到目前为止,我已在电路板上写了一些数字。假设k = n = 4,那么系统地列出它们的方法是找到所有4位数字(其中0可以是数字),其数字加起来为k。按升序排列:
0 0 0 4
0 0 1 3
0 0 2 2
0 0 3 1
0 0 4 0
0 1 0 3
0 1 1 2
0 1 2 1
0 1 3 0
0 2 0 2
0 2 1 1
0 2 2 0
0 3 0 1
0 3 1 0
0 4 0 0
1 0 0 3
我希望避免在不考虑总和的情况下首先生成所有组合,然后删除所有不加k的组合。由于这将产生k ^ n个组合,并且可能需要很长时间。如果它是for或recursion并不重要,但它必须合理有效。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这里是伪代码(我不知道如何编写伪代码......我用[a; b; c ...]表示列表:
// Returns a list of integers in range [0, k].
function num_list k =
// Recursively generate all the possible partitions with [total] objects
// and [groups] partitions. Returns a list of list of integers.
function generate (int groups, int total) = {
if (groups == 1) then {
return [[total]];
} else {
int list nums = num_list total;
// looping through all values for one of the partitions.
int list list list container1;
foreach (i in nums) {
// recursive step - generate all combinations without the first
// partition
int list list subset = generate (groups - 1) (total - i);
// append the first partition onto each element of this list
int list list container2 = [];
foreach (l in subset) {
container2.add(l.prepend i);
container1.add container2;
// Flatten just takes a list of lists, and extract everything in each
// list and mesh everything together.
return container1.flatten();
# Recursively generate all the possible partitions with [total] objects
# and [groups] partitions. Returns a list of list of integers.
def generate (groups, total):
if (groups == 1):
return [[total]];
nums = range(total + 1);
# looping through all values for one of the partitions.
container1 = [];
for i in nums:
# recursive step - generate all combinations without the first
# partition
subset = generate (groups - 1, total - i);
# append the first partition onto each element of this list
container2 = [];
for l in subset:
container2 += [([i] + l)];
container1 += [container2];
# Flatten just takes a list of lists, and extract everything in each
# list and mesh everything together.
return [item for sublist in container1 for item in sublist];
(* Returns a list of integers in range [0, k]. *)
let num_list n : int list =
let rec helper num =
if num = 0 then
num :: (helper (num - 1)) in
List.rev (helper n)
* Recursively generate all the combinations when dividing total number of
* objects among groups.
let rec generate groups total : int list list =
(* generate all the possible *)
match groups, total with
| 1, t -> [[t]]
| g, t ->
let nums = num_list t in
(* looping through all values for the head group *)
let helper e : int list list =
let subset = generate (g - 1) (t - e) in
(* appending in front of every single result from generate *)
List.map (fun l -> e :: l) subset in
List.flatten (List.map helper nums)