
时间:2014-12-03 05:46:53

标签: python numpy pandas feature-selection



S = S.abs()
np.fill_diagonal(S.values,-1) # so that max can't be on the diagonal now
S = rec_drop(S,max_allowed_correlation=0.95)

def rec_drop(S, max_allowed_correlation=0.99):
    max_corr = S.max().max()
    if max_corr<max_allowed_correlation: # base case for recursion
         return S.columns.tolist() 
    row,col = arg_max(S)  # row and col are distinct features - max can't be on the diagonal
    S = S.drop(row).drop(row,axis=1) # removing one of the features from S
    return rec_drop(S, max_allowed_correlation)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


# Synthetic data
>>> table = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(5,3))
>>> table
          0         1         2
0  0.367720  0.235935  0.278112
1  0.645146  0.187421  0.324257
2  0.644926  0.861077  0.460296
3  0.035064  0.369187  0.165278
4  0.270208  0.782411  0.690871

[5 rows x 3 columns


>>> data = table.as_matrix()
>>> amax = data.argmax() # 7 in this case
>>> row, col = (amax//data.shape[1], amax%data.shape[1])
>>> row, col
(2, 1)