如何检测嵌套列表的哪个元素已更改? (蟒蛇)

时间:2014-10-28 12:07:03

标签: python list class

我有一个大的2D(列表列表)列表,每个元素都包含一个int,string和dicts列表。我希望能够确定任何修改过的元素的'路径'(例如[2] [3] [2] [“items”] [2]!) 。这个列表很大,可以浏览并查看更改内容!理想情况下,我也想要一个新元素的副本,虽然这可以在以后找到。


class Notify():
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        self.__dict__[name] = value       #Actually assign the value
        print name, value                 #This will tell us when it fires

但是,__setattr__方法仅在设置未被索引(或键)访问的变量时触发,因为这似乎将调用外包给包含的list()/ dict()类而不是我们的类。

>>> test = Notify()
>>> test.var = 1          #This is detected
var 1

>>> test.var = [1,2,3]    #Now let's set it to a list
var [1, 2, 3]             

>>> test.var[0] = 12      #But when we assign a value via an index, it doesn't fire 
>>> test.var
[12, 2, 3]                #However it still assigns the value, so it must be talking to the list itself!


编辑:虽然这个问题Track changes to lists and dictionaries in python?似乎接近我的需要,但仍然没有快乐。不幸的是,我对课程不是很好,需要有人的帮助!

编辑:看了这个Python: Right way to extend list让我觉得继承list可能是一个坏主意。我使用代理类代替了以下代码。然而,最初的问题仍然存在,对嵌套列表的修改不会记录。课堂作文,而不是继承是一个好主意吗?

from UserList import UserList

class NotifyList(UserList):

    def __init__(self, initlist=None):
        self.data = []
        if initlist is not None:
            if type(initlist) is list:
                self.data[:] = initlist
            elif isinstance(initlist, NotifyList):
                self.data[:] = initlist.data[:]
                self.data = list(initlist)

    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
        if type(item) is list:
            self.data[key] = NotifyList(item)
            self.data[key] = item
        print key, item

    def append(self, item):
        if type(item) is list:
        print self.index(item), item

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您需要在(可跟踪的)可跟踪列表列表中创建报告链,其中每个列表都会报告对其父级的修改。在您的NotifyList类中,向构造函数添加父项的参数,以及父项将知道新项的ID的参数 - 当父项是列表时,这将是列表索引:

class NotifyList(UserList):
    def __init__(self, inilist=None, parent=None, id=None):
        self.parent = parent
        self.id = id
        # remainder of __init__()...


def __setitem__(self, key, item):
    if type(item) is list:
        self.data[key] = NotifyList(item, self, str(key)) # Don't forget the new item's parent
        self.data[key] = item
    self.alertParent(str(key), str(item)) # Report up the chain instead of printing


def alertParent(self, key, item):
    strChange = "[{0}] = {1}".format(key, item)
    self.parent.notifyChange(self.id, strChange)


def notifyChange(self, childKey, strChangeInChild):
    strChange = "[{0}]{1}".format(childKey, strChangeInChild)
    self.parent.notifyChange(self.id, strChange)



def alertParent(self, key, item):
    if self.parent is None: # I am the root
        print "[{0}]{1}".format(key, item)
        # remainder of alertParent() shown above...
def notifyChange(self, childKey, strChangeInChild):
    if self.parent is None: # I am the root
        self.alertParent(childKey, strChangeInChild) # Actually just prints a change msg
        # remainder of notifyChange() shown above...

我编写了这个代码,完整版本可用here [Google Doc](关于我上面提到的内容,有一些简单的错误修复)。在行动:

>>> from test import NotifyList
>>> top = NotifyList([0]*3, None, None) # Now we have [0 0 0]
>>> print top
NList-[0, 0, 0]

>>> top[0] = NotifyList([0]*3, top, 0) # Now we have [ [0 0 0]  0  0 ]
[0] = NList-[0, 0, 0] #-------------- The tracking msg is fired

>>> print top
NList-[<test.NotifyList object at 0x0000000002163320>, 0, 0]

>>> top[0][1] = NotifyList([0]*3, top[0], 1) # Now we have [ [[0 0 0] 0 0]  0  0 ]
[0][1] = NList-[0, 0, 0] #----------- The tracking msg fired again

>>> top[0][1][2] = "this is a string" # Now we have [ [[0 0 "this is a string] 0 0]  0  0 ]
[0][1][2] = this is a string #------- And another tracking msg

>>> print top[0][1][2]
this is a string

>>> print top[0][1]
NList-[0, 0, 'this is a string']

答案 1 :(得分:0)


>>> import jsonfile
>>> class Notify(jsonfile.JSONFileRoot):
...   def on_change(self):
...     print(f'notify: {self.data}')
>>> test = Notify()
>>> test.data = 1
notify: 1
>>> test.data = [1,2,3]
notify: [1, 2, 3]
>>> test.data[0] = 12
notify: [12, 2, 3]
>>> test.data[1] = {"a":"b"}
notify: [12, {'a': 'b'}, 3]
>>> test.data[1]["a"] = 20
notify: [12, {'a': 20}, 3]