
时间:2014-10-23 22:17:08

标签: dart dart-polymer


<polymer-element name="content-editable" attributes="value">
    <div contenteditable="true" on-input="{{updateValue}} id="#editor">{{value}}</div>
  <script type="application/dart" src="content_editable.dart"></script>


class ContentEditable {
  @published String value;
  ContentEditable.created(); : super.created();

  // This event handler is called every time the content of #editor changes.
  void updateValue(event, detail, sender) {
    // This code will update [value] -- which will then overwrite the contents of #editor!
    // That will reset the cursor position and other undesired behaviors.
    value = sender.text


Model model;
void updateValue(event, detail, sender) {
  // This code tells everyone watching for changes on Model.value that its value has changed,
  // but it will NOT cause the template to re-render the value for #editor.
  model.valueView = sender.text;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这是 解决方案,我讨价还价。鉴于其尴尬和对实验性聚合物功能的依赖,我希望它不是“解决方案”:


<polymer-element name="content-editable" attributes="value">
    <div contenteditable="true" on-input="{{updateValue}} id="#editor">
      <!-- use Polymer's _experimental_ one time binding syntax -->
  <script type="application/dart" src="content_editable.dart"></script>


class ContentEditable {
  @published String value;
  ContentEditable.created(); : super.created();

  void attached() {
    var editor = $['editor'];
    // v == List<PropertyChangeRecord>
    // expand the list so that where is called once per PropertyChangeRecord
    // this comment exists only for StackOverflow readers!
    this.changes.expand((v) => v).where((pcr) => pcr.name == #value).listen((pcr) {
      // An outside source updated value; naively repopulate editor content.
      if (editor.text != pcr.newValue) { editor.text = pcr.newValue; }

  void updateValue(event, detail, sender) {
    value = sender.text
