
时间:2014-10-20 17:24:24

标签: vb.net winforms picturebox rect


因此,例如,用户从一个1920 x 680图像(picturebox.right,picturebox.bottom)的左上角(0,0)到右下角绘制一个rect,文本框将显示(1920,680) )为终点。这主要是比例的东西。

我使用上一个问题(Having trouble drawing simple rectangle in picturebox)的答案中的代码来绘制它。

问题:该框不会跟随鼠标,因为图像必须在拉伸模式下完成。它们通常很大(如1920 x 680),并且不适合常规的gui。有多种分辨率,因此必须采用动态比率。如果不进行编辑,此代码在正常模式下运行良好,但这对可用性不起作用。因此,当您绘制框时,它非常小而且与鼠标无关(因此我无法在文本框中显示结束点)。

这是我的意思的一个例子。我把鼠标拖到图像的中间: enter image description here


    Private Sub DrawRectangle(ByVal pnt As Point)

        Dim g As Graphics

        g = Graphics.FromImage(img)

        g.DrawImage(imgClone, 0, 0) 'we are clearing img with imgClone. imgClone contains the original image without the rectangles

        Dim w_ratio As Integer = Math.Floor(img.Width / pbZoneImage.Width)
        Dim h_ratio As Integer = Math.Floor(img.Height / pbZoneImage.Height)
        Dim customPen As New Pen(currentColor, 5)

        'If pnt.X = mouse_Down.X Or pnt.Y = mouse_Down.Y Then
        '    g.DrawLine(customPen, mouse_Down.X, mouse_Down.Y, pnt.X * w_ratio, pnt.Y * h_ratio)

        theRectangle = New Rectangle(Math.Min(mouse_Down.X, pnt.X * w_ratio), Math.Min(mouse_Down.Y, pnt.Y * h_ratio),
                    Math.Abs(mouse_Down.X - pnt.X * w_ratio), Math.Abs(mouse_Down.Y - pnt.Y * h_ratio))

        g.DrawRectangle(customPen, theRectangle)

        'End If


        pbZoneImage.Invalidate() 'draw img to picturebox

    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

End Sub



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这可以通过多种方式完成,但最简单的方法是使用带有 SizeMode = Normal 图片框。加载图片:

img = New Bitmap(pbZoneImage.Width, pbZoneImage.Height)

imgClone = My.Resources.... 'real dimensions

Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(img)

'it will scale the image, no need for stretch mode
g.DrawImage(imgClone, 0, 0, pbZoneImage.Width, pbZoneImage.Height)


pbZoneImage.Image = img


Private Sub DrawRectangle(ByVal pnt As Point)

    Dim g As Graphics

    g = Graphics.FromImage(img)

    g.DrawImage(imgClone, 0, 0, pbZoneImage.Width, pbZoneImage.Height) 'we are clearing img with imgClone. imgClone contains the original image without the rectangles

    Dim customPen As New Pen(currentColor, 5)

    'If pnt.X = mouse_Down.X Or pnt.Y = mouse_Down.Y Then
    '    g.DrawLine(customPen, mouse_Down.X, mouse_Down.Y, pnt.X * w_ratio, pnt.Y * h_ratio)

    theRectangle = New Rectangle(Math.Min(mouse_Down.X, pnt.X), Math.Min(mouse_Down.Y, pnt.Y),
                Math.Abs(mouse_Down.X - pnt.X), Math.Abs(mouse_Down.Y - pnt.Y))

    g.DrawRectangle(customPen, theRectangle)

    'End If


    pbZoneImage.Invalidate() 'draw img to picturebox

    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

End Sub

mouse up event比例获得正确的结果:

Private Sub pbZoneImage_MouseUp(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pbZoneImage.MouseUp
    Dim width, height As Integer

    width = CInt(Math.Abs(mouse_Down.X - e.X) * (imgClone.Width / pbZoneImage.Width))
    height = CInt(Math.Abs(mouse_Down.Y - e.Y) * (imgClone.Height / pbZoneImage.Height))

    TextBox1.Text = width.ToString + " " + height.ToString
End Sub