我正在写一个测验程序。程序应该从csv文件中读取问题,答案和正确答案。 然后它应该将它们存储在数组中。
void read(char question[][50], char answer1[10][10], char answer2[10][10], char answer3[10][10], char answer4[10][10], int correctAnswer[10], int *size, char fileName[], int noOfQuestion){
FILE *reader;
int count;
char qBuffer[50];
char ansBuffer1[50];
char ansBuffer2[50];
char ansBuffer3[50];
char ansBuffer4[50];
int iBuffer = 0;
*size = 0;
//open file
reader = fopen(fileName, "r");
//checking file is open or not
if (reader == NULL)
printf("Unable to open file %s", fileName);
fscanf(reader, "%100[^\t*\?,],%[^,],%[^,],%[^,],%[^,],%d", size);
for (count = 0; feof(reader) == 0 && count<*size && count<noOfQuestion; count++){
//Reading file
fscanf(reader, "%100[^\t*\?,],%[^,],%[^,],%[^,],%[^,],%d", qBuffer, ansBuffer1, ansBuffer2, ansBuffer3, ansBuffer4, iBuffer);
//Storing data
strcpy(question[count], qBuffer);
strcpy(answer1[count], ansBuffer1);
strcpy(answer2[count], ansBuffer2);
strcpy(answer3[count], ansBuffer3);
strcpy(answer4[count], ansBuffer4);
correctAnswer[count] = iBuffer;
// Check Correct Number of Items Read
if( count == noOfQuestion )
printf("There are more items in the file than MaxNoItems specifies can be stored in the output arrays.\n\n");
*size = count;
else if( count != *size - 1 )
printf("File is corrupted. Not as many items in the file as specified at the top.\n\n");
*size = count;
//Break if reached end of file.
if (feof(reader))
{ break;}
What function do you use to open a file?,fscanf,fclose,fopen,main,3
Which of the following is not a variable type?,int,float,char,string,4
How many bytes is a character?,8,4,2,1,4
What programming language have you been studying this term?,B,A,D,C,4
Which of the following is a comment?,#comment,//comment,$comment,%comment,2
Which of these is in the C Standard Library?,stdio.h,studio.h,iostream,diskio.h,1
What tool do we use to compile?,compiler,builder,linker,wrench,1
What function do you use to close a file?,fscanf,fclose,fopen,main,2
How do you include a file?,#include,//include,$include,%include,1
What are you doing this quiz on?,paper,whiteboard,computer,chalkboard,3
答案 0 :(得分:1)
不是试图以零碎方式读取每一行,而是使用由面向行的输入函数一次读取整行更好。 C(fgets
(或array of structs
接收__memcpy_sse2 () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXQ 128
#define MAXA 16
typedef struct {
char *q;
char **ans;
unsigned int nans;
} ques;
ques **readQAs (char *fn);
void prn_ques (ques **exam);
void free_ques (ques **exam);
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf (stderr,"\n error: insufficient input. Usage: %s <csvfile>\n\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
ques **exam = NULL; /* pointer to pointer to struct */
/* allocate/fill exam structs with questions/answers */
if ( !( exam = readQAs (argv[1]) ) ) {
fprintf (stderr, "\n error: reading questions/answers from '%s'\n\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
prn_ques (exam); /* print the questions/answers */
free_ques (exam); /* free all memory allocated */
return 0;
/* allocate and fill array of structs with questions/answers */
ques **readQAs (char *fn)
FILE *fp = fopen (fn, "r"); /* open file and validate */
if (!fp) {
fprintf (stderr,"\n error: Unable to open file '%s'\n\n", fn);
return NULL;
char *line = NULL; /* line buff, if NULL getline allocates */
size_t n = 0; /* max chars to read (0 - no limit) */
ssize_t nchr = 0; /* num chars actually read by getline */
char *p = NULL; /* general pointer to parse line */
char *sp = NULL; /* second pointer to parse line */
char *lp = NULL; /* line ptr (preserve line start addr) */
size_t qidx = 0; /* index for questions structs */
size_t aidx = 0; /* index for answers within structs */
ques **q = calloc (MAXQ, sizeof (*q)); /* allocate MAXQ ptrs */
