
时间:2014-11-17 01:48:42

标签: c++ compiler-errors

我是C ++的新手,这是我第一次真正尝试创建任何东西(虽然我还没有真正开始......)我正在尝试从MyoSDK编译示例代码(顺便说一句,这是很棒的设备)可以找到 here.每次编译时,都会出错。我的问题必不可少,归结为为什么它会关注__imp_libmyo_***而不仅仅是libmyo

F:\GitHub\Myo\MyoSDK\samples>g++ -g hello-myo.cpp -o hello-myo -I F:/Github/Myo/ MyoSDK/include F:\Users\JACOB'~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cc5AVo40.o: In function `myo::ThrowOnError::~ThrowOnError()':
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/../impl/../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp:33:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_error_kind'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/../impl/../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp:37:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_error_cstring'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/../impl/../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp:38:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_free_error_details'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/../impl/../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp:43:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_error_cstring'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/../impl/../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp:44:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_free_error_details'
F:\Users\JACOB'~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cc5AVo40.o: In function `myo::Myo::vibrate(myo::Myo::VibrationType)':
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/../impl/Myo_impl.hpp:13:undefined ref erence to `__imp_libmyo_vibrate'
F:\Users\JACOB'~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cc5AVo40.o: In function `myo::Hub::Hub(std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const&)':
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:23:undefined reference t o `__imp_libmyo_init_hub'
F:\Users\JACOB'~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cc5AVo40.o: In function `myo::Hub::~Hub()':F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:32:undefined reference t o `__imp_libmyo_shutdown_hub'
F:\Users\JACOB'~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cc5AVo40.o: In function `myo::Hub::waitForMyo(unsigned int)::local::handler(void*,void const*)':
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:44:undefined reference t o `__imp_libmyo_event_get_myo'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:46:undefined reference t o `__imp_libmyo_event_get_type'
F:\Users\JACOB'~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cc5AVo40.o: In function `myo::Hub::waitForMyo(unsigned int)':
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:59:undefined reference t o `__imp_libmyo_run'
F:\Users\JACOB'~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cc5AVo40.o: In function `myo::Hub::onDeviceEvent(void const*)':
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:94:undefined reference t o `__imp_libmyo_event_get_myo'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:98:undefined reference t o `__imp_libmyo_event_get_type'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:112:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_timestamp'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:114:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_type'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:116:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_firmware_version'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:117:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_firmware_version'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:118:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_firmware_version'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:119:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_firmware_version'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:127:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_firmware_version'
F:\Users\JACOB'~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cc5AVo40.o:F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:128:more undefined references to `__imp_libmyo_event_get _firmware_version' follow
F:\Users\JACOB'~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cc5AVo40.o: In function `myo::Hub::onDeviceEvent(void const*)':
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:140:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_x_direction'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:139:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_arm'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:150:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_orientation'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:150:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_orientation'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:150:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_orientation'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:150:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_orientation'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:154:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_accelerometer'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:154:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_accelerometer'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:154:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_accelerometer'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:159:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_gyroscope'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:159:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_gyroscope'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:159:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_gyroscope'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:163:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_pose'
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:166:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_event_get_rssi'
F:\Users\JACOB'~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cc5AVo40.o: In function `myo::Hub::run(unsigned int)':
F:/Github/Myo/MyoSDK/include/myo/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp:184:undefined reference to `__imp_libmyo_run'
collect2.exe:error:ld returned 1 exit status



// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.

#include <stdexcept>

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1800
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# define LIBMYO_NOEXCEPT(b) noexcept(b)

namespace myo {

class ThrowOnError {
    : _error()

    ~ThrowOnError() LIBMYO_NOEXCEPT(false)
        if (_error)
            switch (libmyo_error_kind(_error)) {
            case libmyo_error:
            case libmyo_error_runtime:
                std::runtime_error exception(libmyo_error_cstring(_error));
                throw exception;
            case libmyo_error_invalid_argument:
                std::invalid_argument exception(libmyo_error_cstring(_error));
                throw exception;
            case libmyo_success:

    operator libmyo_error_details_t*()
        return &_error;

    libmyo_error_details_t _error;

    // Not implemented
    ThrowOnError(const ThrowOnError&); // = delete;
    ThrowOnError& operator=(const ThrowOnError&); // = delete;

} //namespace libmyo



// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#ifndef MYO_LIBMYO_H
#define MYO_LIBMYO_H

