
时间:2014-11-04 20:44:15

标签: matlab image-processing colors fft



% Calculate FFT for R , G , B images

I = imread ('lena.jpg'); 

% Extract three images 
Red = I (: , : , 1);
Green = I (: , : , 2);
Blue = I(: , : , 3);

f_r = fftshift (Red); 
F_r = fft2 (f_r); 

f_g = fftshift (Green); 
F_g = fft2 (f_g); 

f_b = fftshift (Blue); 
F_b = fft2 (f_b); 

% Calculate the gaussian filter then find its FFT 
h = fspecial( 'gaussian', [512 512] , 3.0 );
h = fftshift (h); 
H = fft2(h);  % Fourier Transform of 2D Gaussian 

FF_R = H .* F_r ; 

FF_G = H .* F_g; 

FF_B = H .* F_b; 

% This is to get red, green and blue images 
b = zeros(512, 512);

% Inverse IFFT _RED 
Ir = ifftshift(FF_R);
Irr= ifft2 (Ir); 
I_R = fftshift (Irr); 
IFF_R = 1 + log (abs(I_R)); 
figure , imshow (IFF_R , [ ]); 

Con1 = im2uint8(IFF_R); 
just_red_2 = cat(3, Con1, b, b);
figure, imshow (just_red_2); 

% Inverse IFFT _Green 
Ig = ifftshift(FF_G);
Igg= ifft2 (Ig); 
I_G = fftshift (Igg); 
figure , imshow (1+ log(abs(I_G)), [ ]); 
just_green_2 = cat(3, b, I_G, b);
%figure, imshow (1 + log(abs(just_green_2)) ); 

% Inverse IFFT Blue 
Ib = ifftshift(FF_B);
Ibb= ifft2 (Ib); 
I_B = fftshift (Ibb); 
figure , imshow (1+ log(abs(I_B)), [ ]); 
just_blue_2 = cat(3, b,b, I_B);
%figure, imshow (1 + log(abs(just_blue_2)) );

%Combine the three component togather 
%full_image2 = cat (3, FF_R , FF_G , FF_B);
full_image2 = cat (3, just_red_2 (:,:,1) , just_green_2(:,:,2) , just_blue_2(:, :, 3)); 
%full_image2 (: , : , 1) = FF_R (: , : , 1);
%full_image2 (: , : , 2) = FF_G (: , : , 2); 
%full_image2 (: , : , 3) = FF_B (: , : , 3); 
Full = ifft2 ( ifftshift(full_image2));
figure, imshow (Full , [ ])

Final = fftshift(Full); 
figure , imshow ( full_image2 ) 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)



值得注意的是,执行ifft2后可能会有一些残留的虚数值,因此最好使用real来消除虚部。根据你的评论,我制作了一个图形,显示红色,绿色和蓝色组件的色调完整,以及最终模糊的图像在2 x 2窗格中。



% Calculate FFT for R , G , B images

I = imread ('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/24/Lenna.png');

I = double(I); %// Change - cast to double 

% Extract three images 
Red = I (: , : , 1);
Green = I (: , : , 2);
Blue = I(: , : , 3);

% // Change - Transform, then shift
f_r = fft2(Red); 
F_r = fftshift(f_r); 

f_g = fft2(Green); 
F_g = fftshift(f_g);

f_b = fft2(Blue); 
F_b = fftshift(f_b); 

% Calculate the gaussian filter then find its FFT 
h = fspecial( 'gaussian', [512 512] , 3.0 );

%// Change - Filter, then FFT shift
H = fft2(h);  % Fourier Transform of 2D Gaussian 
H = fftshift(H); 

% // Now filter
FF_R = H .* F_r ; 
FF_G = H .* F_g; 
FF_B = H .* F_b; 

%// Change - perform ifftshift, then ifft2, then cast to real
% Inverse IFFT _RED 
Ir = ifftshift(FF_R);
Irr = fftshift(real(ifft2(Ir)));

% Inverse IFFT _Green 
Ig = ifftshift(FF_G);
Igg = fftshift(real(ifft2(Ig)));

% Inverse IFFT _Blue
Ib = ifftshift(FF_B);
Ibb = fftshift(real(ifft2(Ib)));

%// Visualize the red, green and blue components
b = zeros(512, 512, 'uint8');
image_red = cat(3,Irr, b, b);
image_green = cat(3, b, Igg, b);
image_blue = cat(3, b, b, Ibb);

%Combine the three component together
%// Change - Removed fluff
b = uint8(cat(3, Irr, Igg, Ibb));

%// NEW - Display each component as well as the final image in a new figure


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