有关VSphere sdk Java Service的信息导出多个对象。

时间:2014-10-30 09:51:14

标签: java vsphere vmware-sdk

目前我正在尝试创建一个vsphere Web服务。我已经导出了所有必要的后端类以及其他一些解析器。我的想法是,我需要扩展DataProviderAdapter,以便从GUI发送和接收信息。问题来了,我对这项技术没有经验。不幸的是,vmware sdk的文档不是很清楚,我仍然迷失了。这个想法是如何根据GUI发送和接收不同的数据。例如,GUI想要显示有关主机的信息,并将该请求发送给我,我需要做什么以及如何做。这是我到目前为止所做的例子:

公共抽象类DataObject实现DataProviderAdapter {

class ResourceType implements ResourceTypeResolver

     * A method parses a given URI and return a String containing the type of 
     * custom object to which the URI pertains. For example, 
     * for a URI that referred to a given custom DataObject object, 
     * the getResourceType() method must return the String “samples:DataObject”.

    public String getResourceType(URI uri)
        return null;

     * The getServerGuid() method parsed a given URI and returns a String containing 
     * the server global unique identifier for the URI target object, if any.
    public String getServerGuid(URI uri)
        return null;
        public DataObject(DataService dataService, ResourceTypeResolverRegistry typeResolverRegistry)
    if (null == dataService || null == typeResolverRegistry)
        throw new NullPointerException("Some of the arguments is null!");

    this.dataService = dataService;

    }catch(UnsupportedOperationException unsupportedOperation)
        logger.warning("ModelObjectUriResolver registration failed:" +  unsupportedOperation.getMessage());


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