如何用多边形数据进行克里金法? (不想要块克里金)

时间:2014-11-28 02:09:09

标签: r polygon interpolation kriging r-grid

我正在尝试应用kriging来插入空气污染浓度(目标变量) 当我运行如下的krige函数时,R返回错误。

RSPAVE是目标变量; air是包含RSPAVE的数据集; TPU是shapefile

k.o <- krige(RSPAVE ~1, locations=air, newdata=TPU, model=m.RSPAVE.f)

Error in predict.gstat(g, newdata = newdata, block = block, nsim = nsim, :
  gstat: value not allowed for: block kriging for long-lat data undefined



2 个答案:

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Rpoint <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coordinates(RSPAVE), data = RSPAVE@data, proj4string = CRS(proj4string(RSPAVE)))



k.o <- krige(Rpoint ~1, locations=air, newdata=TPU, model=m.RSPAVE.f)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

You say your TPU grid is a shapefile, but what data class is it? If TPU is not a SpatialGridDataFrame, krige may not know how to predict on it and default to block.

To grid TPU, I recommend using something like spsample followed by gridded() to overlay a grid on the polygon with dimensions of SomeDimension.

grid.TPU = spsample(TPU, type = "regular", cellsize = c(SomeDimension, SomeDimension))

gridded(grid.TPU) = TRUE


k.o <- krige(RSPAVE ~1, locations=air, newdata=grid.TPU, model=m.RSPAVE.f)