麻烦在Oracle SQL DB中创建表

时间:2014-11-26 14:27:50

标签: sql database oracle


我是SQL和Stack溢出的新手。 以下代码是创建表和事务,然后是具有错误的视图。

**Create Table**

create TABLE employee

EmployeeID varchar2(10) PRIMARY KEY,

EmployeeName varchar2(30) NOT NULL,

Phone number(10) NOT NULL,

JobTitle varchar2(30) NOT NULL


create TABLE Airplane


AirplaneID varchar2(10) PRIMARY KEY,

Capacity number NOT NULL,

Modle varchar2(10) NOT NULL


create TABLE Route


FlightID varchar2(10) PRIMARY KEY,

Origin varchar2(20) NOT NULL,

Destination varchar2(20) NOT NULL,

ETD number(10) NOT NULL,

ETA number(10) NOT NULL


create TABLE Customer


CustomerID varchar2(10) PRIMARY KEY,

CustomerName varchar2(10) NOT NULL,

PhoneNumber number NOT NULL


create TABLE Maintenance


MaintenanceID varchar2(20) PRIMARY KEY,

MaintenanceDate date NOT NULL,

AirplaneID varchar2(10) NOT NULL,

EmployeeID varchar2(10) NOT NULL,

Location varchar2(30) NOT NULL,

FOREIGN KEY (AirplaneID) REFERENCES Airplane(AirplaneID),

FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeID) REFERENCES employee(EmployeeID)


create TABLE Flight


FlightID varchar2(10),

FlightDate date,

AirplaneID varchar2(10),

ATD number(10) NOT NULL,

ATA number(10) NOT NULL,

--FOREIGN KEY (FlightID) REFERENCES Flight(FlightID),  --check you can't do this:

FOREIGN KEY (AirplaneID) REFERENCES Airplane(AirplaneID),



create TABLE Reservation


ReservationID varchar2(20) PRIMARY KEY,

CustomerID varchar2(10) NOT NULL,

FlightID varchar2(10) NOT NULL,

FlightDate date NOT NULL,

Fare float,

PaymentMethod varchar2(20),

CardNumber number(30) NOT NULL,

ExperationDate date,

check (PaymentMethod = 'Cash' OR PaymentMethod ='Credit' OR PaymentMethod 


FOREIGN KEY (CustomerID) REFERENCES Customer(CustomerID),

FOReIGN KEY (FlightID,FlightDate) REFERENCES Flight(FlightID,FlightDate)


create TABLE CrewAssignment


EmployeeID varchar2(10),

FlightID varchar2(10),

FlightDate date NOT NULL,

Role varchar2(20) NOT NULL,

FlightHour number(10) NOT NULL,

FOReIGN KEY (FlightID,FlightDate) REFERENCES Flight(FlightID,FlightDate),

FOReIGN KEY (EmployeeID) REFERENCES employee(EmployeeID) ,

CONSTRAINT PK_CrewAssignment PRIMARY key (FlightID,FlightDate,EmployeeID)



insert into Route (FlightID, Origin, Destination, ETD, ETA) values

('FBN001', 'Perth', 'Singapore', '1100', '1600');

insert into Airplane (AirplaneID, Capacity, Modle) values

('FH-FBT', '350', 'Boeing767');

insert into Flight (FlightID, FlightDate, AirplaneID, ATD, ATA) values

( 'FBN001', '20 october 2014', 'FH-FBT', '1105', '1555');

insert into Flight (FlightID, FlightDate, AirplaneID, ATD, ATA) values

( 'FBN001', '20 october 2014', 'FH-FBT', '1105', '1555');

insert into Employee (EmployeeID,EmployeeName,Phone,JobTitle) values

('01', 'Martha McGee','123456', 'Pilot');

insert into Employee (EmployeeID,EmployeeName,Phone,JobTitle) values

('02','Dorothy McDonald','2211', 'Co-Pilot');

insert into Employee (EmployeeID,EmployeeName,Phone,JobTitle) values

('03','Albert','1122', 'Engineer');

insert into Employee (EmployeeID,EmployeeName,Phone,JobTitle) values

('04','Kathy Kelly','5544', 'HeadSteward');

insert into Employee (EmployeeID,EmployeeName,Phone,JobTitle) values

('05', 'Ornella', '3123', 'Steward');

insert into CrewAssignment (EmployeeID,FlightID,FlightDate, Role, FlightHour) values

