foreach vendor $vendorList {
set pid [fork]
switch $pid {
-1 {
puts "Fork attempt #$vendor failed."
0 {
puts "I am child process vendor = $vendor ."
$vendor ConnectSSH
exec kill [pid]
default {
lappend pids $pid
puts "The parent just spawned child process #$vendor."
foreach id $pids {
wait $id ;#need to add maximum time to wait
puts "process id $id is done"
puts "all done"
puts "===== Function - Vendor:openConnection ====="
set sid [spawn ssh "$user@$managementIP "]
puts $sid
set sid $spawn_id
set logged_in 0
set retry 0
while {!$logged_in} {
expect -i $sid timeout {
if {$retry < 5} {
puts "retry = $retry"
after 5000
incr retry
} else {
timedout "in while loop"
return -1
} eof {
# for some reason we lost connection to the application.
timedout "spawn failed with eof"
return -1
} "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? " {
exp_send -i $sid -- "yes\r"
} "password" {
exp_send -i $sid -- "$password\r"
exp_send -i $sid -- "\r\r\r"
} "$user" {
set logged_in 1
exp_send -i $sid -- "\r\r"
} "No route to host" {
puts "Failed to open ssh connection. No route to host. Exit."
return -1
} "timed out" {
puts "Failed to open ssh connection. Connection timed out. Exit."
return -1
我从Spawn获得了新的sid,但期望返回&#34;在while循环中#34;似乎是超时。 当不在&#34; fork&#34;一切都很棒。