, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);
    else if(rightTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Empty)
        if(topTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Empty)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.Corner,x,z,(float)Enums.CornerDirections.NorthEast, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        else if(bottomTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Empty)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.Corner,x,z,(float)Enums.CornerDirections.SouthEast, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

            CreateTile(-1,x,z,0, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);              
    CreateTile(-1,x,z,0, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

    /// <summary>
    /// Determins which direction a tile should face, as a single wall.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="leftTile">The tile to the left of the target tile.</param>
    /// <param name="rightTile">The tile to the right of the target tile.</param>
    /// <param name="topTile">The tile ontop of the target tile</param>
    /// <param name="bottomTile">The tile below the target tile</param>
    /// <param name="x">The x coordinate of the target tile.</param>
    /// <param name="z">The z coordinate of the target tile.</param>
    /// <param name="dungeonWidth">Dungeon width.</param>
    /// <param name="dungeonHeight">Dungeon height.</param>
    public void CheckOneWalls(int leftTile, int rightTile, int topTile, int bottomTile, int x, int z, int dungeonWidth, int dungeonHeight)
        if(bottomTile == (int)Enums.TileType.FloorAndRoof && topTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Empty)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.OneWall, x,z,(float)Enums.OneWallDirections.North, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        else if(leftTile == (int)Enums.TileType.FloorAndRoof && rightTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Empty)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.OneWall, x,z,(float)Enums.OneWallDirections.East, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        else if(rightTile == (int)Enums.TileType.FloorAndRoof && leftTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Empty)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.OneWall, x,z,(float)Enums.OneWallDirections.West, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        else if(topTile == (int)Enums.TileType.FloorAndRoof && bottomTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Empty)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.OneWall, x,z,(float)Enums.OneWallDirections.South, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        else if(bottomTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Corridor)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.Doorway, x,z,(float)Enums.DoorwayDirections.South, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        else if(topTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Corridor)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.Doorway, x,z,(float)Enums.DoorwayDirections.North, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        else if(leftTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Corridor)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.Doorway, x,z,(float)Enums.DoorwayDirections.West, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        else if(rightTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Corridor)
            CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.Doorway, x,z,(float)Enums.DoorwayDirections.East, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

            CreateTile(-1, x,z,0, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

/// <summary>
/// Determins which direction a tile should face, as a corridor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leftTile">The tile to the left of the target tile.</param>
/// <param name="rightTile">The tile to the right of the target tile.</param>
/// <param name="topTile">The tile ontop of the target tile</param>
/// <param name="bottomTile">The tile below the target tile</param>
    /// <param name="x">The x coordinate of the target tile.</param>
/// <param name="z">The z coordinate of the target tile.</param>
/// <param name="dungeonWidth">Dungeon width.</param>
/// <param name="dungeonHeight">Dungeon height.</param>
public void CheckCorridors(int leftTile, int rightTile, int topTile, int bottomTile, int x, int z, int dungeonWidth, int dungeonHeight)
    //We are a N/S corridor IF our bottom tile is a...
    //Doorway, corridor, or a single wall (because sometimes we are checked before walls have become doorways)
    if(bottomTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Doorway || bottomTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Corridor || bottomTile == (int)Enums.TileType.OneWall)
        CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.Corridor, x,z,(float)Enums.CorridorDirections.NorthSouth, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

    //We are a W/E corridor IF our bottom tile is a...
    //Doorway, corridor, or a single wall (because sometimes we are checked before walls have become doorways)
    else if(leftTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Doorway || leftTile == (int)Enums.TileType.Corridor || leftTile == (int)Enums.TileType.OneWall)
        CreateTile((int)Enums.TileType.Corridor, x,z,(float)Enums.CorridorDirections.WestEast, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

        CreateTile(-1, x,z,0, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight);

/// <summary>
/// Create Debug Dungeon is responible for creating a flat dungeon underneathe (-2 y) the real dungeon.
/// This is for testing only and should not be included in the final product.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x coordinate of the tile to create.</param>
/// <param name="z">The z coordinate of the tile to create.</param>
public void CreateDebugDungeon(int x, int z)
    //So it displays right-side up in the center of the scene
    x -= dungeonWidth/2;
    z -= dungeonHeight/2;

    //Offsetting for the tile size
    x *= 8;
    z *= -8;

    GameObject tempObjectDebug = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("TestSubject"));
    tempObjectDebug.transform.position = new Vector3(x, -2, z);


毕竟说完了,控制台将会打印: 生成地下城 设置地下数据 设置SPAWN 完成推瓦片


我感谢任何人都能给予的帮助, 蒂芙尼

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