将.xlsx转换为.xlsm Excel 2007后,数组停止工作

时间:2014-12-03 21:17:33

标签: arrays excel vba excel-vba


在很晚的时候,我被要求更简单地在一张纸上设置数据,该纸张用作使用两个打印区域的报告。有两张普通的字母数字数据。 (这些纸张中没有公式等,并且它们没有链接到任何其他纸张。)一张纸在输入数据时保存数据并且不打印。另一张纸仅保存相同数据的打印格式副本。她一直在通过手动复制粘贴将4列数据从一个工作表的长列设置为54行块中的另一个工作表来设置打印数据。这导致一页或两页打印数据,每个打印区域定义页面分为3组,每组4行54行。



我很感激任何建议。我有几个想法尝试,虽然我没有信息表明这些会有所帮助。一种是重新访问每个阵列,并再次使用Ctrl + Shift + Enter。另一个是创建另一个版本,保留原始的.xlsx工作簿,就像添加宏之前一样,并将宏模块放在一个单独的.xlsm工作簿中。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

感谢您重新重新思考问题。虽然我没有在其他工作表中工作,但调查发现有人删除了一个列,将他们的工作表列向左移动。阵列中的$ AA $ 1等单元格现在指向$ AA $ 1,但这不再是具有预期数据的列。初始测试表明这是问题所在,插入空列会导致其表单公式(数组)工作。我将其余部分留给他们并考虑解决这个问题。


答案 1 :(得分:0)





如果有一种方法 - 除了检查单个值 - 确认列只包含数值,比方说,我不知道。如果我足够担心,我会检查不变的值,但你可以检查数字格式,这可能是一个足够的代理。我一定会检查列标题和表格标题的值。


Image of test data for macro below


The number formats within Range E1:E16 are 0.00
The number formats within Range E1:E17 are not all the same
Check Values failure: Worksheet Sheet4 not found
Check Values failure: Cell E2 has a value of [2] but I was expecting [5]


Option Explicit
Sub Test()

  Dim ErrMsg As String
  Dim Rng As Range
  Dim NF As Variant

  With Worksheets("Sheet2")

    Set Rng = .Range("E1:E16")
    NF = Rng.NumberFormat
    If IsNull(NF) Then
      Debug.Print "The number formats within Range " & _
                  Replace(Rng.Address, "$", "") & " are not all the same"
      Debug.Print "The number formats within Range " & _
                  Replace(Rng.Address, "$", "") & " are " & NF
    End If

    Set Rng = .Range("E1:E17")
    NF = Rng.NumberFormat
    If IsNull(NF) Then
      Debug.Print "The number formats within Range " & _
                  Replace(Rng.Address, "$", "") & " are not all the same"
      Debug.Print "The number formats within Range " & _
                  Replace(Rng.Address, "$", "") & " are " & NF
    End If

  End With

  Call CheckValues(ThisWorkbook.Name, "Sheet2", ErrMsg, _
                   "C2", "Date", "C5", "Name", "C9", "Id")

  If ErrMsg <> "" Then
    Debug.Print "Check Values failure: " & ErrMsg
  End If

  Call CheckValues(ThisWorkbook.Name, "Sheet4", ErrMsg, _
                   "C2", "Date", "C5", "Name", "C9", "Id")

  If ErrMsg <> "" Then
    Debug.Print "Check Values failure: " & ErrMsg
  End If

  Call CheckValues(ThisWorkbook.Name, "Sheet2", ErrMsg, _
                   "E1", 1, "E2", 5)

  If ErrMsg <> "" Then
    Debug.Print "Check Values failure: " & ErrMsg
  End If

End Sub
Sub CheckValues(ByVal WbkName As String, ByVal WshtName As String, _
                ByRef ErrMsg As String, ParamArray CellDtl() As Variant)

  ' If the specified cells have the expected values, ErrMsg will be empty
  ' on return. Otherwise ErrMsg will report the first cell with an
  ' unexpected value.

  ' WbkName    The name of an open workbook.
  ' WshtName   The name of an worksheet within the workbook.
  ' CellDtl    Must contain an even number of values.  The first value
  '            of each paid must be a cell address such as "C1".  The
  '            second value must be the expected value of that cell.
  '            for exampe ... "B1", Name", "C1", "Date", ... indicates
  '            that cell B1 should have a value of "Name" and cell C1
  '            should have a value of "Date".

  Dim Found As Boolean
  Dim InxCD As Long
  Dim InxWbk As Long
  Dim InxWsht As Long

  Found = False
  For InxWbk = 1 To Workbooks.Count
    If WbkName = Workbooks(InxWbk).Name Then
      Found = True
      Exit For
    End If

  If Not Found Then
    ErrMsg = "Workbook " & WbkName & " is not open"
    Exit Sub
  End If

  With Workbooks(WbkName)
    Found = False
    For InxWsht = 1 To .Worksheets.Count
      If WshtName = .Worksheets(InxWsht).Name Then
        Found = True
        Exit For
      End If

    If Not Found Then
      ErrMsg = "Worksheet " & WshtName & " not found"
      Exit Sub
    End If

    With .Worksheets(WshtName)
      For InxCD = 0 To UBound(CellDtl) Step 2
        If .Range(CellDtl(InxCD)).Value <> CellDtl(InxCD + 1) Then
          ErrMsg = "Cell " & CellDtl(InxCD) & " has a value of [" & _
                   .Range(CellDtl(InxCD)).Value & "] but I was expecting [" & _
                   CellDtl(InxCD + 1) & "]"
          Exit Sub
        End If
    End With

  End With

  ' All value match
  ErrMsg = ""

End Sub