
时间:2010-04-18 23:53:09

标签: com


相关: HRESULT: 0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT) question

2 个答案:

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来自Standard COM Errors(至少对于Microsoft Commerce Server):


下表显示了返回的最常见的标准COM错误   通过Commerce Server对象的属性和方法:

Constant    Value (32-bit)  Description
S_OK            00000000    The standard return value used to communicate successful completion.
S_FALSE         00000001    An alternate success value, typically used to communicate successful, but non-standard completion. The precise meaning depends on the method or property in question.
E_UNEXPECTED    8000FFFF    Catastrophic failure error.
E_NOTIMPL       80004001    Not implemented error.
E_OUTOFMEMORY   8007000E    Out of memory error.
E_INVALIDARG    80070057    One or more arguments are not valid error.
E_NOINTERFACE   80004002    Interface not supported error.
E_POINTER       80004003    Pointer not valid error.
E_HANDLE        80070006    Handle not valid error.
E_ABORT         80004004    Operation aborted error.
E_FAIL          80004005    Unspecified error.
E_ACCESSDENIED  80070005    General access denied error.

Com Errors Search Engine

答案 1 :(得分:3)

我从Windows Kits头文件WinError.h获得以下信息:

// MessageText:
// The server threw an exception.
#define RPC_E_SERVERFAULT                _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x80010105L)