所以我正在尝试为我们的最终项目(高中)制作游戏,我们最近从VB6转到了新的Visual Basic 2010。但我今天的问题是,当我尝试使用KeyDown事件并从另一个程序调用它时
KeyValue = _5x5_Board_KeyDown(KeyValue)
Public Class _5x5_Board
Dim xpos As Integer
Dim ypos As Integer
Dim Tile(6, 6) As PictureBox
Dim KeyValue As Integer
Private Sub _5x5_Board_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object)
'Test start position (center of the board)
xpos = 3
ypos = 3
'Assisgning all of the picture boxes to the array
'You can ignore this part...
Tile(0, 1) = Tile0_1
Tile(0, 2) = Tile0_2
Tile(0, 3) = Tile0_3
Tile(0, 4) = Tile0_4
Tile(0, 5) = Tile0_5
Tile(1, 0) = Tile1_0
Tile(1, 1) = Tile1_1
Tile(1, 2) = Tile1_2
Tile(1, 3) = Tile1_3
Tile(1, 4) = Tile1_4
Tile(1, 5) = Tile1_5
Tile(1, 6) = Tile1_6
Tile(2, 0) = Tile2_0
Tile(2, 1) = Tile2_1
Tile(2, 2) = Tile2_2
Tile(2, 3) = Tile2_3
Tile(2, 4) = Tile2_4
Tile(2, 5) = Tile2_5
Tile(2, 6) = Tile2_6
Tile(3, 0) = Tile3_0
Tile(3, 1) = Tile3_1
Tile(3, 2) = Tile3_2
Tile(3, 3) = Tile3_3
Tile(3, 4) = Tile3_4
Tile(3, 5) = Tile3_5
Tile(3, 6) = Tile3_6
Tile(4, 0) = Tile4_0
Tile(4, 1) = Tile4_1
Tile(4, 2) = Tile4_2
Tile(4, 3) = Tile4_3
Tile(4, 4) = Tile4_4
Tile(4, 5) = Tile4_5
Tile(4, 6) = Tile4_6
Tile(5, 0) = Tile5_0
Tile(5, 1) = Tile5_1
Tile(5, 2) = Tile5_2
Tile(5, 3) = Tile5_3
Tile(5, 4) = Tile5_4
Tile(5, 5) = Tile5_5
Tile(5, 6) = Tile5_6
Tile(6, 1) = Tile6_1
Tile(6, 2) = Tile6_2
Tile(6, 3) = Tile6_3
Tile(6, 4) = Tile6_4
Tile(6, 5) = Tile6_5
Call GamePlay(xpos, ypos, KeyValue)
End Sub
Private Sub GamePlay(ByRef xpos As Integer, ByRef ypos As Integer, ByRef KeyValue As Integer)
'Sends for answer of the KeyDown event.
'This is the problem bellow
KeyValue = _5x5_Board_KeyDown(KeyValue)
'Decides the position the tile should move to pased on numeric order
Select Case KeyValue
Case Is = 1
xpos = xpos - 1
Case Is = 2
ypos = ypos + 1
Case Is = 3
xpos = xpos + 1
Case Is = 4
ypos = ypos - 1
End Select
'Colours in the new square on the board of the designated tile
Tile(xpos, ypos).Load("H:\Computing\Project\TileJump\TileJump\TileJump\Resources\Select1.bmp")
Loop Until Keys.Escape = True
End Sub
Private Function _5x5_Board_KeyDown(ByRef KeyValue As Integer, ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
'This is to declare the key pressed to a numeric value that is used to declare the new position
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then
KeyValue = 1
'MsgBox("KeyValue is " & KeyValue)
ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then
KeyValue = 2
'MsgBox("KeyValue is " & KeyValue)
ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Down Then
KeyValue = 3
'MsgBox("KeyValue is " & KeyValue)
ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Left Then
KeyValue = 4
'MsgBox("KeyValue is " & KeyValue)
End If
Return KeyValue
End Function
End Class
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