我正在尝试创建一个设置Console标题的类。 我的目的是摆脱"系统(标题"某事")"。 相反,我想使用SetConsoleTitle。 我的问题是我可以在标题中设置我知道的字符串,但我不能使用我的字符串变量。这是我的代码:
int title(string Title){
GetConsoleTitle(szOldTitle, MAX_PATH)
StringCchPrintf(szNewTitle, MAX_PATH, TEXT(Title), szOldTitle);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我终于想到了自己:D 感谢大家的帮助。 对于想要设置控制台标题的每个人,就像我打算测试此代码一样。适合我。比系统快5000倍("标题文字");
bool Title(int buffersizex){
color(1, 1, 1, 1);
COORD top = { 0, 0 };
HANDLE console = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
SetConsoleCursorPosition(console, top);
int flr = 177;
int ln = 179;
char filler = flr;
char line = ln;
int csitze = buffersizex;
string text = "Buble for sorting Arrays";
int lenght = csitze - text.length() + 2;
double free = lenght / 2;
int print = free;
int add = csitze - (print * 2 + text.length() + 2);
for (int z = 0; z < print; z++){ cout << filler; }
cout << line << text << line;
for (int z = 0; z < (print + add); z++){ cout << filler; }
return true;
void TitleSpeedtest(int Checknums){
int starttim;
int endttim;
double runnum = Checknums;
starttim = clock();
for (int n = 0; n <runnum; n++){
title(to_string(clock())); //run my function runnum times
endttim = clock();
double complete = endttim - starttim;
double single = complete / runnum;
cout << "My function needs for changing the title: " << single << " millis" << endl;
int starttim2;
int endttim2;
starttim2 = clock();
for (int n = 0; n <runnum; n++){
system("title %time%"); //run the system version runnum times
endttim2 = clock();
double complete2 = endttim2 - starttim2;
double single2 = complete2 / runnum;
cout << "The system Function needes for the same: " << single2 << " millis" << endl;
double result = complete2 / complete;
cout << "In other Words, the system() function takes: " << result << " times longer than mine"<<endl;
stringstream titl;
titl << "ONLY " << result << "TIMES";