
时间:2014-11-10 03:15:06

标签: php html mysql


echo "<form action='predictions.php' method='POST'>";
        echo "<h3>" . $date[0] . "</h3>
            <col width='100'>
            <col width='50'>
            <col width='50'>
            <col width='100'>
            <col width='70'>
            <col width='100'>
            <th>Home <br> Team</th>
            <th>Home <br> Score</th>
            <th>Away <br> Score</th>
            <th>Away <br> Team</th>
            <th>Match <br> Time </th>
            <th>First <br> Scorer </th>

        while($row = mysqli_fetch_row($match) and $matchid = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlmatchid)){
            if ($date[0] != $row[3]) {
                    echo "</table>";
                    echo "<hr>";
                    $date[0] = $row[3];
                    echo "<h3>".$date[0]."</h3>
            <col width='100'>
            <col width='50'>
            <col width='50'>
            <col width='100'>
            <col width='70'>
            <col width='100'>
            <th>Home <br> Team</th>
            <th>Home <br> Score</th>
            <th>Away <br> Score</th>
            <th>Away <br> Team</th>
            <th>Match <br> Time </th>
            <th>First <br> Scorer </th>
              echo "<tr>";
              echo "<td>" . $row[0] . "</td>" ?>
              <td> <input id='phs' type='text' name=<?php echo "phs".$matchid['MatchID'] ?> size='1' maxlength='1'> </td>
              <td> <input id='pas' type='text' name=<?php echo "pas".$matchid['MatchID'] ?> size='1' maxlength='1'> </td>
              $smatchid = $matchid['MatchID']; //match id to find scorer
              echo "<td>" . $row[1] . "</td>";
              echo "<td>" . $row[2] . "</td>" ?>
              <td> <select id="scorer" name=<?php echo "scorer".$matchid['MatchID'] ?>>
                    <option>  </option>
            $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT PlayerName 
                                        FROM players, matches
                                        WHERE matches.MatchID = '$smatchid' AND (players.TeamID = matches.HTeamID OR players.TeamID = matches.ATeamID)");
            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)){

                echo "<option> $row[0] </option>";

            </select> </td>;
              echo "</tr>";



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

分号即将到来,因为你已经写了</select> </td>;</td>每次生成分号后的分号。从那里删除它。