我正在准备一篇关于内维尔算法如何作为数值分析类的分配的简短介绍,因为它是计算机科学中广泛用于通过几个控制点进行插值的算法,我认为实现它是一个好主意用于演示。现在,我选择了4个控制点(使用Processing语言),这就是我得到的:bijective polynome
//Draggable is the class which defines x,y and r of a point and contains methods Draggable::coordx() and Draggable::coordy()
//for fetching x and y of a point, nizd below is an array of points, consider them to be already set on stage when Neville() is called
Draggable[] nizd = new Draggable[4];
float[][] P = new float[4][4]; //matrix used for dynamic solution
void Neville () {
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) //this is where point are sorted according
for (int j=i+1; j<4; j++) //to their x-coordinate in ascending order
if (nizd[j].coordx()<nizd[i].coordx()) { //just in case they overlap
Draggable temp = nizd[i]; //if I haven't done it, polynome would just
nizd[i] = nizd[j]; //not be plotted between not sorted points
nizd[j] = temp; //and that's what I don't want
float pretx, prety; // variables used for memorizing coordinates of a previous pixel
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) //setting the first column of the matrix with known y-coordinates
P[i][0] = nizd[i].coordy();
pretx = nizd[0].coordx();
prety = nizd[0].coordy();
for (int x = nizd[0].coordx(); x<= nizd[3].coordx(); x++) { //loop that calculates the matrix P for every pixel between all 4 points
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
P[i][j] = ((x*1.0 - nizd[i - j].coordx())*(P[i][j - 1])
- (x*1.0 - nizd[i].coordx())*(P[i - 1][j - 1]))/(nizd[i].coordx()*1.0 - nizd[i - j].coordx());
line (pretx, prety, x, P[3][4]);
pretx = x;
prety = P[3][5];