from tkinter import *
m_label1="Menu 1"
dd1_label1="Option 1"
dd1_label2="Option 2"
m_label2 = "Menu 2"
dd2_label1 = "Option 1"
dd2_label2 = "Option 2"
def function1():
textarea.delete(0.0, END)
textarea.insert(END, "You have selected menu option 1")
def function2():
textarea.delete(0.0, END)
textarea.insert(END, "Now you have selected menu option 2")
def englishmenu():
global m_label1
global dd1_label1
global dd1_label2
global m_label2
global dd2_label1
global dd2_label2
m_label1 = "Menu 1"
dd1_label1 = "Option 1"
dd1_label2 = "Option 2"
m_label2 = "Menu 2"
dd2_label1 = "Option 1"
dd2_label2 = "Option 2"
def frenchmenu():
global m_label1
global dd1_label1
global dd1_label2
global m_label2
global dd2_label1
global dd2_label2
m_label1 = "Carte 1"
dd1_label1 = "Choix 1"
dd1_label2 = "Choix 2"
m_label2 = "Carte 2"
dd2_label1 = "Choix 1"
dd2_label2 = "Choix 2"
window = Tk()
# create a toplevel menu
menubar = Menu(window)
firstmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
firstmenu.add_command(label=dd1_label1, command=function1)
firstmenu.add_command(label=dd1_label2, command=window.destroy)
menubar.add_cascade(label=m_label1, menu=firstmenu)
secondmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
secondmenu.add_command(label=dd2_label1, command=function2)
secondmenu.add_command(label=dd2_label2, command=window.destroy)
menubar.add_cascade(label=m_label2, menu=secondmenu)
textarea = Text(window, width=35, height=10, wrap=WORD, bg="lightblue")
textarea.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky = W)
english = Button(window, width = 5, text="English", command=englishmenu)
english.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
french = Button(window, width = 5, text="French", command=frenchmenu)
french.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W)
编辑: 我已经意识到一些错误,主要是菜单没有使用新名称重新创建,因此我尝试删除菜单,然后使用菜单标签的更新变量重新创建菜单。仍然没有工作,但我想我越来越近了:
from tkinter import *
m_label1="Menu 1"
dd1_label1="Option 1"
dd1_label2="Option 2"
m_label2 = "Menu 2"
dd2_label1 = "Option 1"
dd2_label2 = "Option 2"
def function1():
textarea.delete(0.0, END)
textarea.insert(END, "You have selected menu option 1")
def function2():
textarea.delete(0.0, END)
textarea.insert(END, "Now you have selected menu option 2")
def englishmenu():
global m_label1
global dd1_label1
global dd1_label2
global m_label2
global dd2_label1
global dd2_label2
m_label1 = "Menu 1"
dd1_label1 = "Option 1"
dd1_label2 = "Option 2"
m_label2 = "Menu 2"
dd2_label1 = "Option 1"
dd2_label2 = "Option 2"
def frenchmenu():
global m_label1
global dd1_label1
global dd1_label2
global m_label2
global dd2_label1
global dd2_label2
m_label1 = "Carte 1"
dd1_label1 = "Choix 1"
dd1_label2 = "Choix 2"
m_label2 = "Carte 2"
dd2_label1 = "Choix 1"
dd2_label2 = "Choix 2"
def menucreate():
global menubar
global firstmenu
global secondmenu
menubar = Menu(window)
firstmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
firstmenu.add_command(label=dd1_label1, command=function1)
firstmenu.add_command(label=dd1_label2, command=window.destroy)
menubar.add_cascade(label=m_label1, menu=firstmenu)
secondmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
secondmenu.add_command(label=dd2_label1, command=function2)
secondmenu.add_command(label=dd2_label2, command=window.destroy)
menubar.add_cascade(label=m_label2, menu=secondmenu)
window = Tk()
textarea = Text(window, width=35, height=10, wrap=WORD, bg="lightblue")
textarea.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky = W)
english = Button(window, width = 5, text="English", command=englishmenu)
english.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
french = Button(window, width = 5, text="French", command=frenchmenu)
french.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
#function to change text
def frenchmenu():
menubar.entryconfigure(1, label="Carte 1")
firstmenu.entryconfigure(0, label="Choix 1")
firstmenu.entryconfigure(1, label="Choix 2")
menubar.entryconfigure(2, label="Carte 2")
secondmenu.entryconfigure(0, label="Choix 1")
secondmenu.entryconfigure(1, label="Choix 2")
#button code
french = Button(window, width = 5, text="French", command=frenchmenu)
french.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W)
from tkinter import *
def function1():
textarea.delete(0.0, END)
textarea.insert(END, "You have selected menu option 1")
def function2():
textarea.delete(0.0, END)
textarea.insert(END, "Now you have selected menu option 2")
def englishmenu():
menubar.entryconfigure(1, label="Menu 1")
firstmenu.entryconfigure(0, label="Option 1")
firstmenu.entryconfigure(1, label="Option 2")
menubar.entryconfigure(2, label="Menu 2")
secondmenu.entryconfigure(0, label="Option 1")
secondmenu.entryconfigure(1, label="Option 2")
def frenchmenu():
menubar.entryconfigure(1, label="Carte 1")
firstmenu.entryconfigure(0, label="Choix 1")
firstmenu.entryconfigure(1, label="Choix 2")
menubar.entryconfigure(2, label="Carte 2")
secondmenu.entryconfigure(0, label="Choix 1")
secondmenu.entryconfigure(1, label="Choix 2")
window = Tk()
#create menu
menubar = Menu(window)
firstmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
firstmenu.add_command(label="Option 1", command=function1)
firstmenu.add_command(label="Option 2", command=window.destroy)
menubar.add_cascade(label="Menu 1", menu=firstmenu)
secondmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
secondmenu.add_command(label="Option 1", command=function2)
secondmenu.add_command(label="Option 2", command=window.destroy)
menubar.add_cascade(label="Menu 2", menu=secondmenu)
textarea = Text(window, width=35, height=10, wrap=WORD, bg="lightblue")
textarea.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky = W)
english = Button(window, width = 5, text="English", command=englishmenu)
english.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
french = Button(window, width = 5, text="French", command=frenchmenu)
french.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W)