<div class="Something" data-change="TOBECHANGED">Test</div>
目前,我正在做 f“然后; 然后 ci”。我意识到我可以搜索和替换,但这不是我感兴趣的。
然后发生了我应该能够做的事情,比如 c2i“(改变第二个)。这不起作用 - 这可能吗?如果是这样,那么正确的语法是什么?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
" af{c}, if{c} a / inner [count]'th next {c} text object in the current
" line.
" aF{c}, iF{c} a / inner [count]'th previous {c} text object in the
" current line.
" For example, "dif(" would go to the next "()" pair and
" delete its contents.
" Source: Steve Losh, https://bitbucket.org/sjl/dotfiles/src/tip/vim/.vimrc
function! s:NextTextObject( scope, isBackward )
let l:char = ingo#query#get#Char()
if empty(l:char) | return | endif
let l:save_cursor = getpos('.')
let l:direction = (a:isBackward ? 'F' : 'f')
" Special case for "tag" text object.
let l:findChar = tr(l:char, 't', '>')
let l:nextTextObject = l:direction . l:findChar . 'v' . a:scope . l:char
" To handle [count], we can't just prepend it to the f / F command, as
" depending on the text object, there can be two identical delimiters that
" need to be skipped (e.g. in i", but not in i[). Instead, select each text
" object in turn, and then repeat at the corresponding border.
let l:count = v:count1
while l:count > 1
let l:cursor = getpos('.')
execute 'normal!' l:nextTextObject . "\<Esc>" .
\ (a:isBackward ? 'g`<' . (a:scope ==# 'i' ? "\<Left>" : '') : '')
if l:cursor == getpos('.')
call cursor(l:save_cursor[1:2])
execute "normal! \<C-\>\<C-n>\<Esc>" | " Beep.
let l:count -= 1
execute 'normal!' l:nextTextObject
if mode() ==# 'n'
call cursor(l:save_cursor[1:2])
execute "normal! \<C-\>\<C-n>\<Esc>" | " Beep.
onoremap <silent> af :<C-u>call <SID>NextTextObject('a', 0)<CR>
xnoremap <silent> af :<C-u>call <SID>NextTextObject('a', 0)<CR>
onoremap <silent> if :<C-u>call <SID>NextTextObject('i', 0)<CR>
xnoremap <silent> if :<C-u>call <SID>NextTextObject('i', 0)<CR>
onoremap <silent> aF :<C-u>call <SID>NextTextObject('a', 1)<CR>
xnoremap <silent> aF :<C-u>call <SID>NextTextObject('a', 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent> iF :<C-u>call <SID>NextTextObject('i', 1)<CR>
xnoremap <silent> iF :<C-u>call <SID>NextTextObject('i', 1)<CR>
注意:这需要我的ingo-library plugin。