
时间:2014-12-01 19:54:21

标签: javascript html


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设置您的表单,以便通过javascript处理提交操作。它应该尝试使用XMLHttpRequest或jQuery的ajax()函数提交表单。 设置提交请求的回调。成功时,向用户指示或导航到某个新页面,但是您希望显示请求成功。如果失败(任何失败或使用结果的状态代码确认用户无法连接),您有两个选择。 一种选择是做一个合理长度的setTimeout并再次尝试提交动作。但是,如果用户关闭页面或导航,则永远不会完成。 另一种选择是将表单数据放入某种数组中并将其放入localStorage对象中。然后,如果他们重新加载页面,您可以查看该数据是否存在。如果是,它可以重新填充表单并提示用户尝试新的提交。如果提交成功,请清空本地存储。 我这样做的方式将是两者的结合。这里有一些伪代码。

//run this once document is ready

//our submitForm action
var submitForm = function() {
    var url = "my_form_action.php";
    var params = "foo=bar"; //set params to your form values here
    localStorage.myFormData = params;
    http.open("POST", url, true);

    http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    http.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
    http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

    //Call a function when the state changes.
    http.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if(http.readyState == 4) {
            if(http.status == 200) {
                //call was completed successfully
                //clear out our local storage
                localStorage.myFormData = null;

                //do whatever here! (tell the user it was successful, change pages, whatever)
            } else {
                //call was unsuccessful (user is offline)
                //attempt again in 10 seconds
                window.setTimeout(submitForm, 10000);

//on document ready, check if we have pending form data to send
//if we do, fill in our form and attempt to submit it
if(localStorage.myFormData) {
    //my data exists
    //fill the form back out using stuff like 
    //document.getElementById('FirstName').value = localStorage.myFormData.match(/(.+?)=(.+?)(?:&|$)/g)[1][1]; 
    //you'll need to figure out how best to repopulate your form when the page loads, but do it here

    //once form is repopulated, either submit it using the form.submit function or call our submitForm() function directly
