
时间:2014-11-27 09:43:38

标签: r jags runjags


Error in node Y[107]
Invalid parent values


pi[j,1] <- 1 - M[site[j]] * phi[j] * (1 - (1 - q[j])^6)
pi[j,2] <- M[site[j]] * phi[j] * (1 - q[j])^interval[j] * q[j]
pi[j,3] <- 1 - pi[j,1] - pi[j,2]
Y[j] ~ dcat(pi[j,])




如果模型正确编译并初始化,则会发生错误   在更新期间,然后将模型的当前状态转储到   一个名为jags.dumpN.R的文件,其中N是链​​号。那你应该   将转储的数据加载到R中以检查每个链的状态   发生了错误。


R> outRJ <- run.jags("tmp_bugs_model.txt", params, win.data, nc, inits,
      nb, ni - nb, thin = 1, summarise=TRUE, plot=FALSE, adapt = adapt, 
      modules = "glm",
      keep.jags.files = TRUE, method = "interruptible", 
      jags = "c:/Program Files/JAGS/JAGS-3.4.0/i386/bin/")

Running the simulation using the simple method... (output will be displayed once the
simulation has termianted)
Welcome to JAGS 3.4.0 on Thu Nov 27 10:33:49 2014
JAGS is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Loading module: basemod: ok
Loading module: bugs: ok
. Loading module: glm: ok
. . Reading data file data.txt
. Compiling model graph
   Resolving undeclared variables
   Allocating nodes
   Graph Size: 2451

WARNING: Unused variable(s) in data table:

. Reading parameter file inits1.txt
. Reading parameter file inits2.txt
. Reading parameter file inits3.txt
. Initializing model
Error in node Y[107]
Invalid parent values
Deleting model
. Updating 500
-------------------------------------------------| 500
Can't update. No model!

. Can't set monitor. No model!
. Can't set monitor. No model!
. Can't set monitor. No model!
. Can't set monitor. No model!
. Can't set monitor. No model!
. Can't set monitor. No model!
. Updating 500
-------------------------------------------------| 500
Can't update. No model!

. No model
. No model
. No model
. Can't dump CODA output. No model!
. Updating 0
Can't update. No model!
Can't update. No model!
. Deleting model
Error in runjags.readin(directory = startinfo$directory, copy = (keep.jags.files &  : 
  The simulation appears to have crashed - check the model output in failedjags$output for clues
In addition: Warning messages:
1: running command '"TASKLIST"' had status 1 
2: Parallel and interruptible methods aren't available on your machine because testing the TASKLIST system command produced an error; switching to the simple method 
JAGS files were saved to the 'runjagsfiles_3' folder in your current working



我正在使用JAGS 3.4.0。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我担心无法从您的模型中转储任何值。您从JAGS手册中引用的关键行是&#39;并正确初始化&#39; - 你的模型没有发生这种情况,所以没有什么可以倾倒的,对​​不起。你必须手动为Y []的(随机)父母指定合理的初始值,如@nicola建议的那样。

顺便说一句 - 我对TASKLIST在您的系统上失败感兴趣 - 您能否告诉我您平台的一些细节?