if (!q) { fprintf (stderr,"\n Allocation error.\n\n"); return NULL; }
/* for each line in file (fn) */
while ((nchr = getline (&line, &n, fp)) != -1)
/* test qidx = MAXQ-1, realloc */
aidx = 0; /* reset ans index each line */
lp = line; /* save line start address */
if (line[nchr - 1] == '\n') /* test/strip trailing newline */
line[--nchr] = 0;
q [qidx] = calloc (1, sizeof (**q)); /* allocate struct */
q [qidx]-> ans = calloc (MAXA, sizeof (*(q[qidx]-> ans)));
/* read question */
*(p = strchr (line, ',')) = 0; /* null-terminate ln at ',' */
q [qidx]-> q = strdup (line); /* alloc/read question */
sp = p + 1; /* sp now starts next ch */
/* read correct answer number */
*(p = strrchr (sp, ',')) = 0; /* null-term ln at last ',' */
q [qidx]-> nans = *(p+1) - '0'; /* save num ans, cvt to %zd */
/* read multi-choice answers */
for (p = strtok (sp, ","); p && *p; p = strtok (NULL, ","))
q [qidx]-> ans [aidx++] = strdup (p); /* alloc/read ans */
line = lp; /* avoid __memcpy_sse2 err */
qidx++; /* inc index for next Q */
if (line) free (line); /* free line memory */
if (fp) fclose (fp); /* close file stream */
return q; /* return ptr to array of structs holding Q/A(s) */
/* print formatted exam read from file */
void prn_ques (ques **exam)
if (!exam) {
fprintf (stderr, "\n %s() error: invalid exam pointer.\n\n", __func__);
size_t qidx = 0; /* index for questions structs */
size_t aidx = 0; /* index for answers within structs */
printf ("\nClass Exam\n\n");
while (exam [qidx])
printf (" %2zd. %s\n\n", qidx + 1, exam[qidx]-> q);
aidx = 0;
while (exam[qidx]->ans[aidx])
if (exam[qidx]-> nans == aidx + 1)
printf ("\t(%c) %-16s (* correct)\n", (int)aidx + 'a', exam[qidx]->ans[aidx]);
printf ("\t(%c) %s\n", (int)aidx + 'a', exam[qidx]->ans[aidx]);
printf ("\n");
printf ("\n");
/* free all memory allocated */
void free_ques (ques **exam)
if (!exam) {
fprintf (stderr, "\n %s() error: invalid exam pointer.\n\n", __func__);
size_t qidx = 0; /* index for questions structs */
size_t aidx = 0; /* index for answers within structs */
while (exam[qidx])
if (exam[qidx]->q) free (exam[qidx]->q);
for (aidx = 0; aidx < MAXA; aidx++) {
if (exam[qidx]->ans[aidx]) {
free (exam[qidx]->ans[aidx]);
free (exam[qidx]->ans);
free (exam[qidx++]);
free (exam);
$ ./bin/readcsvfile dat/readcsvfile.csv
Class Exam
1. What function do you use to open a file?
(a) fscanf
(b) fclose
(c) fopen (* correct)
(d) main
2. Which of the following is not a variable type?
(a) int
(b) float
(c) char
(d) string (* correct)
3. How many bytes is a character?
(a) 8
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 1 (* correct)
4. What programming language have you been studying this term?
(a) B
(b) A
(c) D
(d) C (* correct)
5. Which of the following is a comment?
(a) #comment
(b) //comment (* correct)
(c) $comment
(d) %comment
6. Which of these is in the C Standard Library?
(a) stdio.h (* correct)
(b) studio.h
(c) iostream
(d) diskio.h
7. What tool do we use to compile?
(a) compiler (* correct)
(b) builder
(c) linker
(d) wrench
8. What function do you use to close a file?
(a) fscanf
(b) fclose (* correct)
(c) fopen
(d) main
9. How do you include a file?
(a) #include (* correct)
(b) //include
(c) $include
(d) %include
10. What are you doing this quiz on?
(a) paper
(b) whiteboard
(c) computer (* correct)
(d) chalkboard
==16221== HEAP SUMMARY:
==16221== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==16221== total heap usage: 73 allocs, 73 frees, 3,892 bytes allocated
==16221== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==16221== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==16221== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 2 from 2)