PS :我无法使用任何预定义的JavaScript数组元素 - 删除或操纵delete()
答案 0 :(得分:0)
var fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'carrot'], // This is an array of fruits.
deleteFruit = function (name) { // A name of a fruit is an argument.
var i = 0,
newFruits = [];
fruits.forEach(function (fruit) { // It cycles through the list of fruits.
if (fruit !== name) { // If the current fruit is not the argument,
newFruits[i] = fruit; // add the fruit to a new array of fruits.
return newFruits; // Return the new array of fruits.
printFruits = function () {
fruits.forEach(function (fruit) {
exec = function () {
fruits = deleteFruit('apple'); // Set the old array equal to the returned array.
编辑: 添加评论以澄清。那个更好吗?我们的想法是,您可以通过创建一个新的水果数组,添加所有不是已删除水果的水果,并返回该新数组来重新创建splice()方法的功能。
P.S。胡萝卜现在是一种水果。 :)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
//maximum customer on the trampoline is 5
const MAX_CUSTOMERS = 5;
//create new Array
var customerList = new Array();
//add customer
function addCustomer() {
//check max customers
if (customerList.length >= MAX_CUSTOMERS) {
alert('Sorry, no more than ' + String(MAX_CUSTOMERS) + ' customers are allowed on the trampoline.');
} else {
//add new user
var newIndex = customerList.length;
customerList[newIndex] = new Object;
//ask user enter their name
customerList[newIndex].name = prompt('What is the customer\'s name?');
//ask user enter their status
customerList[newIndex].status = prompt('Are you a Child or an Adult?');
//check user is child or adult
while (!(customerList[newIndex].status == 'child' || customerList[newIndex].status == 'adult')) {
customerList[newIndex].status = (
prompt('Error Please Enter \'child\' or \'adult\':'));
//display customers
function displayAllCustomers() {
//create message
var message = '';
//loop customers
for (var i = 0; i < customerList.length; i++) {
//add customer to message
message += customerList[i].name + ', Status: ' + String(customerList[i].status) + '. \n';
//check message
if (message == '') {
message = 'There are no customer to display!';
//output message
//delete last customer
function deleteLastCustomer() {
//check customer list
if (customerList.length > 0) {
//delete last customer
alert('The last customer has been deleted.');
} else {
alert('There are no customer to delete!');
//identify then delete customer
function identifyThenDeleteCustomer() {
//get customer name
var customerName = prompt('Enter the name of the customer to delete:');
//get customer status
var customerStatus = prompt('Enter \'child\' or \'adult\':');
//check customer status
while (!(customerStatus == 'child' || customerStatus == 'adult')) {
customerStatus = prompt('Error - enter \'child\' or \'adult\':');
//delete customer
deleteCustomer(customerName, customerStatus);
//delete customer
function deleteCustomer(aName, aStatus) {
//create new array
var newCustomerList = new Array();
//loop customers
for (var i = 0; i < customerList.length; i++) {
var customer = customerList[i];
//check customer
if ((customer.name != aName) || (customer.status != aStatus)) {
//add new user
var newIndex = newCustomerList.length;
newCustomerList[newIndex] = customer;
//check deleted
if (newCustomerList.length < customerList.length) {
alert('The customer has been deleted.');
} else {
alert('There are no customer to delete!');
//update customer list
customerList = newCustomerList;