#include <stdint.h>

#include "libmyo/detail/visibility.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/// @file libmyo.h
/// libmyo C API declarations.

typedef void* libmyo_hub_t;

/// \defgroup errors Error Handling
/// @{

/// Function result codes.
/// All libmyo functions that can fail return a value of this type.
typedef enum {
} libmyo_result_t;

/// Opaque handle to detailed error information.
typedef void* libmyo_error_details_t;

/// Return a null-terminated string with a detailed error message.
const char* libmyo_error_cstring(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// Returns the kind of error that occurred.
libmyo_result_t libmyo_error_kind(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// Free the resources allocated by an error object.
void libmyo_free_error_details(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_hub Hub instance
/// @{

/// Initialize a connection to the hub.
/// \a application_identifier must follow a reverse domain name format (ex. com.domainname.appname). Application
/// identifiers can be formed from the set of alphanumeric ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). The hyphen (-) and
/// underscore (_) characters are permitted if they are not adjacent to a period (.) character (i.e. not at the start or
/// end of each segment), but are not permitted in the top-level domain. Application identifiers must have three or more
/// segments. For example, if a company's domain is and the application is named hello-world, one could use
/// "com.example.hello-world" as a valid application identifier. \a application_identifier can be NULL or empty.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the connection is successfully established, otherwise:
///  - libmyo_error_runtime if a connection could not be established
///  - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a out_hub is NULL
///  - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a application_identifier is longer than 255 characters
///  - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a application_identifier is not in the proper reverse domain name format
libmyo_result_t libmyo_init_hub(libmyo_hub_t* out_hub, const char* application_identifier,
                                libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Free the resources allocated to a hub.
/// @returns libmyo_success if shutdown is successful, otherwise:
///  - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
///  - libmyo_error if \a hub is not a valid \a hub
libmyo_result_t libmyo_shutdown_hub(libmyo_hub_t hub, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_myo Myo instances
/// @{

/// Opaque type corresponding to a known Myo device.
typedef void* libmyo_myo_t;

/// Types of vibration
typedef enum {
} libmyo_vibration_type_t;

/// Vibrate the given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully vibrated, otherwise
///  - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_vibrate(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_vibration_type_t type, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Request the RSSI for a given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. A libmyo_event_rssi event will likely be generated with the value of the RSSI.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully got the RSSI, otherwise
///  - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_request_rssi(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_poses Pose recognition.
/// @{

/// Supported poses.
typedef enum {
    libmyo_pose_rest           = 0, ///< Rest pose.
    libmyo_pose_fist           = 1, ///< User is making a fist.
    libmyo_pose_wave_in        = 2, ///< User has an open palm rotated towards the posterior of their wrist.
    libmyo_pose_wave_out       = 3, ///< User has an open palm rotated towards the anterior of their wrist.
    libmyo_pose_fingers_spread = 4, ///< User has an open palm with their fingers spread away from each other.
    libmyo_pose_reserved1      = 5, ///< Reserved value; not a valid pose.
    libmyo_pose_thumb_to_pinky = 6, ///< User is touching the tip of their thumb to the tip of their pinky.

    libmyo_num_poses,               ///< Number of poses supported; not a valid pose.

    libmyo_pose_unknown = 0xffff    ///< Unknown pose.
} libmyo_pose_t;

static const libmyo_pose_t libmyo_trained_poses[] = { libmyo_pose_rest, libmyo_pose_fist, libmyo_pose_wave_in,
                                                      libmyo_pose_wave_out, libmyo_pose_fingers_spread,
                                                      libmyo_pose_thumb_to_pinky };
static const unsigned int libmyo_num_trained_poses = sizeof(libmyo_trained_poses) / sizeof(libmyo_trained_poses[0]);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_events Event Handling
/// @{

/// Types of events.
typedef enum {
    libmyo_event_paired, ///< Successfully paired with a Myo.
    libmyo_event_unpaired, ///< Successfully unpaired from a Myo.
    libmyo_event_connected, ///< A Myo has successfully connected.
    libmyo_event_disconnected, ///< A Myo has been disconnected.
    libmyo_event_arm_recognized, ///< A Myo has recognized that it is now on an arm.
    libmyo_event_arm_lost, ///< A Myo has been moved or removed from the arm.
    libmyo_event_orientation, ///< Orientation data has been received.
    libmyo_event_pose, ///< A change in pose has been detected. @see libmyo_pose_t.
    libmyo_event_rssi, ///< An RSSI value has been received.
} libmyo_event_type_t;

/// Information about an event.
typedef const void* libmyo_event_t;

/// Retrieve the type of an event.
uint32_t libmyo_event_get_type(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the timestamp of an event.
/// @see libmyo_now() for details on timestamps.
uint64_t libmyo_event_get_timestamp(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the Myo associated with an event.
libmyo_myo_t libmyo_event_get_myo(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Components of version.
typedef enum {
    libmyo_version_major,        ///< Major version.
    libmyo_version_minor,        ///< Minor version.
    libmyo_version_patch,        ///< Patch version.
    libmyo_version_hardware_rev, ///< Hardware revision.
} libmyo_version_component_t;

/// Hardware revisions.
typedef enum {
    libmyo_hardware_rev_c = 1, ///< Alpha units
    libmyo_hardware_rev_d = 2, ///< Consumer units
} libmyo_hardware_rev_t;

/// Retrieve the Myo armband's firmware version from this event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_paired and libmyo_event_connected events.
unsigned int libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(libmyo_event_t event, libmyo_version_component_t);

/// Enumeration identifying a right arm or left arm. @see libmyo_event_get_arm().
typedef enum {
    libmyo_arm_right, ///< Myo is on the right arm.
    libmyo_arm_left, ///< Myo is on the left arm.
    libmyo_arm_unknown, ///< Unknown arm.
} libmyo_arm_t;

/// Retrieve the arm associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_recognized events only.
libmyo_arm_t libmyo_event_get_arm(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Possible directions for Myo's +x axis relative to a user's arm.
typedef enum {
    libmyo_x_direction_toward_wrist, ///< Myo's +x axis is pointing toward the user's wrist.
    libmyo_x_direction_toward_elbow, ///< Myo's +x axis is pointing toward the user's elbow.
    libmyo_x_direction_unknown, ///< Unknown +x axis direction.
} libmyo_x_direction_t;

/// Retrieve the x-direction associated with an event.
/// The x-direction specifies which way Myo's +x axis is pointing relative to the user's arm.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_recognized events only.
libmyo_x_direction_t libmyo_event_get_x_direction(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Index into orientation data, which is provided as a quaternion.
/// Orientation data is returned as a unit quaternion of floats, represented as `w + x * i + y * j + z * k`.
typedef enum {
    libmyo_orientation_x = 0, ///< First component of the quaternion's vector part
    libmyo_orientation_y = 1, ///< Second component of the quaternion's vector part
    libmyo_orientation_z = 2, ///< Third component of the quaternion's vector part
    libmyo_orientation_w = 3, ///< Scalar component of the quaternion.
} libmyo_orientation_index;

/// Retrieve orientation data associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// @see libmyo_orientation_index
float libmyo_event_get_orientation(libmyo_event_t event, libmyo_orientation_index index);

/// Retrieve raw accelerometer data associated with an event in units of g.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// Requires `index < 3`.
float libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int index);

/// Retrieve raw gyroscope data associated with an event in units of deg/s.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// Requires `index < 3`.
float libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int index);

/// Retrieve the pose associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_pose events only.
libmyo_pose_t libmyo_event_get_pose(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retreive the RSSI associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_rssi events only.
int8_t libmyo_event_get_rssi(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Return type for event handlers.
typedef enum {
    libmyo_handler_continue, ///< Continue processing events
    libmyo_handler_stop,     ///< Stop processing events
} libmyo_handler_result_t;

/// Callback function type to handle events as they occur from libmyo_run().
typedef libmyo_handler_result_t (*libmyo_handler_t)(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event);

/// Process events and call the provided callback as they occur.
/// Runs for up to approximately \a duration_ms milliseconds or until a called handler returns libmyo_handler_stop.
/// @returns libmyo_success after a successful run, otherwise
///  - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
///  - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a handler is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_run(libmyo_hub_t hub, unsigned int duration_ms, libmyo_handler_t handler, void* user_data,
                           libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"

#endif // MYO_LIBMYO_H


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我刚刚开始使用MYO,我想提一下,我开始试图让它在Cygwin中编译,这是一个非常糟糕的主意。安装程序中没有包含太多导致其失败的内容,更不用说MYO上的设置是针对visual studio的。如果你有能力这样做,我建议安装visual studio并从那里运行所有东西。在我尝试之前我遇到了很多错误,之后它对我来说非常合适。对于你发布后3个月的答案也很抱歉,但我刚开始研究类似的问题。