首先,我为枚举和词典显示了一些简单的示例代码(我知道,我可以将字典值直接集成到enum声明中作为rawValues,但这不是我的问题,我的问题是保存字典NSKeydArchiver - >见下面的函数)
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Enumerations and Dictionaries
// ------------------------------------------------------
enum helloOptions {
case option1
case option2
case option3
enum someOtherEnum {
case green
case red
case blue
var myDictionary01 : Dictionary<helloOptions, String> = [helloOptions.option1 : "Hello", helloOptions.option2 : "Welcome", helloOptions.option3 : "Nice to see you"]
var myDictionary02 : Dictionary<someOtherEnum, Int> = [someOtherEnum.green : 22, someOtherEnum.red : 11, someOtherEnum.blue : 999]
func saveDictionary(myDictionary: Dictionary<helloOptions, AnyObject>, myFileName: String, myDataFolder: DataFolder) -> Bool {
let completeDataPath = makeCompletePathToFile(myFileName, myDataFolder)
let saveSuccess : Bool = NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject(myDictionary, toFile: completeDataPath)
if !saveSuccess {
println("Some problem saving Dictionary")
return saveSuccess
所以我想要一些通用的枚举类型,比如&#34; AnyEnumType&#34;为了以通用方式使用该功能:
func saveDictionary(myDictionary: Dictionary<AnyEnumType, AnyObject>, myFileName: String, myDataFolder: DataFolder) -> Bool {
但是这当然会导致编译错误&#34;使用未声明的类型&#34; AnyEnumType&#34;&#34;
我尝试使用typeAlias,使用TypePlaceholders <T : Hashable>
func saveDictionary(myDictionary: Dictionary<AnyKeyType, AnyObject>, myFileName: String, myDataFolder: DataFolder) -> Bool { ..
通过声明此通用类型&#34; AnyKeyType&#34;遵循协议Hashable,Equitable,... 这使我能够使用String或Enum.Member for Key ???
答案 0 :(得分:0)
protocol EnumType {
typealias RawType
init?(rawValue: RawType)
var rawValue: RawType { get }
enum Hello: String, EnumType {
case Option1 = "Option1"
case Option2 = "Option2"
func toArchivableDictionaryWithEnumerationKeys<E: EnumType, T>(dictionary: Dictionary<E, T>) -> Dictionary<E.RawType, T> {
var result = Dictionary<E.RawType, T>()
// Tried to use reduce here, but couldn't make it work
for (key, value) in dictionary {
result[key.rawValue] = value
return result
func fromArchivedDictionaryWithEnumerationKeys<E: EnumType, T>(dictionary: Dictionary<E.RawType, T>) -> Dictionary<E, T>? {
var result = Dictionary<E, T>()
for (key, value) in dictionary {
if let enumKey = E(rawValue: key) {
result[enumKey] = value
} else {
return nil
return result
let dict = toArchivableDictionaryWithEnumerationKeys([Hello.Option1: "Bob"])
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(dict)
let value = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(data) as Dictionary<String, String>
if let unarchived: Dictionary<Hello, String> = fromArchivedDictionaryWithEnumerationKeys(value) {
// Blah blah
。 Swift中的所有类型都应该大写。你会注意到Swift的设计者虔诚地遵循了这个惯例。你也应该这样做。