('01','FBN001', '20 October 2014', 'Flight','5');

insert into CrewAssignment  (EmployeeID,FlightID,FlightDate, Role, FlightHour) values

('02','FBN001', '20 October 2014', 'Flight','5');

insert into CrewAssignment  (EmployeeID,FlightID,FlightDate, Role, FlightHour) values

('03','FBN001', '20 October 2014', 'Flight','5');

insert into CrewAssignment  (EmployeeID,FlightID,FlightDate, Role, FlightHour) values

('04','FBN001', '20 October 2014', 'Non-Flight','0');

insert into CrewAssignment  (EmployeeID,FlightID,FlightDate, Role, FlightHour) values

('05','FBN001', '20 October 2014', 'Non-Flight','0');

insert into Customer (CustomerID,CustomerName,PhoneNumber) Values

('01', 'John Smith', '81393'); 

insert into Reservation (ReservationID,CustomerID,FlightID, FlightDate,Fare,PaymentMethod,CardNumber, ExperationDate) values
('01' , '01', 'FBN001','20 October 2014', '100' , 'Cash' , '44444' , '21 Feb 2019'); 

insert into Employee (EmployeeID,EmployeeName,Phone,JobTitle) values
('06','Laurence Schreiner','007', 'Supervisor');

insert into Maintenance (MaintenanceID,MaintenanceDate, EmployeeID, AirplaneID, Location) values
('004', '21 October 2014', '06', 'FH-FBT', 'Melbourne Airport');


ViewA: 约翰史密斯的所有航班预订,包括已飞行的航班,航班的持续时间

Create View ViewA as 
Select Reservation.ReservationID,Flight.FlightID,Flight.FlightDate, Flight.ATA - Flight.ATD as DurationofFlight 
from Reservation, Customer, FLight
where Customer.CustomerName = 'John Smith' and
Customer.CustomerID = Reservation.CustomerID and
Reservation.FlightID = Flight.FlightID and
Reservation.FlightDate = Flight.FlightDate;

ViewB: 2014年10月20日FBN001上未预留/可用座位的数量。

Create view ViewB as 
Select Airplane.Capacity, count(Reservaion.ReservationID)
from Airplane,Reservation
where FlightID='FBN001' and FlightDate='20 October 2014'
and Flight.AirplaneID = Airplane.AirplaneID
and Flight.FlightID = Reservaton.FlightID
and Flight.FlightDate=Reservation.FlightDate;

ViewC: 2014年10月20日FBN001船员的总飞行小时数。

Create vire ViewC as 
select EmployeeID, sum(FlightHour)
from CrewAssignment
where CrewAssignment.EmployeeID in
(select EmployeeNO from CrewAssignment
where FlightID = 'FBN001' and FlightDate = '20 October 2014')
group by EmployeeID;

ViewE: FH-FBT的维护历史记录,包括维护事件的日期和地点,维护是否安排,以及监督员工的姓名和电话号码。

  Create view ViewE as 
select Maintenance.MaintenanceDate, Maintenance.Maintenance.Location,
from Maintenance, Employee
where Maintenance.AirplaneID = 'FH-FBT' and
Maintenance.EmloyeeID = Employee.EmployeeID;



Error starting at line : 157 in command -
create View ViewA as 
Select Reservation.ReservationID,Flight.FlightID,Flight.FlightDate, Flight.ATA - Flight.ATD as DurationofFlight 
from Reservation, Customer, FLight
where Customer.CustomerName = 'John Smith' and
Customer.CustomerID = Reservation.CustomerID and
Reservation.FlightID = Flight.FlightID and
Reservation.FlightDate = Flight.FlightDate
Error at Command Line : 157 Column : 13
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
00955. 00000 -  "name is already used by an existing object"


