// Form Directive markup, which just has an isolated scope to content fetched
// from the server, and handles submission of the form in linker
some directive markup...
<form name="mainForm" role="form"
ng-submit="submit( mainForm.$valid )"
<tab title="Tab 1">
List of subforms using ngForm.
<tab title="Tab 2">
Review validated form, otherwise disabled.
<tab title="Options"
menu="{{[{ name: 'Save form', action: '...' }]}}"></tab>
...some more directive markup
我无法弄清楚如何将type =“dropdown”传递到父标签以将其设置为下拉列表。这在编译后很好地发生,因此不确定如何操作tabs指令。我似乎已经禁用了工作,虽然它是强制在标签2上的黑客,不知道如何解决。
// Tabs Directive
.directive('tabs', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: '/app/components/form-tabs/formtabs.html',
scope: true,
transclude: true,
require: '^form',
link: function( $scope, $element, $attribs, formCtrl ) {
$scope.formCtrl = formCtrl; // reference to main form directive
controller: "TabsController",
controllerAs: "tabsCtrl"
// Tabs template
<div class="tab-container">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<li ng-repeat="tab in tabs"
ng-class="{ active: isSelectedTab( $index ), disabled: isDisabledTab( $index ) }">
<a href ng-click="selectTab( $index )"
<div ng-transclude></div>
// Tabs Controller
.controller('TabsController', ['$scope', function( $scope ) {
var self = this;
var currIndex = 0;
$scope.tabs = [];
self.registerTab = function( title, type, scope ) {
// What do I do with type? How else would I do this?
// Set default selected tab
if( $scope.tabs.length === 0 ) {
scope.selected = true;
else {
scope.selected = false;
$scope.tabs.push( { title: title, scope: scope } );
$scope.selectTab = function( index ) {
// Check tab is not disabled
if( $scope.tabs[ index ].scope.disabled !== true ) {
currIndex = index;
for( var ndx = 0; ndx < $scope.tabs.length; ndx++ ) {
$scope.tabs[ ndx ].scope.selected = (currIndex === ndx);
$scope.isSelectedTab = function( index ) {
return (currIndex === index);
$scope.isDisabledTab = function( index ) {
// Enable/disable second tab only
if( index === 1 ) {
// Check if form is invalid
var isInvalid = !$scope.formCtrl.$invalid;
// Set tab disabled value, and return
$scope.tabs[1].scope.disabled = isInvalid;
return isInvalid;
else {
return false; // otherwise always enabled
// Tab Directive
.directive('tab', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div ng-show="selected" ng-transclude></div>',
require: '^tabs',
scope: true,
transclude: true,
compile: function( $element, $attrs ) {
// Remove attribute from child
return function( $scope, $element, $attrs, tabsCtrl ) {
// Extract dropdown tabs and push onto tab scope
if( $attrs.type === 'dropdown' ) {
$scope.dropdown = angular.fromJson( $attrs.menu );
tabsCtrl.registerTab( $attrs.title, $scope );
<tab title="Tab 1">
<tab title="Tab 2">
Disabled till form valid.
<tab title="Tab Dropdown" type="dropdown"></tab>
更新 我推高了属性,并在ngRepeat中构建了不同的标签。关于如何让它更光滑的任何建议?否则,它会起作用。
// Tabs Directive
<div class="tab-container">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<li ng-repeat="tab in tabs"
ng-class="{ 'active': isSelectedTab( $index ),
'disabled': isDisabledTab( $index ),
'dropdown pull-right' : tab.scope.dropdown }">
<!-- Default tab -->
<a href ng-click="selectTab( $index )"
<!-- Dropdown tab -->
<a href class="dropdown-toggle"
<span ng-bind="tab.title"></span>
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu"
<li ng-repeat="menu in tab.scope.dropdown">
<a href ng-bind="menu.name"></a>
<!-- Tab pane content -->
<div ng-transclude></div>