how to upload image in cakephp2.5+ and store it in webroot folder
echo $this->Form->input('varbigimg', array('type' => 'file'));
这是我在视图文件中的添加图片 如果我在edit.ctp中写相同,那么它将不会显示名称。它会再次询问浏览图像。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
var $components=array('ImageResize');
$newFile = ROOT_PATH.'webroot/courseImages/thumb/'.$fileName;
$image = new ImageResizeComponent();
$quality = 100; // image resize for thumb
$height = 40;
$width = 60;
$this->ImageResize->resize($oldFile, $newFile, 60,60,$quality);
制作文件夹here webroot/courseImages/thumb/
// <强>更新 要在“编辑”屏幕上显示图像:
<img src="app/webroot/courseImages/thumb/<?php echo $this->request->data['Tour']['varbigimg'];?>"
作为$ this-&gt; request-&gt; data [&#39; Tour&#39;] [&#39; varbigimg&#39;];存储图像名称。小图像具有相同名称并上传到仅差异文件夹,您只需要将Thumb图像路径追加到img
class ImageResizeComponent extends Object {
public $name = 'Image';
private $__errors = array();
function initialize(){}
function beforeRedirect(){}
function startup(){}
function beforeRender(){}
function shutdown(){}
// The above functions should be mandatory while using a component.
* Determines image type, calculates scaled image size, and returns resized image. If no width or height is
* specified for the new image, the dimensions of the original image will be used, resulting in a copy
* of the original image.
* @param string $original absolute path to original image file
* @param string $new_filename absolute path to new image file to be created
* @param integer $new_width (optional) width to scale new image (default 0)
* @param integer $new_height (optional) height to scale image (default 0)
* @param integer $quality quality of new image (default 100, resizePng will recalculate this value)
* @access public
* @return returns new image on success, false on failure. use ImageComponent::getErrors() to get an array
* of errors on failure
public function resize($original, $new_filename, $new_width = 0, $new_height = 0, $quality = 100) {
if(!($image_params = getimagesize($original))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'Original file is not a valid image: ' . $orignal;
return false;
$width = $image_params[0];
$height = $image_params[1];
if(0 != $new_width && 0 == $new_height) {
$scaled_width = $new_width;
$scaled_height = floor($new_width * $height / $width);
} elseif(0 != $new_height && 0 == $new_width) {
$scaled_height = $new_height;
$scaled_width = floor($new_height * $width / $height);
} elseif(0 == $new_width && 0 == $new_height) { //assume we want to create a new image the same exact size
$scaled_width = $width;
$scaled_height = $height;
} else { //assume we want to create an image with these exact dimensions, most likely resulting in distortion
if ($width > $height) {
$percentage = ($new_width / $width);
} else {
$percentage = ($new_width / $height);
//gets the new value and applies the percentage, then rounds the value
$scaled_width = round($width * $percentage);
$scaled_height = round($height * $percentage);
/*$scaled_width = $width;
$scaled_height = $height;
if ($width == 0 || $height == 0) {
$scaled_width= $new_width;
$scaled_height = $new_width;
else if ($width > $height) {
if ($width > $new_width) $scaled_width = $new_width;
else {
if ($height > $new_height) $scaled_height = $new_height;
//create image
$ext = $image_params[2];
switch($ext) {
$return = $this->__resizeGif($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality);
$return = $this->__resizeJpeg($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality);
$return = $this->__resizePng($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality);
$return = $this->__resizeJpeg($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality);
return $return;
/* Function getErrors
* @param void
* @return error
public function getErrors() {
return $this->__errors;
/*Function __resizeGif
* @param $original
* @param $new_filename
* @param $scaled_width
* @param $scaled_height
* @param $width
* @param $height
* @return bool
private function __resizeGif($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height) {
$error = false;
if(!($src = imagecreatefromgif($original))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your resized image (gif).';
$error = true;
if(!($tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($scaled_width, $scaled_height))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (gif).';
$error = true;
if(!imagecopyresampled($tmp, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height)) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (gif).';
$error = true;
if(!($new_image = imagegif($tmp, $new_filename))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error writing your image to file (gif).';
$error = true;
if(false == $error) {
return $new_image;
return false;
/*Function __resizeJpeg
* @param $original
* @param $new_filename
* @param $scaled_width
* @param $scaled_height
* @param $width
* @param $height
* @param $quality
* @return bool
private function __resizeJpeg($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality) {
$error = false;
//echo ">>>".$scaled_width.">>>>".$scaled_height.">>>".$width.">>>".$height; die;
if(!($src = imagecreatefromjpeg($original))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your resized image (jpg).';
$error = true;
if(!($tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($scaled_width, $scaled_height))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (jpg).';
$error = true;
if(!imagecopyresampled($tmp, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height)) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (jpg).';
$error = true;
if(!($new_image = imagejpeg($tmp, $new_filename, $quality))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error writing your image to file (jpg).';
$error = true;
if(false == $error) {
return $new_image;
return false;
/* Function __resizePng - resize a png image
* @param $original
* @param $new_filename
* @param $scaled_width
* @param $scaled_height
* @param $width
* @param $height
* @param $quality
* @return bool
private function __resizePng($original, $new_filename, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height, $quality) {
$error = false;
* we need to recalculate the quality for imagepng()
* the quality parameter in imagepng() is actually the compression level,
* so the higher the value (0-9), the lower the quality. this is pretty much
* the opposite of how imagejpeg() works.
$quality = ceil($quality / 10); // 0 - 100 value
if(0 == $quality) {
$quality = 9;
} else {
$quality = ($quality - 1) % 9;
if(!($src = imagecreatefrompng($original))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your resized image (png).';
$error = true;
if(!($tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($scaled_width, $scaled_height))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (png).';
$error = true;
imagealphablending($tmp, false);
if(!imagecopyresampled($tmp, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $scaled_width, $scaled_height, $width, $height)) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error creating your true color image (png).';
$error = true;
imagesavealpha($tmp, true);
if(!($new_image = imagepng($tmp, $new_filename, $quality))) {
$this->__errors[] = 'There was an error writing your image to file (png).';
$error = true;
if(false == $error) {
return $new_image;
return false;