Error starting at line : 166 in command -
create view ViewB as 
Select Airplane.Capacity,count(Reservaion.ReservationID)
from Airplane,Reservation
where FlightID='FBN001' and FlightDate='20 October 2014'
and Flight.AirplaneID = Airplane.AirplaneID
and Flight.FlightID = Reservaton.FlightID
and Flight.FlightDate=Reservation.FlightDate
Error at Command Line : 172 Column : 5
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00904: "FLIGHT"."FLIGHTDATE": invalid identifier
00904. 00000 -  "%s: invalid identifier"


Error starting at line : 177 in command -
create view ViewC as 
select EmployeeID, sum(FlightHour)
from CrewAssignment
where CrewAssignment.EmployeeID in
(select EmployeeID from CrewAssignment
where FlightID = 'FBN001' and FlightDate = '20 October 2014')
group by EmployeeID
Error at Command Line : 178 Column : 20
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00998: must name this expression with a column alias
00998. 00000 -  "must name this expression with a column alias"


Error starting at line : 186 in command -
create view ViewE as 
select Maintainence.MaintainenceDate, Maintainence.maintainence.Description,
from Maintenance, Employee
where Maintenance.AirplaneID = 'FH-FBT' and
Maintenance.EmloyeeID = Employee.EmployeeID
Error at Command Line : 191 Column : 1
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00904: "MAINTENANCE"."EMLOYEEID": invalid identifier
00904. 00000 -  "%s: invalid identifier"

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您正在使用Creater代替createcreater更改为create,它应该有效。请在create vier而不是create view

Create view ViewE as 
select Maintainence.MaintainenceDate, Maintainence.maintainence.Description,
from Maintenance, Employee
where Maintenance.AirplaneID = 'FH-FBT' and
Maintenance.EmloyeeID = Employee.EmployeeID;

sum(FlightHour) - 必须用别名


无效的标识符 - 列不存在

现有对象已使用的名称 - 使用create or replace view

任何其他 - 请在尝试严肃的事情之前阅读sql手册;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  2. ViewC的陈述代表create vire而不是create view
  3. ViewC引用employeeno中的CrewAssignment,但不存在此列。
  4. ViewC中,您使用的是没有别名的聚合函数,因此数据库无法确定列的名称。
  5. ViewE中,EmployeeId缺少“p”。
  6. ViewE引用Maintainence.maintainence.Description。两次指定表名无效。此外,Description表中没有Maintainence列。
  7. 这些都是非常基本的问题,应使用基本的故障排除技巧解决。发布此问题表明完全没有努力解决这些问题。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

View A:
create view ViewA as
select Reservation.ReservationID, Flight.FlightID, Flight.FlightDate, Flight.ATA - Flight.ATD as DurationOFFlight
from Reservation, Customer, Flight
where Customer.CustomerName = 'John Smith' and
Customer.CustomerID = Reservation.CustomerID and
Reservation.FlightID=Flight.FlightID and

View B:

create view ViewB as
select Airplane.Capacity - Reservation.ReservationID
as RemainingSeats
from Airplane, Reservation, Flight
Flight.FlightID = 'FBN001' and Flight.FlightDate='20 October 2014'
and Flight.AirplaneID = Airplane.AirplaneID and
Flight.FlightID = Reservation.FlightID and
Flight.FlightDate = Reservation.FlightDate;

View C:

create view ViewC as
select EmployeeID, sum(FlightHour) as Total_Hours
from CrewAssignment
where CrewAssignment.EmployeeID in
(select EmployeeID from CrewAssignment
where FlightID='FBN001' and FlightDate='20-10-2014')
group by EmployeeID;

View D:

create view ViewD as
select JobTitle, sum(FlightHour) as Total_Hours
from CrewAssignment
where CrewAssignment.EmployeeID in
(select EmployeeID from CrewAssignment
where FlightID='FBN001' and FlightDate='20-10-2014' and EmployeeID= '123456')
group by JobTitle;

View E: 

create view ViewE as
select Maintenance.MaintenanceDate,Maintenance.Location, 
Employee.EmployeeName,Employee.Empphone from Maintenance,Employee 
where Maintenance.AirplaneID = 'FH-FBT' and Maintenance.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID;