
时间:2010-04-18 05:52:40

标签: php cakephp localization


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 首先,设置要使用的区域设置
  2. 为该语言创建一个或多个.po个文件
  3. 使用__()__d()辅助方法
  4. 包裹所有可用于l10n的字符串


    # app/app_controller.php
    uses ( 'L10n' );
    class AppController extends Controller {
      public function beforeFilter() {
         * Derive the desired locale by reading the subdomain from
         * the HTTP_HOST server variable. Locale subdomains can use
         * either the 2 or 3 character ISO code. Information on locale
         * ISO codes is at http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php.
        $this->L10n = new L10n();
        /** Auto-detect the request language settings */
         * Set the default "domain" for translations. The domain is the
         * same as the po file name in a given locale directory. e.g.
         * __d( 'homepage', 'message_id' ) would look for the
         * message_id key in homepage.po. Using the __() convenience
         * function will always look in default.po.
        $this->set( 'domain', 'default' );
      # The rest of your AppController code

    该片段将设置语言。您需要做的就是在.po目录中提供相应的/app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/文件。我认为CakePHP书提供sufficient information on this

    如果您选择仅使用一个.po文件,则将使用__()帮助程序包装字符串。我选择了多个.po文件以避免一个大型文件,因此我使用了__d()帮助器,以便我可以指定哪个域(domain == .po文件的名称而不使用{ {1}}扩展名。)



答案 1 :(得分:0)

CakePHP 3.x本地化



$routes->connect('/locale', ['controller' => ' Users', 'action' => 'languageChange']);


<强> UsersController

use Cake\Http\Session;
use Cake\I18n\I18n;

//Before filter in users controller
public function beforeFilter(\Cake\Event\Event $event)

     * Change language
    public function languageChange()
               if ($this->request->is('post')) {
            $session = $this->getRequest()->getSession();
            if (!empty($this->request->getData('locale'))) {
                $session->write('Config.language', $this->request->getData('locale'));
            } else {
                $session->write('Config.language', I18n::getLocale());


echo $this->Form->create("Localizations", array('url' => '/locale'));
echo $this->Form->radio("locale", [
    ['value' => 'en_US', 'text' => 'English'],
    ['value' => 'de_DE', 'text' => 'German'],
    ['value' => 'fr_FR', 'text' => 'French'],
echo $this->Form->button('Change Language');
echo $this->Form->end();
<h2><?php echo __('Hello'); ?></h2>
<h2><?php echo __('How are you?'); ?></h2>
<h2><?php echo __('Wel Come'); ?></h2>
<h2><?php echo __('Good Job'); ?></h2>
  • 此执行流程
  • 首先调用操作语言更改前enter image description here
  • 然后更改语言选择单选按钮更改语言

<强> AppController的

use Cake\I18n\I18n;
use Cake\Http\Session;
use Cake\Core\Configure;

 public function beforeFilter(Event $event)
        $session = $this->getRequest()->getSession();

        if ($session->check('Config.language')) {
        } else {
            $session->write('Config.language', I18n::getLocale());

在文件中创建此位置 SRC /地点/ EN_US / default.po

msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Hello"

msgid "How are you?"
msgstr "How are you?"

msgid "Wel Come"
msgstr "Wel Come"

msgid "Good Job"
msgstr "Good Job"
  • 的src /地点/ de_DE这个/ default.po

    msgid "Hello"
    msgstr "Hallo"
    msgid "How are you?"
    msgstr "Hoe gaat het met je?"
    msgid "Wel Come"
    msgstr "Wel kom"
    msgid "Good Job"
    msgstr "Goed gedaan"
  • 在boostrap.php中配置

    &#39;会话&#39; =&GT; [             &#39;默认&#39; =&GT; &#39; PHP&#39 ;,             &#39;语言&#39; =&GT; &#39; EN_US&#39;         ]