致命错误:在C:\ Program Files \ EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC9 \ data \ localweb \ openfit-7.x-1.1 \ includes \ database \ database.inc上超过30秒的最长执行时间第2135行
用谷歌搜索并发送给我: 的 https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!database!database.inc/function/DatabaseStatementBase%3A%3Aexecute/7第2135行读, $ return = parent :: execute($ args);
完整代码: 这是代码:我在哪里更改它?
public function execute($args = array(), $options = array()) {
if (isset($options['fetch'])) {
if (is_string($options['fetch'])) {
// Default to an object. Note: db fields will be added to the object
// before the constructor is run. If you need to assign fields after
// the constructor is run, see http://drupal.org/node/315092.
$this->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $options['fetch']);
else {
$logger = $this->dbh->getLogger();
if (!empty($logger)) {
$query_start = microtime(TRUE);
$return = parent::execute($args);
if (!empty($logger)) {
$query_end = microtime(TRUE);
$logger->log($this, $args, $query_end - $query_start);
return $return;