#Input data structure
data = as.data.frame(cbind(rbind("Sample1","Sample1","Sample2","Sample2","Sample2"),rbind("A","A","C","C","C"), rbind("A","T","C","C","C"),
rbind("A",NA,"C","C","C"), rbind("A","A","C","C","C"), rbind("A","T","C","C",NA), rbind("A","A","C","C","C"),
rbind("A","A","C","C","C"), rbind("A",NA,"C","T","T"), rbind("A","A","C","C","C"), rbind("A","A","C","C","C")))
colnames(data) = c("SampleID", "Test1","Test2","Test3","Test4","Test5","Test6","Test7","Test8","Test9","Test10")
data.split = split(data, data$SampleID)
##Row comparison function
#Input is a list of data frames. Each data frame contains results for replicates of the same sample.
RowCompare = function(x){
rowcount = nrow(x)
##compare row 1 to row 2
##paste sample names being compared together
##how many non-NA values overlap, keep value
##of those that overlap, how many match, keep value
##of those that overlap, how many do not match, keep value
##compare row 1 to row 2
##paste sample names being compared together
##how many non-NA values overlap, keep value
##of those that overlap, how many match, keep value
##of those that overlap, how many do not match, keep value
##compare row 1 to row 3
##paste sample names being compared together
##how many non-NA values overlap, keep value
##of those that overlap, how many match, keep value
##of those that overlap, how many do not match, keep value
##compare row 2 to row 3
##paste sample names being compared together
##how many non-NA values overlap, keep value
##of those that overlap, how many match, keep value
##of those that overlap, how many do not match, keep value
#Output is a list of data frames - one for sample name
out = lapply(names(data.split), function(x) RowCompare(data.split[[x]]))
#Row bind the list of data frames back together to one large data frame
out.merge = do.call(rbind.data.frame, out)
#Desired output
out.merge = as.data.frame(cbind(rbind("Sample1.1_Sample1.2","Sample2.1_Sample2.2","Sample2.1_Sample2.3","Sample2.2_Sample2.3"),rbind("Match","Match","Match","Match"),
rbind("Mismatch","Match","Match","Match"), rbind(NA,"Match","Match","Match"), rbind("Match","Match","Match","Match"), rbind("Mismatch","Match",NA,NA),
rbind("Match","Match","Match","Match"), rbind("Match","Match","Match","Match"), rbind(NA,"Mismatch","Mismatch","Match"), rbind("Match","Match","Match","Match"),
rbind("Match","Match","Match","Match"), rbind(8,10,9,9), rbind(6,9,8,8), rbind(2,1,1,1)))
colnames(out.merge) = c("SampleID", "Test1","Test2","Test3","Test4","Test5","Test6","Test7","Test8","Test9","Test10", "Num_Overlap", "Num_Match","Num_Mismatch")
答案 0 :(得分:1)
testCols <- which(grepl("^Test\\d+",colnames(data)))
##how many non-NA values overlap
overlaps <- sum(!is.na(x) & !is.na(y))
##of those that overlap, how many match
matches <- sum(x==y, na.rm=T)
##of those that overlap, how many do not match
non_matches <- overlaps - matches # complement of matches
RowCompare= function(x){
comp <- NULL
pairs <- t(combn(nrow(x),2))
for(i in 1:nrow(pairs)){
row_a <- pairs[i,1]
row_b <- pairs[i,2]
a_tests <- x[row_a,testCols]
b_tests <- x[row_b,testCols]
comp <- rbind(comp, c(row_a, row_b, TestsCompare(a_tests, b_tests)))
colnames(comp) <- c("row_a","row_b","overlaps","matches","non_matches")
out = lapply(data.split, RowCompare)
> out
row_a row_b overlaps matches non_matches
[1,] 1 2 8 6 2
row_a row_b overlaps matches non_matches
[1,] 1 2 10 9 1
[2,] 1 3 9 8 1
[3,] 2 3 9 9 0