Python TypeError:强制转换为Unicode:需要字符串或缓冲区,找到文件

时间:2014-11-23 07:33:03

标签: python



另外,第二个问题:是o / p中的错误。这可以通过使缩进块工作来检查。

修剪后的数据文件为: marks_trim.csv


“Anaconda Systems Campus Placement”,,,,,,




“斯诺”, “数学”, “CS”, “GK”, “PROG”, “通讯”, “SEL”


1, “NA”, “NA”, “NA”,4,0,0

import csv, sys, re, random, os, time, io, StringIO

datfile = sys.argv[1] 

outfileName = sys.argv[2]

outfile = open(outfileName, "w")

count = 0

removal_list = set()

tmp = list()


re_pattern = "\d+" 

with open(datfile, 'r') as fp:

    reader1 = csv.reader(fp)
    for row in reader1:
        if re.match(re_pattern, row[0]):
             for cols in row:  
                    removal_list.add(tuple(cols)) #as tuple is hashable

print "::row>>>>>>",row

print "::removal_list>>>>>>>>",removal_list

convert = list(removal_list)

print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"

print convert

f = open(datfile, 'r')

reader2 = csv.reader(f)

print ""

print "Removal List Starts"

print removal_list

print "Removal List Ends\n"

new_a_buf =  io.BytesIO() # StringIO.StringIO() : both 'io' & StringIO' work

writer = csv.writer(new_a_buf)

rr =""

j  = 0

for row in reader2:

    if row not in convert:   # removal_list: not used as list not hashable

          writer.writerow(row)  #outfile.write(new_a_buf)

 #below code using char array isn't used as it doesn't copy structure of csv file

    for cols in row:  #at indentation level of "if row not in  convert", stated above

          if cols not in convert:   # removal_list: not used as list not hashable

              for j in range(0,len(cols)):

                   rr+=cols[j]  #at indentation level of "if cols not in convert:"

         outfile.write(rr)  # at the indentation level of 'if'

         print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", rr

f = open(outfile, 'r')

reader2 = csv.reader(f)


reader2 = csv.reader(new_a_buf)

for row in reader2:

      print row 


o / p中的常见错误(即使用char数组/ csv.writer对象)也会删除行,即在removal_list中出现。







f = open(outfile,'r')



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我没有阅读所有代码 - 但它似乎并不相关。该错误与打开文件有关:open采用文件名,但您传递的是outfile,它已经是一个文件。您应首先关闭该文件,然后将outfileName传递给打开。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

得到它,可悲的是我自己。 除了不存储indl的变化。 cols,将remove_list更改为数组,然后使用&gt;追加到数组; removal_list.append(row)
