
时间:2014-11-10 16:25:10

标签: javascript jquery ajax json


{"username":["Please enter a username"],"email":["Please enter an email"],
"plainPassword":{"first": ["Please enter a password"]},"firstname":
["This value should not be blank."],"lastname":["This value should not be blank."],
"terms":["This value should be true."],"privacy":["This value should be true."],
"captcha":["Code does not match"],"securityQuestion":["This value should not be blank."],
"plainSecurityAnswer":["This value should not be blank."],"intention":
["This value should not be blank."],"addresses":[{"state":["This value should not be blank."],
"city":["This value should not be blank."],"zipcode":["This value should not be blank."],
"country":["This value should not be blank."]}]}

键总是通过以下方式映射到输入字段id:     var id =“fos_user_registration_form_”+ key;


$.each( callback, function( key, entry ) {
    if(key != "addresses" && key != "plainPassword")
         var id = "#fos_user_registration_form_" + key;
         $(id).tooltip({'title': entry});
      }else if(key == "addresses"){
         $.each( entry[0], function( keyAddress, entryAddress ) {
             var id = "#fos_user_registration_form_" + key + "_0_" + keyAddress;
             $(id).tooltip({'title': entryAddress});
       }else if(key == "plainPassword")
           var id= "#fos_user_registration_form_plainPassword_first,#fos_user_registration_form_plainPassword_second";
           $(id).tooltip({'title': entry.first});

它正在工作,但我认为不是很动态,因为我知道在这种情况下,键“address”和“plainPassword”的条目不是字符串,我必须再次迭代它们(这里只在地址上) )。


我想到了类似的东西:while entry!==“string”,迭代条目,因为其中有另一个数组或对象,并构建“id”变量。当字符串字段为“条目”时,请将其用作工具提示文本。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



代码 -

var id_stub = "#fos_user_registration_form_"

// Here's the recursive function - we kick it off below.
function process(thing, id) {
    var key
    for (key in thing) {
        // Handle the arrays
        if ('length' in thing[key]) {

            // Handle the end - we found a string
            if (typeof thing[key][0] == "string") { 
                var html_id = id_stub + id + key
                var err_msg = thing[key][0]

                console.log(html_id, ":", err_msg)

                // Now do your jquery using the html_id and the err_msg...
            // Else we found something else, so recurse.
            else {
                var i = 0;
                while (i < thing[key].length) {
                    process(thing[key][i], key + "_" + i + "_")

        // Handle the objects by recursing.
        else {
            process(thing[key], key + "_")

// Start the recursion from here.
process(callback, "")


#fos_user_registration_form_username : Please enter a username
#fos_user_registration_form_email : Please enter an email
#fos_user_registration_form_plainPassword_first : Please enter a password
#fos_user_registration_form_firstname : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_lastname : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_terms : This value should be true.
#fos_user_registration_form_privacy : This value should be true.
#fos_user_registration_form_captcha : Code does not match
#fos_user_registration_form_securityQuestion : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_plainSecurityAnswer : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_intention : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_addresses_0_state : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_addresses_0_city : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_addresses_0_zipcode : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_addresses_0_country : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_addresses_1_state : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_addresses_1_city : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_addresses_1_zipcode : This value should not be blank.
#fos_user_registration_form_addresses_1_country : This value should not be blank.


答案 1 :(得分:0)

   function isValidationMessage(entry) {
      return entry.length === 1 && typeof entry[0] === 'string';

function displayValidationMessage(key, message){
  var id = "#fos_user_registration_form_" + key;
             $(id).tooltip({'title': message});

function displayValidationMessageForArray(key, entries) {
   for(var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
     $.each(entries[i], function(keyAddress, entryAddress) {
       displayValidationMessage(key + "_i_" + keyAddress, entryAddress);


function displayValidationMessageForObject(key, entries) {
   $.each(entries, function(entry, message) {
     displayValidationMessage(key + "_" +entry, message);

function displayAllValidationMessages(callback) {

    $.each( callback, function( key, entry ) {
        if(isValidationMessage(entry)) {
          displayValidationMessage(key, entry);
        }else if($.isArray(entry)){
           displayValidationMessageForArray(key, entry);
        }else {
           displayValidationMessageForObject(key, entry);

未完全测试,想法是将if else提取为小函数,并尽可能多地重用它们