
时间:2014-11-18 15:27:59

标签: .net vb.net

我的一些代码遇到了一些麻烦。我只使用Visual Basic大约1个半月的时间用于大学工作,而且大部分时间它都进展顺利,但是我来到了一堵砖墙而且我是#39 ; d喜欢一些帮助或建设性的批评。



一个小程序,用于演示如何使用“If ... Then ...”或“Case”结构进行选择的对象,事件处理程序和对象属性的使用。编写一个程序,询问五个问题,答案必须是“是”或“否”。然后,程序必须将Yes答案的数量和No答案的数量相加。如果“是”答案的数量超过“无答案”的数量,则显示“乐观主义者”的消息。或者显示'Pessimist'。 (你可以决定问题)


Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnGo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click

    Select Case MsgBox("Does your outlook affect your motivation?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
        Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
        Case MsgBoxResult.No

    End Select

    Select Case MsgBox("Do you have trust and faith in people?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
        Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
        Case MsgBoxResult.No

    End Select

    Select Case MsgBox("Do you expect the best?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
        Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
        Case MsgBoxResult.No

    End Select

    Select Case MsgBox("Do good things happen to you?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
        Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
        Case MsgBoxResult.No

    End Select

    Select Case MsgBox("Are you optimistic about your future?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
        Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
        Case MsgBoxResult.No

    End Select

    If MsgBoxResult.Yes > 3 Then
        MessageBox.Show("You are optimistic.")

    ElseIf MsgBoxResult.Yes < 3 Then
        MessageBox.Show("You are pessimistic.")

    End If
End Sub End Class    



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

MsgBoxResult.Yes的值是6.它是一个常数 - 它永远不会改变 - 所以(具有讽刺意味的是)你总是会在“你是乐观的”块中结束。


答案 1 :(得分:-1)



Private Sub btnGo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click

    Dim yesCount As Integer = 0

    Select Case MsgBox("Does your outlook affect your motivation?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
        Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
            yesCount += 1
        Case MsgBoxResult.No

    End Select

    Select Case MsgBox("Do you have trust and faith in people?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo)
        Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
            yesCount += 1
        Case MsgBoxResult.No

    End Select


If yesCount > 3 Then
    MessageBox.Show("You are optimistic.")

    MessageBox.Show("You are pessimistic.")

End If